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Ender was driving silently. Nazli was really curious but she promised not to ask any questions until they arrived to the place they were supposed to go. So she just looked outside the window. They were leaving the city.
Ender stopped the car in front of an old rusty house in a poor neighborhood.
She unbuckled her seatbelt and pointed at Nazli with her head: Come on kızım. Let's go!
Nazli looked surprised. She said: Where is this place anne? Why are we here?
Ender smiled: We're here to answer your questions aşkım.
They got out of the car and stood in front of the house.
Nazli's head was full of questions: Where is this place? Why are we here? Are we here to meet someone?
But she didn't ask any of those questions. She just waited patiently.
Ender opened the door. The house was empty. It was a very small and old house with just a bedroom and a living room. The kitchen was so small that two people at the same time wouldn't fit in there.
E: This is my childhood house Nazli. I grew up here.
Nazli looked at her mother in surprise. She knew her mother had a difficult childhood but she didn't imagine their house to be this small.
They went to the very small backyard. There was a rusty round table and two old plastic chairs around it.They sat on them.
Ender tried to hold her tears back while talking. Thinking about those awful years was very difficult for her.
E: It was not easy living here as you might have guessed. We were poor and the house was cold at winters and hot at summers. I had to go to work from morning to night. But there was something that helped me through those rough days. "Someone" actually. He was th...
Nazli interrupted her: "He"?
Ender shook her hand: Yes. A boy. He was the reason I kept my hope. He was the reason of my morning smile and my late night thoughts. He made me laugh,he made me happy. He was my reason to live. The love of my life.
N: Who was he?
Ender closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It was way harder than she expected.
She didn't open her eyes and said his name without opening it: Kaya!
Nazli got shocked. She said: Kaya?!
Ender opened her eyes and said: Yes. Kaya. Kaya Ekinci.
N: So if he was the love of your life, then why did you two break up? Why do you hate him so much right now?
Ender was doing her best not to cry. She continued talking with a big lump in her throat: His mother never liked us together. She believed I was not good enough for him. He had a good and upperclass family. I had a step father and we were really poor. She kept on telling him all these stuff and finally changed his mind about me with bunch of lies and bullshits. So he broke up with me and said he was going to leave the country and go to London to study. I felt like the world ended for me. I loved him so much. I couldn't live without him. And then I realized I was pregnant with his baby. When I told him I was pregnant he didn't believe it. He kept on denying. He said I was lying to stop him from leaving me and even if I was really pregnant the baby was not his. All of these were the thoughts that his crazy mother put in his head.
Ender started to cry: I begged him, I begged his mother. There was no use. I couldn't go home because my stepfather would have killed me. And my mother wouldn't defend me. So I just grabbed Caner's hand and left the house one night without saying anything. I won't talk about those horrible days because it's really hard for me.
Ender closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down. No use. She just cried harder: I couldn't take care of Caner and myself how could I handle a baby? I decided to abort him. But I needed a lot of money for that. When I collected the money it was too late. The baby was too big to abort. 9 months he grew inside me. A part of me. My blood and flesh. I talked to him every day and sang lullabies to him every night. I knew I wouldn't be able to give him a good life. I was sure about that. So one day when I went to the hospital for my monthly checkup, a nurse saw me and immediately realized I was not able to take care of my baby. So she said she would find a family for my son. A family to take care of him and give him the life he deserves. I got so happy. Finally my baby would be safe.
Ender covered her face with her hands and just cried for 10 minutes. Nazli didn't do anything the whole time. She was so shocked that even breathing was hard for her. All those facts were firing at her like a rifle's bullets and she couldn't handle it.
Ender continued talking: One day I woke up and felt the most awful pain I have ever had in my life. I couldn't walk so I just screamed until Caner called the ambulance and they took me to the hospital. I knew something was wrong. I could feel it. After long hours of giving birth, my baby finally was born. But he was quite. I didn't hear his cry. I...
Ender put her hand on her womb.
She closed her eyes: He was dead. My son was born dead.
Ender was sobbing really hard and crying.
Nazli couldn't talk. She had millions of questions but couldn't ask any of them. She was so shocked she just stared in front of her and didn't say a word or make a move. She just stared blankly.
After a few minutes Ender wiped her tears. She didn't look at Nazli the whole time. She couldn't. She was too scared.
E: I had a very bad depression for a long time. I cried everyday and night. Days passed and I couldn't get over it. I lived like that for six years. I found a job at Argun's Holding and finally I was making some money and getting my life together. Until Kaya came back. He finished his school. He came and found me. He said he was sorry and begged me to forgive him. I loved him so much. I loved him more than anything. Even myself. I forgave him. But didn't tell him about our son. I was too scared to tell. After three months I realized I was pregnant again. I didn't tell him this time. I had to make sure I could trust him. But before I tell him anything he did the same thing to me, again. I hated myself for being this stupid. He left again but this time he left and didn't come back.
I promised myself to raise my child and give her a good life. I told myself whatever happens I will protect my daughter. And I hope I did my best to raise you Nazli. I really do.
After hearing all of those stuff Nazli couldn't move. She felt like the weight of the whole world on her shoulders. She couldn't breathe or talk.
Ender realized her unusual silence. She looked at her. Her nose was bleeding and she looked pale. Ender got scared: Nazli! Are you okay kızım?
She reached to clean her nose. Nazli suddenly hit her hand back and screamed: Don't touch me! Don't you dare to touch me!
E: Kızım...
Nazli screamed louder: Don't call me that! Stay away from me!
She got up and wanted to leave but Ender grabbed her wrist. She started to cry: Please Nazli. Don't do that!
Nazli took her hand out angrily and went out of the house.
Kaya was standing near his car outside in a distance from the house and saw Nazli leave the house. Nazli didn't notice him. Ender ran out of the house following her and shouting her name: Nazli please don't go, Nazli!
Kaya ran to Ender. She was crying.
K: Ender! What happened?
Ender sat on her knees and cried. Kaya sat next to her and carefully hugged her and put her head on his chest.
Ender talked while sobbing: She was so angry. What if she won't forgive me? What if she hates me forever? What do I do without her Kaya?
Kaya caressed her hair and said: Shshshsh. It's fine. She will get over it. You didn't do anything wrong. She loves you and understands everything I promise. She just needs to be alone. We both know I am the one that needs forgiveness. From both of you.
Ender tried to stand up. Kaya helped her.
E: I should go find her Kaya.
K: Let her be alone for a while. She needs that.

Hours had passed. Nazli didn't go home. It was dark and Ender was worried to death.
She was staring outside the window. Caner came home. Ender ran to her: Did you find her?
Caner shook his head: No abla. I looked everywhere.
Ender sat on the couch and started to cry again. She had been crying the whole day.
Erim hugged her. He had no idea what was going on and he knew even if he asked, no one would answer.
E: We should call the police Caner. What if something happened to her?
C: Okay. Let's go to the police station.

Kaya searched everywhere. He didn't know where she would go but he looked every place he thought a teenage girl would go. But didn't find anything. He went back to his hotel room to grab his id cards and go to the police station with Ender and Caner.
While he was searching for his id cards someone knocked on the door. When he opened the door his whole body froze and he was shocked.
Nazli: We need to talk.

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now