The Confession

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They sat at a small plastic table facing the sea waiting for their sandwiches to get ready. Ender was looking at the sea and Kaya was looking at Ender. When the cool wind hit her face, it played with her hair and she felt cold so she wrapped Kaya's coat tighter around herself.
Kaya smiled: Do you feel cold?
E: A little bit.
K: Do you want some tea until our food is ready?
Ender smiled: Yes!
Kaya asked for two cups of tea. While drinking her tea, Ender noticed Kaya was watching her. She said: Is something wrong?
K: No.
E: Then why are you looking at me like that?
Kaya smiled shyly. He tried to change the subject: So this Savaş, how long do you two know each other?
E: About ten years.
K: He seems like a decent man.
Ender smiled: He's a wonderful man. He's my best friend. We've been through a lot.
K: Is he married?
Ender looked at the sea: He was. He lost his wife a year ago. She was my best friend, too. We were always together. All three of us.
She smiled: She was an advocate like you, you know. She helped me divorce that monster.
K: What happened to her?
Ender closed her eyes and a tear dropped down from her eye: She lost her battle to cancer one year ago. She had been fighting for 5 years and she finally lost the battle. She was such a strong woman. After her death Savaş left without saying anything to anyone. He came back the night you saw him at Nazli's party.
Two more tears dropped down on her cheeks. Kaya wiped her tears and said: I'm sorry to hear that.
Ender looked at him. He was there. In front of her. She could touch him if she reached out her hand. But Savaş could never touch Elif's face again. He could never talk to her again, feel her skin on his, hug her, kiss her. Savaş knew what loss was better than anyone. And that was the reason he insisted on Ender giving Kaya another chance. Because he knew the pain. He felt the pain every day. Ender closed her eyes and cried. This time she cried for Savaş. For the pain he was feeling every minute. Because she imagined Kaya not being there for a moment and her heart almost stopped beating just by imagining the pain.
Kaya moved his chair to the other side of the table beside Ender's. He hugged her and put her head on his chest. He started to caress her hair and said nothing.
Ender closed her eyes and listened to his heartbeat and felt his chest going up and down while he was breathing. And that calmed her down a bit.
Kaya kissed her hair and she lifted her head and smiled at him: Thank you. I feel better now.
Kaya wiped out her tears and smiled back at her. He then moved the chair to the other side again.
Their sandwiches arrived and when Ender had her first bite she smiled and said: This is really good!
Kaya laughed: Told you!
Ender laughed, too. After eating their sandwiches they went back to Ender's  apartment.
Kaya smiled at her: Here we are. Thank you for having dinner with me Ender hanim.
Ender laughed: I guess you finally made me have dinner with you!
K: Confess it was a good dinner!
E: It was a great dinner. Well the restaurant had 5 stars! Its chef is famous.
Kaya laughed: You never cave in, do you Ender?
She raised her left eyebrow: Never! I'm Ender Celebi!
Kaya smiled: You are.
Ender smiled back: Thank you for the night. I confess, it was a really good night.
They looked at each other for a while and then Ender said: I guess I should go now. See you later.
K: Good night Ender.
Ender left the car and Kaya watched her until she entered the building and then left.
When Ender went inside, Nazli was sitting on the couch watching tv.
E: Hello aşkım.
N: Oh, hi anne! Welcome back.
E: Thank you! Is Caner back yet?
N: He is. He's taking a shower. How was your night?
Ender smiled: It was great!
Nazli raised her left eyebrow: Great? I thought you always said you hate business dinners because they're boring!
Ender coughed: Oh... it wasn't fun! I mean everything went as I planned. That's why it was great.
Nazli put on her famous devil smile: I'm sure it was.
E: Okay I'm really tired I'll sleep. Good night canım.
N: Good night sleepy Ender!
Ender laughed and went into her room without saying anything.
But she didn't sleep. She thought about Kaya, the night they had together and Savaş's words until morning.

The next morning Ender was in her office when Yasamin went inside her room with a big bunch of tulips. Ender was surprised.
Y: They're yours Ender hanim.
E: Me?!
Y: Yes ma'am.
E: Do you know who they're from?
Y: No Ender hanim.
E: Okay thanks.
When Yasamin left the room Ender searched the flowers for a card and she found one. It said: For accepting my dinner invitation.
Ender smiled and whispered: You're starting to soften my heart Kaya bey.
They had a meeting about last night's dinner.
Halit was explaining: I wanted to send Kaya bey alone by himself. But Ender hanim insisted on going with him. However, I'm glad Kaya bey handled the meeting wonderfully and made a great contract.
Ender frowned but she didn't say anything.
Kaya saw her and said: Actually Halit bey, we owe last night's great contract to Ender hanim! She predominated over the meeting.
Halit frowned and didn't say anything.
Ender looked at Kaya and smiled.
After the meeting Ender went to talk to Kaya: Thank you.
Kaya smiled: I'm glad you liked them. Last night was special for me. I wanted you to know that.
Ender smiled shyly: Thank you again.
Kaya smiled back at her. He was almost drowning in her eyes but she suddenly said: Okay I better get back to work. See you around!
K: Oh... right. See you around.

Ender was sitting in the living room checking the news. Nazli sat next to her and stared at her without saying anything. Ender looked at her and raise her left eyebrow: Why are you looking at me like that?
Nazli smiled: Anne! Can I ask you something?
E: Ask canim.
N: Do you remember I told you I signed for an "Animal Shelter" that has a fostering program?
E: Yes I do.
N: Now they have a puppy. He needs a home until they find him a good owner.
Ender frowned: So?
N: Sooo..... Can I foster him?
E: Nazli have you lost your mind? Foster a puppy? You can't take care of yourself!
Nazli frowned: That's not fair! I'm 17 now! I can handle my self really well!
E: Kızım don't talk nonsense. You're at school half of the day, the other half you're usually out with your friends and at the basketball practice. You think you have time for a small puppy that needs 24 hour attention?
N: I'll be able to take care of him. I promise. Please!
E: No Nazli. No. End of discussion.
Nazli hit the couch and left angrily.
E: Lose the attitude Nazli!
Nazli slammed the door behind her.
Ender whispered to herself: She's getting out of control.

A few days passed. Nazli was cold towards Ender but she wouldn't let Nazli bring a puppy home no matter what.
Her relationship with Kaya was just the same. A bit awkward. But they didn't have any progress. It was like they didn't have time to work on their relationship. Kaya was busy with the court works and Ender was busy with Nazli's stubbornness and Caner's intrigues. She also had the company's new contract in her hands and all those stuff didn't leave anytime for herself. Also she was not sure of her feelings. So she was kinda happy because of this pending situation. She wanted to avoid deciding.
On the other hand, Kaya really wanted to work on his relationship with Nazli but she wouldn't let him contact her in no way. She didn't answer calls or direct messages on social media. She blocked him everywhere.
Kaya was desperate to talk to her. But he also wanted to have Ender in his life. That woman made everything look easier and more beautiful. She was his joy. He was sure of it now. Even those small morning talks and her everyday smile was enough to make his day beautiful. So his life was getting so chaotic. His relationship with Nazli, his love life with Ender, his job.
One day he was sitting in his office and looking outside the window. Small rain drops hit the window and he was listening to the sound of the rain. Suddenly he knew what he wanted. This all messed up life could get better if he had her hand in his. Ender was what he needed to get his life together.
He smiled and stood up. When in front of her door, he knocked and after she let him, he went inside. She was drinking tea and looking outside the window. When she saw Kaya, she smiled: Oh it's you. Come on in. What do you want to drink?
Kaya smiled back: Nothing. Do you have some time?
E: I do. Do you need something?
K: Can we talk?
E: Sure.
K: Ender look, you must have felt something yourself. We've been in this pending situation for a while now. But I think it's time to change it.
Ender's heart started beating fast. Her hands were sweating.
She gulped and said: What do you mean?
Kaya took Ender's cup from her hands and put it on the coffee table. Then he gently held one of her hands. She dropped her head. She was not ready for this. She was so nervous and confused she couldn't even think.
Kaya put his other hand under her chin and lifted her eyes. She frowned.
Kaya laughed: Don't give me that angry look. I can't do this anymore.
Ender tried to take her hand out of his. But he didn't let her go.
E: Let go. I said let go! If you can't do this anymore you can go. I didn't make you do this!
Kaya smiled: Why are you always so mad?
E: I'm not. You're the one that doesn't want this anymore. However there's nothing between us I don't know what you're talking about. Let go of my hand Kaya!
Kaya took her other hand and put his forehead on hers. He closed his eyes and said: I love you.

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now