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Ender didn't sleep that night. She thought about everything.
She had to find a solution.
The next morning Kaya woke up early to go run. He missed running in Istanbul's  fresh morning air. He chose his favorite spot to run.
When he got there Ender was running slowly and enjoyed the fresh cool wind on her face. The wind carried her smell. Kaya closed his eyes and took a deep breath so he can smell her fragrance mixed with the smell of the sea. Ender noticed someone was following her closely but didn't care because she thought somebody was running just like her. But then Kaya went closer and that made Ender turn around. As soon as she laid eyes on him she frowned and said: Are you stalking me?
Kaya frowned, too: Who said I'm stalking you. I'm just running here. This is my favorite spot, did you forget?
Ender got really angry: Okay then leave.
K: Excuse me?! Did you buy the place?
I'm not going anywhere ma'm!
Ender raised her voice: I said leave! Go away!
Kaya went closer and they were one breath apart. Ender's heart was pumping out of her chest.
Ender felt her body's temperature raised immediately.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath: FINE! I'll leave.
And then she stepped back to leave. When she turned around to go, Kaya suddenly grabbed her wrist.
She looked at her hand first and then looked at Kaya in surprise.
Kaya put on a bitter smile: Sorry. Didn't want to break you. You came here first. I'll leave.
Ender pulled her hand out aggressively and left without saying anything.
Kaya tried everything to make her react to him. Talk to him. Scream at him. But she wouldn't. She didn't care. The only time that made Ender nervous and angry was the time that she was with her daughter, Nazli.
Kaya noticed Ender didn't want Nazli to know about Kaya. So the only way to make her react and care about Kaya was Nazli. He had to see her.
Ender was in a rage. She was really angry. But didn't want Kaya to know anything so she just had left. When she got home she just sat on the couch and grabbed her hair aggressively.
Kaya was everywhere. This was too much. She HAD to find a way. But her mind and her brain couldn't think. She was too emotional. And then suddenly an idea popped into her head.

Kaya had to find Nazli and talk to her without letting Ender know. So he just check her instagram. She had published 2 stories. The first one was her photo with Ender from last night. Kaya looked at the photo for more than 5 minutes without realizing. Ender was really gorgeous. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. The second story was for less than 5 minutes ago. She was at a cafe.
Kaya drove there as fast as he could just to see her before she left. When Kaya got there Nazli and her 2 friends were paying their bills. Kaya pretended he didn't see them and just talked to the cashier: Excuse me. One americano please. Thank you.
When Nazli saw him she got really happy and put on a big smile. She liked him just because her mom obviously had feelings for him. She could feel it. She knew her mom didn't sleep the night and she was sure it had to do something with "The Prince Charming"!
She looked at him with her smile and said: Hi Kaya bey.
Kaya looked at her and smiled back: Oh! Hi Nazli ! It was Nazli, right?
N: Yes.
K: How are you doing?
N: I'm good.
K: Are you busy?
N: No, why?
K: Can we drink a coffee together?
N: Oh! Okay.
Kaya grabbed his americano and looked at Nazli: What do you want to drink?
N: Just a simple turk coffee.
Kaya looked at the cashier: A simple turk coffee for lady, please.
They sat on a table and Kaya started to talk first: You look just like your mother.
N: Everyone says that. I like to hear it.
Kaya smiled: Well your mother is beautiful. You sure should be happy to look like her.
N: I am.
Kaya said: So your father is not as good looking, right?
And laughed.
But Nazli frowned. She hated it whenever someone asked her about her father. She didn't have one. She didn't want one.
N: I don't have a father.
K: Oh. I'm sorry. Did he pass away?
N: I don't know and I don't care. I know nothing about my father.
K: So Halit Argun is not your father?
N: Of course not. I hate that monster. But not as much as I hate my own father. He is the most disgusting person ever.
K: You said you don't know him. How do you know he is a bad person when you haven't met him yet?
Nazli really didn't want to talk about him. Talking about him made her angry and sad at the same time. But for some weird reason she wanted to scream and tell everything she never told anyone about to this guy.
So she started talking: I don't know who my father is. But I hate him and I have a good reason for it. My mom was 24 years old when she had me. And when I was 3 months old she married Halit Argun. So he is not my father. My mom was in love with my father. She adored him.
Kaya interrupted her: How do you know she loved him? Did she tell you herself?
N: I know it because she wrote everything in her journal and I have read it secretly. She doesn't know that I know everything. As I was saying, my mom was in love with my dad. When she got pregnant with me, she tried to tell my dad, but he wouldn't believe anything. He kept on denying and finally he just left us alone. That broke my mother's heart so bad.
Nazli's voice started shaking. She paused for a few seconds. Then looked straight into Kaya's eyes: I despise my father with my whole heart!
Kaya's heart rate started to increase. That hatred made his hands to start shaking. "He" was the man this young girl hated so much. He knew it now.

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now