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Kaya felt dizzy. He couldn't concentrate. The truth was thrown at him. Everything Nazli said about his father matched Kaya's memories with every detail!
But there was a problem that made Kaya confused: All the stuff Nazli explained didn't match her age! This made Kaya way more confused.
Nazli noticed Kaya was confused. And she immediately regretted telling him all those stuff. She suddenly realized she revealed her family's deep secrets to a guy she doesn't know at all. A guy her mother obviously didn't want Nazli to be around him.
She got scared. What if this guy used these informations to hurt Ender? What if he told Ender that Nazli knows everything and make her angry with Nazli? She made the biggest mistake of her life. She trusted a man she just met. Her hands started to shake.
They were silent for a few minutes and then Nazli said: I should really go. Thank you for the coffee.
K: Oh! Of course. Don't mention it.
They both stood up.
K:See you soon.
N: See you soon Kaya bey.
And then Nazli left and after she got a few steps away, she returned and said: Can I ask you something Kaya bey?
K: Sure!
N: Please don't tell anyone I told you all of these stuff. Especially my mother.
K: I won't say anything. I promise.
Nazli smiled and left.
Kaya sat again. He couldn't make up his mind. The more he thought about it the more he got confused. How was that possible? The story Nazli told was not for 16 years ago. It was 22 years ago!
Kaya was going crazy. How? How is that possible?

Nazli didn't go to school that day. She was losing it. She had to tell her mother about everything, she knew it. But she was not brave enough to do so. Ender would go crazy. Nazli was well aware of her mistake. She sat on a bench facing the sea and kept on thinking but didn't find any solution. She felt desperate and started crying. If her father never left them, if he was there, if he loved them, none of these would happen. This was all because of "him". The person she hated for a lifetime.
After hours of crying because of her terrible past, Nazli finally got up and decided to go home.

Meanwhile Kaya went to the company. He tried to find Ender and talk to her but Ender did her best to avoid him. Finally they saw each other at the meeting room. Ender tried to escape but Kaya blocked her way:
We need to talk.
E: We have nothing to talk about!
K: Why are you afraid of me?
E: Excuse me?! I am afraid of YOU?!
And laughed.
Kaya frowned: Yes. You escape from me. You don't want me to be around your daughter.
Ender frowned: Stay away from Nazli!
K: See! You don't want us to meet. Why?! What are you so afraid of?!
Ender opened her mouth to talk but before saying anything someone came in and interrupted her. She thanked god and whispered to Kaya: Stay away from my family. This is my last warning!
And left before letting Kaya say anything.
Kaya whispered to himself through gritted teeth: We'll see each other Ender Celebi!
Ender was furious. Why was Kaya suddenly interested in meeting Nazli?
She slammed on her desk as hard as she could. After all these years she was finally back to her normal life. But now this man was determine to ruin everything.
She already had an idea of how to get rid of him but she didn't think she had to implement it so soon.
She called for Caner but he left the company soon that day. Ender wondered where he went without telling her anything.
She couldn't concentrate but did her best to distract her mind from Kaya and focus on her job.

Caner was on his way home. Nazli called him while crying and asked him to go home without letting Ender know anything.
Caner arrived home as soon as he could and when he got there Nazli threw herself into his arms and cried. Caner was really scared. He grabbed her face and said: What is wrong dayıcım? What happened?
But Nazli just cried. Caner was losing his mind: Please talk you're really scaring me!
Nazli started to talk while sobbing: I... made a... big mistake!
And cried harder.
C: What mistake? What did you do?
N: It's all because of .... him! He always ....ruins our lives!
C: Who? Who are you talking about?
N: My.... father!

When Ender arrived home she noticed it's too quiet. She called for Caner and Nazli but they didn't respond.
She went to the living room and saw them sitting there quietly.
Caner stood up and whispered into Ender's ear: Abla, Nazli has something to tell you. Listen to her and please don't get mad at her.
And then left them alone. Ender was really scared. She sat next to Nazli. Nazli didn't look at her. She started crying quietly. Ender was really nervous but she didn't say anything. She just hugged her daughter and they cried together.

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now