She's back

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Nazli knocked on secretary's room's door and went inside. But instead of her dad's secretary, a young boy was sitting on the couch: I'm sorry, where is Neslihan hanim?
Yiğit immediately recognized Nazli. He already saw her photo on Kaya's desk. However, even if he hadn't seen her photo, it was so easy to notice that this is Ender's daughter.
He smiled and stood up: Hi! I'm Yiğit. Your father's new assistant. You must me Nazli hanim, right?
Then he reached his hand.
Nazli smiled and grabbed his hand: Oh hi! Yes I am. Nice to meet you!
Y: You're here to see your dad I suppose.
N: Yeah. I was going to ask if he's alone or not from Neslihan hanim.
Y: Well he's in a meeting now. But I can tell him that you're here if you want to.
N: No no! It's fine I can wait.
Yiğit pointed at the couch and said: Okay then please sit here. What can I get you to drink Nazli hanim?
Nazli smiled: Oh please just call me Nazli. A cup of coffee would be great.
Yiğit nodded and opened the door to leave but before leaving, Nazli called him: Yiğit abi!
Yiğit felt a sudden anger within his heart but tried his best to control it. He waited without turning around.
Nazli said: Please don't add milk. It hurts my stomach.
Yiğit left without saying anything. When he closed the door behind him, he whispered to himself: It hurts her stomach! Heh! People don't have money to buy a bottle of milk and Ender Celebi's spoiled brat doesn't want milk in her coffee cause it hurts her god damn stomach!

Kaya was drinking his morning coffee when someone rang the bell. He called for Fatma hanim but she was downstairs and didn't hear the door bell so he had to open the door himself. But as soon as opening it, he was so shocked he couldn't move.

Savaş was driving. He was going to see Ender but the news he got was so important he called to tell her: Hello Ender.
E: Hi Savaş.
S: Ender I'm coming home right now but I couldn't wait to get there and give you the news. Pack your stuff.
E: Why?! What's wrong?
S: She's back Ender. Shahika is back.

Kaya arranged a great plan for Shahika's welcome party. He invited everyone to a famous restaurant. When everyone was there, Kaya introduced his younger sister to them.
Nazli was the only one that didn't like Shahika at all. She didn't get a good vibe from her. During the one week that Shahika stayed with them, she was nice and friendly towards Nazli, but she still didn't like her.
When she was staring at her aunt while frowning, Caner went beside her and whispered: Stop making murder plans for you aunt you little snake!
Nazli answered him without taking her eyes away from Shahika: I don't have a good feeling about her dayi. There's something wrong about her, I can feel that.
Caner sighed: She's not a popular person but don't judge people simply on your feelings.
N: Don't you agree? I feel like everything about her is fake. Like, everything! Her smile is fake, her love and passion towards me is fake, even her being sad and depressed about her deceased husband is fake! She doesn't look sad at all! I mean, look at her!
Caner opened her mouth to talk but before he could say a word, he heard his phone's notification and after looking at it he frowned and said: I'm sorry Nazli I should tell your dad something.
Then he went to talk to Kaya
Kaya was introducing Shahika to Halit. Caner patted on his shoulder and said: I'm sorry abi can I take your time for a moment?
Kaya looked at Halit and said: I'm sorry I'll be back now.
They went to a corner and Caner said: Abi it looks like your house's alarm has turned on.
Kaya was shocked: WHAT?
C: It's fine the neighbors checked it and called the cops. It looks like a false alarm. But you still have to go and sign some papers.
K: Now?!
C: Yes abi they're waiting at your house.
Kaya sighed: But I'm in the middle of a party Caner. I have guests. I can't leave! Could you go instead of me?
C: Unfortunately only the house's owner should sign the papers.
Kaya took a deep breath: Okay Caner thank you. I'll go now. Don't let them notice my absence and if anyone asked for me tell them I went to check the food.
C: Okay abi don't worry.

On his way home, Kaya thought to himself: Why did they call Caner instead of myself?
When he arrived home, everything looked normal and no one was there. He checked downstairs, too but didn't find anything there either. He frowned and said: Offf Caner! This was not a funny joke at all.
He went upstairs again to leave the house but before opening the front door, he felt like he saw someone's reflection in the living room's window. But he couldn't gather his strength to turn around and look at the person he was seeing. He knew it was just a stupid hallucination. It couldn't be real. He was definitely dreaming but when he heard Ender calling his name, his knees couldn't hold his body's weight no more and he kneeled where he was standing.
Ender went and sat behind him. She wanted to hug him but as soon as she touched his body he jumped out of his place and turned around with his eyes wide. He laughed hysterically and said: I must have drunk too much alcohol. Now I'm even seeing my dead wife's ghost!
Tear drops were falling down from Ender's eyes. She whispered: Aşkım...
Kaya stood up and walked into the living room while he was pulling his hair with both of his hands: No no no no no no no no! It's just a dream it's just a dream it's just a dream!
Ender was still sitting down and crying.
Kaya looked at her again. He suddenly realized what was going on. A tear dropped from his eye and whispered: Are you real?
Ender stood up using her walking stick. She walked towards him. Kaya suddenly shouted: Don't come near me!
Ender stood where she was and said: Okay canim benim okay. Just calm down please. Look! It's me! It's your Ender! I'm back now.
Kaya laughed hysterically again and pointed at himself: My Ender?!
He frowned and shouted loudly: MY ENDER IS DEAD! She died five months ago! She drowned in the sea! I searched everywhere for her! But I couldn't find her! So I finally accepted her death. I visit her grave every morning before I go to work and buy her, her favorite flowers!
Ender started to walk towards him: No aşkım benim, no. She's not dead. Look! I'm here. I'm alive. I'm back!
Kaya sat on the couch and covered his face with his hands: Just go away. I know you're just a dream. I know you're just inside my head. So I beg you. Just leave.
Ender stood in front of her and put her nose in his hair. She breathed as deep as she could. Only God knew how much she missed that smell.
Kaya started to cry: Go. Please go. I can't do this. Go.
Ender used her right hand and hugged his head. She kissed his head and said: I'm real. I'm not inside of your head. I'm your Ender. Kaya, look up. Look at me.
Kaya didn't look at her. He was afraid to. He was afraid to open his eyes and see that everything is just a dream. No matter how painful that moment was, he didn't want it to end. In this sweet dream, Ender was hugging him. He could feel her smell. He could hear her heartbeat. She was kissing his hair. He preferred to die instead of waking up from this dream. So he kept his eyes closed.
Ender kneeled in front of him on the ground. She grabbed his face with her one hand and said: Kaya please open your eyes and look at me. I beg you!
They were both crying. But Kaya still couldn't open his eyes. He didn't want to.
Ender then put her lips on his and kissed him. She kissed him a multiple times and then he finally opened his eyes while they were red and wet.
When Kaya opened his eyes, he saw the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen in front of himself. He grabbed Ender's face and said: Ender...
Ender sobbed and said: Yes aşkım, yes hayatım, yes canımın içi! It's me!
Kaya's body and hands were shaking, he smiled while crying and said: I missed you.
Then he sat on the ground in front of her and hugged her tightly. They both cried out loud and hugged each other so tight that it seemed like they wanted to become one person so that no one could separate them again.

Writer's note: Hi guys.
I just wanted to pray for my brothers and sisters in Beirut that had a terrible day yesterday. 😔
I can't imagine how hard it must have been for everyone in Lebanon.😔 So many people lost their houses and loved ones and so many are injured.😔
Our prayers are with you and everyone is thinking about you all over the world.
May God give you all strength and patience to face this crisis.🙏🏻
Love you all.❤️

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