You promised

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Ender felt like she'd faint. Her hands were cold as ice. She just stared at Yiğit.
Kaya frowned. He didn't expect this. He thought about every possibility and none of them included this.
Ender licked her lips: Wha... What?!
Yiğit frowned: If you two want to have me in your life, then divorce. If you two divorce I'll think about forgiving you.
Kaya looked at him. He just stared at him coldly: No.
Yiğit couldn't believe what he heard: What did you say?
Kaya sighed: No Yiğit I won't divorce Ender. No matter what happens or who asks me to, I won't divorce the woman I love.
Yiğit was shocked. He couldn't believe Kaya would answer so quickly and say no!
Ender bit her lower to stop herself from crying: But why do you want us to do that?
Yiğit was still shocked. He looked at Kaya and said: Because I want you to feel what it feels like to have no family. To have no one to love you. To be abandoned.
Kaya drank some of his wine. Then he took a deep breath: Look oğlum. I tried to explain it to you. Ender tried to explain it to you. We didn't abandon you. We thought you were dead. Why don't you understand?
Yiğit shouted: Stop saying the same nonsense over and over again! You repeated this lie so many times that even you believed it yourself!
He pointed at Ender and shouted: She was pregnant when you left her! She told you about me and you left her anyway!!
Then he looked at Ender and laughed hysterically: And my dear mother gave me away to another family!
He stood up and shouted: How could you?! How could you give your own son away like you were giving away your shirt!
He shouted as loud as he could: HOW COULD YOU?!
Ender was crying. She stood up and begged Kaya: Kaya do something!
Kaya stood up and tried to calm Yiğit down. He tried to hold his hand: Okay oğlum calm down.
Yiğit pushed him away: Stay away from me! Don't touch me!
He grabbed his coat and opened the front door. But before closing the door he looked at them and said: Don't you dare to come after me! Leave me alone! I don't want to see you again!
Then he slammed the door behind him.
Ender sat on the chair and cried. She begged Kaya again: Go after him please. Don't let him go!
Kaya ran outside but he was too late and Yiğit had already left.
When he came back, Ender was still crying. Kaya sat on the chair and grabbed his hair: God damn it!

Nazli and Erim heard their fight but they stayed in Nazli's room.
Erim looked at Nazli. She was sitting on her bed and hugging her knees. She was looking at the moon.
He said: Are you okay abla? Do you want me to bring you some water?
Nazli smiled sadly: No canim. I'm fine. Just a little bit shocked!
Erim sat next to her: Me, too. I can't believe it! We have a big brother!
Nazli smirked: And my mom and dad hid it from us!
Erim hugged his knees too: Why is our life so weird abla? Look at us. Why can't we have a normal life?
He sighed: We can't even have a normal family dinner.
Nazli put her head on his shoulder: I don't know Erim. We never had a normal life since we were born.
She smirked: Maybe we're cursed.
Erim looked at the moon: Do you think we could be happy and normal one day?
Nazli looked at the moon, too: I don't know.
She then smiled at Erim and wrapped her arm around his shoulder: But I promise to stay by your side no matter what!
Erim smiled and said: I know!

Kaya and Ender went to their room. She was calmer now and sat on the bed. She looked at Kaya and said: What should we do?
Kaya was looking outside the window. He sighed: I don't know Ender. I really don't know. He's worse than I thought.
Ender licked her lips: We don't have any other choices you mean?
Kaya frowned: No I didn't say that.
Then he turned around and looked at her: What do you mean?
Ender looked at her hands: I mean... We could...
She stopped talking. Kaya frowned more.
He went closer: Talk Ender. What could we do?
Ender was still looking and her hands: We could pretend.
K: What do you mean?!
Ender stuttered: I mean... We could....em... like... divorce but then get married when everything is over!
Kaya couldn't believe what he heard: I'm sorry, what did you just say?
Ender sighed: Kaya look...
Ender jumped out of her place. She was shocked. She looked at Kaya in surprise: Kaya calm down I didn't mean like tha-
Kaya shouted again: You didn't mean what?! Huh?! You didn't mean what Ender?! How could you even think about such a thing? How did this nonsense came into your mind?! Huh?! HOW?!
Ender frowned and stood up: Stop shouting at me!
Kaya went closer. He was a breath away from her face.
He growled: Listen to me Ender! I won't divorce you! So if you want to divorce go find yourself a better excuse! Because I won't lose a woman I earned so freaking hard!
He put his index finger on her head: So remember this! I will not divorce you Ender Ekinci!
He then went to the bathroom.
Ender was very happy to hear that. She thought Kaya might want to pretend but he couldn't tell it to her. So she decided to act like that to see what he would say. But after seeing this reaction, she was sure Kaya wasn't even thinking about that.

When Kaya came out of the bathroom, Ender was laying down on the bed reading a book. Kaya looked at her and frowned.
While he was changing his clothes, he said: Did you check on the kids?
Ender answered without looking at him: Yes. They're sleeping.
Kaya wore his t-shirt and lied down next to her: What about Shahika? Is she home?
E: I don't know.
She was frowning and reading her book.
Kaya looked at her and said: Could you turn that lamp off? I can't sleep.
Ender ignored him.
Kaya grabbed the book she was reading and put it on the end table next to him. Then he turned the lamp off.
Ender was surprised: Give it back!
Kaya turned his back on her and closed his eyes.
Ender smiled hysterically: Are you serious?
She then turned her back on him and whispered: Stubborn!
Kaya heard what she said and smiled: I can hear you!
Ender frowned: Good!
Kaya turned around and put his hand under his head. He looked at her and said: I still can't believe you thought about getting divorce.
Ender sighed and turned around to look at him: Kaya my whole life is on fire right now. I can't think correctly. So please forgive me.
A tear dropped from her eye.
Kaya wiped it and hugged her tightly.
She put her forehead on his chest.
Kaya kissed her hair: Don't think about stupid stuff. I know your mind is confused and that's why you came up with the stupidest idea. But trust me Ender. I'll bring our son home to you.
Ender wrapped her arms around his waist and whispered: I'm sorry.
Kaya kissed her ear: Don't be. I know you didn't mean that. So just calm down and leave everything to me. I'll fix it all. I promise.
Ender smiled sadly and kissed his neck: Okay aşkım.

The next day, Yiğit didn't go to work but Kaya expected that. So he went to meet him in his house. But his roommate said that he left the house last night and didn't take anything with him. He just left the house and hadn't come back since then.
Kaya didn't want to worry Ender so he didn't tell her about this. But Yiğit was gone for a three days now and no one knew where he was. Kaya was worried himself. So he told the police and he had no choice to tell Ender too because the police had to talk to her too. When Ender heard Yiğit was lost and no one knew where he was, she got so scared.
A week passed and Yiğit was still gone. Kaya searched everywhere and couldn't find him.
When he went home, it was 10 p.m. Nazli was in the living room watching tv. She looked at him and whispered: Good night.
She was still mad about the secret they've hidden from them but seeing Ender in that condition made her to stop acting out and she didn't talk about it anymore.
Kaya sighed: Good night kizim. Is Shahika home?
N: No she's not.
Shahika used this opportunity to build a relationship with Halit and do the stuff she was planning on. Kaya was busy with finding Yiğit and it was great for Shahika.
Kaya took off his coat and put it on the couch: Where's your mother?
N: She's in her room.
Kaya pushed his eyes with his fingers: Did she eat anything?
Nazli sighed: No. She ate nothing.
Kaya kissed Nazli's hair and said: Okay kizim thank you. Don't stay up late. You have school tomorrow.
He then went downstairs to their bedroom. The light was off and Ender was laying down facing the window.
Kaya lied down and hugged her from behind.
Ender whispered: I wanna die.
Kaya bit on his lips to stop himself from crying. He kissed her hair long and said: Shshshsh please don't say that.
Ender turned around and looked at him. Her eyes were red.
She said: You promised me Kaya. You promised you'll bring my son back.
Kaya kissed her forehead: Yes I did. And I will.
Ender hit his chest with her fists and shouted: Lier! Lier! Lier!
Kaya hugged her so tight that she couldn't move anymore.
He burst into tears: I promise you canim. I'll bring him back.
Ender couldn't move anymore so she just cried out loud.

The next day, Kaya's phone ring woke him up. He carefully got up and went outside the room quickly because he didn't want to wake Ender up.
He answered the call: Hello?
The caller: Hi, Kaya Ekinci?
K: Yes it's me.
C: I'm calling from the police station. We found your son sir.

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now