Our son

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Kaya was shocked: What did you just say?!
Ender shouted again: You heard what I said!
Kaya frowned: Ender stop shouting and tell me what do you mean! Why did you almost died for me? Answer me this for the love of God!
Ender licked her lips and took a deep breath: I'll explain everything when you decide to believe me.
Kaya shouted: How can I believe what you say when everything you've told me was lie?!
Ender couldn't believe Kaya was still saying the same nonsense! Her patience was over. She was done. So she started to talk without letting Kaya say anything: One week Kaya. 7 freaking days. You ignored me. You acted like I don't exist. I talked to you and you acted like you don't hear me. I came back from death and you didn't even ask about how I felt!
She shouted: How could you? HOW COULD YOU?! Haven't I been in enough pain?! How could you put me in more pain?! And now when you finally decide to talk to me, you're saying I lied to you about my son being dead?! My own son?!
Kaya tried to calm her down: Okay Ender...
He tried to hold her hand. But she screamed: Don't touch me! I'm done with this! Enough!
Then she went downstairs. Kaya followed him. Ender went to the dressing room and picked her luggage.
She then went to her bedroom. Kaya was shocked. He grabbed the luggage in Ender's hand said: What the hell are you doing?
Ender pulled the luggage out of Kaya's hand and put it on the bed. She opened it and started to put her clothes in it: I'm leaving you. I can't stay in a house with a man that accuses me of everything that comes to his mind!
Kaya grabbed the shirt in Ender's hand and shouted: Ender have you lost your mind?
Ender tried to take the shirt out of his hand and said: Give it to me Kaya!
Kaya put his hand up and kept the shirt out of Ender's reach. She then jumped and tried to grab the shirt. Kaya was frowning but he also was trying hard to hold his laugh. Ender looked really cute and funny trying to grab that shirt.
She finally gave up and went to pick something else. Kaya threw the shirt on the bed and picked the luggage up this time.
Ender shouted: Are you kidding me?!
Kaya put the luggage on top of the closet.
Ender closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Kaya folded his arms and leaned on the closet smiling.
Ender said: Kaya give it back.
Kaya raised his eyebrows and said: Give what back? Your heart that I stole?
Ender tried to hold her smile back and Kaya noticed it. He put his index fingers on Ender's lips' corners and said: Smile Ender. I miss seeing your beautiful smile.
Ender didn't expect this reaction from Kaya, so she looked into his eyes without saying anything.
Kaya put his forehead on hers and closed his eyes. Ender closed hers and a tear dropped from her eye.
Kaya held her hands and said: I was mad. I was really mad. You left me. You suddenly left me. I just wanted you to feel what I felt during those 5 months.
Ender took her hand out of Kaya's and wanted to step back. But Kaya wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her closer. Ender put her hands on his chest and pushed him. But kaya wrapped his hands tighter around her and pulled her even closer. He put his chin on top of her head and closed his eyes. Ender tried to get out of his arms: Kaya let me go.
She pushed him and he held her so tight that she couldn't move: Never. I'll never let you go. I lived a life without you and believe me, I prefer to go to hell than living my life without you.
Ender started to cry. Tear drops started to fall from her eyes. She put her ear on Kaya's heart and cried silently.
Kaya noticed his shirt was wet to he grabbed Ender's face and looked at her: Canim, why are you crying?!
Ender's chin started to shake and she frowned: Because of you! You hurt me! You put me in so much pain!
Kaya smiled sadly: You're right. I hurt you so much.  But you have to forgive me Ender.
He rubbed his nose on Ender's and smiled: Or I would have to do something else.
Ender wiped her tears and raised her left eyebrow and said: How are you going to do that?
Kaya smiled big and said: Do you really wanna know?
Ender frowned.
Kaya laughed out loud and kissed Ender's forehead: Canim benim. I even missed your frowns.
She didn't try to hold her smile back this time and smiled.
Kaya raised his eyebrows and said: Ohhh Ender hanim! What happened? Did your frozen heart melt?
Ender frowned while smiling: I will think about it.
Kaya laughed again and said: Please be quick. My bed is sooo uncomfortable!
Ender stopped smiling and just frowned: Well I didn't ask you to stay in that uncomfortable bed.
Kaya smiled sadly and caressed her cheek: Actually it was because of you.
He looked around the room and sighed: I couldn't step in this room when you were gone.
Ender kissed Kaya's neck and put her head on his chest: Now I'm back. You don't need to stay in that room anymore.
Kaya smiled in shock. He hugged her tightly and closed his eyes: Yes you're right.

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now