Incurable Pain

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Kaya was standing there. Looking at the girl he now knew was his daughter. His own flesh and blood.
It was Nazli's basketball game day. She was the captain and a great player. Just like her dad.
And now Kaya was at a basketball game after 20 years but this time he was there to watch his daughter play.
He found out about the truth 3 days before that. But he didn't tell anyone about it. How could he? He couldn't believe it himself!
Kaya as a dad! Something he didn't want to accept 22 years ago.
It was 22 years ago? He kept asking himself the same question for the past 3 days. If Nazli is 16 years old now, then what happened to the other baby Ender told Kaya about. Did Ender abort it? He kept on thinking about it nonstop. He didn't sleep, he didn't shower, he didn't go to work. He just sat in his hotel room and kept on thinking and searching for the answer.
But it had no results. He just got more confused. Until Nazli messaged him and invited him to her game:
Hi Kaya abı! It's Nazli! I remember you told me you were a good player back in the day. I'm my team's captain and we play a game this weekend. I would be happy if you could come. My mom won't know about it if you don't show her yourself.
I hope to see you there!
Kaya searched for Ender in the audience but couldn't find her. It was so crowded. Until Nazli scored a goal and went to the audience and waved Ender and Caner.
There they were. Three rows away from Kaya.
He managed to get to them and sat just behind them.
After the first quarter ended, Caner got up to go to the bathroom. As soon as he left, Kaya bent forward and whispered into Ender's ear: We need to talk.
Ender got startled. When she saw Kaya she got shocked. His hair and beard was messy and his eyes were red and puffed. He looked terrible.
Ender frowned: What are you doing here? What do you want?
Kaya smirked: I came to see my daughter's game.
Ender held her breath. She didn't believe what she heard: What?!
K: Stop denying Ender. I know everything. We need to talk. NOW!
He raised his voice at the end.
Ender put her hand on his mouth: Okay. We'll talk. Please be quite everyone will hear you.
Kaya closed his eyes for a second and shook his head.
Ender stood up and said: I need to tell Caner. He will get worried.
K: Just text him. I can't wait till he comes.
And grabbed Ender's arm and dragged her behind him.
She tried to act normal and smile at the people looking at them. Almost everyone knew Ender and they started whispering into each other's ears as Ender and Kaya left the stadium.
Half way through the parking Ender pulled out her arm angrily and shouted: Enough!
Let go of my arm!
Kaya grabbed his hair and took a deep breath: I'm sorry. I just need answers. I can't live like this anymore.
Ender smirked: Look who talks about hard life.
Kaya looked at her for a few seconds and and went towards his car. Ender waited a few seconds and then followed him.
Kaya drove for 30 minutes. He didn't know where to go.
Ender was sitting there quite.
K: I don't know where to go.
E: Just go to my house.
When they arrived at Ender's apartment, before sitting she asked Kaya: What do you want to drink?
K: Nothing.
They sat in the living room and didn't talk for 10 minutes. Finally Ender started to talk: How did you find out?
K: I saw her at the cafe about two weeks ago. We had a coffee together. I took her cup for a DNA test. I received the result 3 days ago.
E: I told you to stay away from us Kaya. I asked you and you agreed. Why didn't you leave us alone? Why?!
Kaya frowned and stood up. He started to shout: I am not the one that should answer you questions Ender hanim! You can't be the one who interrogates me! You kept my daughter hidden from me for 16 years!
Ender got angry. She stood up and started to shout, too: Kaya know your limits! You know very well you don't have the right to judge me!
Kaya went closer and looked straight into her eyes: You lied to me Ender! You lied to me and our daughter for 16 years! I asked you if she's my daughter or not. Why didn't you tell me the truth? My own daughter hates me because she thinks I left her and her mother. Do you know how that feels?
Ender pushed him away: Don't raise you voice at me! Stop saying that I lied to you!
Stop acting like you're innocent. You know well that you're not! What happened when I told you the truth 22 years ago, huh? Tell me! What happened?! You refused to believe! You refused to believe I was pregnant with your child and just left me! How could I trust you again? How could I tell you again? You had already left me for the second time. What was the point of telling you anyway?
K: You HAD to tell me regardless of what happened between us! It was not about me or you! It's about a kid! Our kid! I had the right to know!
Ender looked into his eyes: You have no right Kaya! You have no rights at all! I raised a child alone and lost another one, all because of you! So don't you dare to say you have a right! Because you don't!
Kaya couldn't feel his feet. He closed his eyes and said: What did you just say?
E: I said you don't have the ri...
Kaya interrupted her: You lost a child?
Ender suddenly realized what she said. She closed her eyes and sat on the sofa. She covered her face with her hands.
Kaya asked again: Why did you say you lost a child because of me Ender?
Ender started to cry. She never talked about this to anyone and now after 22 years she was telling everything to the man that caused all the pain she ever suffered from in her whole life.

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