I forgot to tell you I love you

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The next day Ender was making breakfast for Caner, Nazli and Erim. Erim came early that morning to have breakfast with them. So Ender woke up extra early that day to cook them a good breakfast. She was cooking pancakes when Kaya called her. She got excited for a second. She checked around. And then answered the call: Why are you calling me now? Don't you know everyone's home?
Kaya laughed: Good morning to you, too Ender hanim!
Ender smiled: I'm sorry. Good morning. Did you sleep well last night?
K: No, I didn't sleep at all.
E: Why? Were you sick?
K: No, it's all because of you.
Ender raised her left eyebrow: Me? Why is that so?
K: Well because you're on my mind and I can't sleep because I can't stop thinking about you.
Ender smiled. Her stomach filled with butterflies. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself down.
K: Ender? Are you still there?
E: I am. Okay romantic bey, why did you call me?
K: Do I need a reason to call my love to say good morning to her?
Ender smiled: No you don't.
K: So, what do you want to eat for the dinner?
E: I don't know, surprise me.
Kaya laughed: I thought you hate surprises.
E: Not if they're from you.
Kaya was shocked. He said: Wow!
E: What happened?
K: Since I've returned from London, this is the first time you're saying something nice to me!
Ender frowned: You're so mean!
Kaya laughed out loud: Okay okay, you're the queen of kindness!
Ender laughed, too: Okay I should go now. See you tonight.
K: See you tonight sevgilim.
Ender smiled and hung up the phone. She whispered to herself: Sevgilim.
Nazli's voice startled her: Sevgilim?!
Ender put her hand on her heart and said: Kizim you scared me.
Nazli raised her left eyebrow: Anne you've burned the pancakes and we've been calling you. You didn't hear us and didn't
smell these pancakes burning. And you're saying I scared you?
Ender stuttered while talking: You called me? I...I didn't hear you!
N: Yes you didn't hear obviously.
Ender put the pan inside the sink and said: Okay it seems like we should eat something else today.
Nazli mumbled to herself: I hope the guy is worth these pancakes.
E: What did you say?
N: Nothing.

While they were having breakfast Nazli looked at Erim and said: Ablacim, can I ask you something?
Er: Sure.
Nazli got a peep at Ender and continued talking to Erim: Do you think I'm not a responsible person?
Ender puffed out and put her tea cup down. She said: Kizim aren't you gonna stop this?
Nazli frowned: What anne? I'm just asking my little brother a question.
E: No matter who thinks what. I'm your mother and I won't let you have a puppy. Stop acting out all of these scenarios.
Nazli raised her voice: But why? You have no reason for not letting me have a dog! I told you a million times! It's just fostering, I'm not adopting him!
E: Nazli don't raise your voice at me I'm your mother!
Nazli stood up, picked up her backpack and left the house.
Ender put her hands on her face: Oh god please give me patience.
Caner got up to go after her.
Ender stopped him: Let her go. She should know she can't act like this whenever she doesn't get what she wants.
C: But do you know where she went?
E: She picked up her basketball backpack. She has practice today. See? She can't stay home not even on weekends, but she still insists on getting a dog!

Later that evening, Ender wore a white silk dress and her diamond necklace. She was picking up the car's keys when Caner saw her: Ohhhh abla! You look so beautiful! You didn't say you won't be home for dinner.
Ender smiled and caressed his cheek: Canim benim! It's not something important, just a night out with some of my friends.
Erim shouted from the living room: Have fun anne !
E: Thank you canim!
Nazli was in her room, she came out and when she saw Ender she raised her left eyebrow: You wear this dress when you go out with your girl friends?
Ender frowned but didn't respond to Nazli, instead she looked at Caner: I cooked dinner for you, warm it up before eating. And make sure those two don't stay up late.
C: You'll be late? Should I wait for you?
E: Yes I'll be late, no canim don't stay up for me.
Caner smiled and shook his head.
Nazli frowned and said: We are not children you know, you don't have to put a guardian for us.
E: Yes Nazli you are children. Because if you weren't, you wouldn't act like one when you hear a "no"!
Nazli went back to her room and slammed the door behind her.
Ender shouted: I told you to lose the attitude Nazli! You are grounded this weekend!
Nazli came out of her room looking shocked: WHAT?!
E: You heard me.
N: This is not fair!
E: I've been putting up with you for more than a week now, it's enough! You're grounded so maybe you'll learn how to talk to your mother. End of discussion.
Then she ignored Nazli and said goodbye to Caner and left.
On her way to Kaya's house, she just thought about Nazli and this weird attitude she had recently.

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now