She deserves to know

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Kaya put his hand on the window and leaned his head on his hand. He was staring outside silently.
Ender was standing next to him and she was also staring at the people walking around on the side walk.
They have been like that for a while.
Ender broke the silence: I think you should leave. Nazli will be home soon. I don't want her to see you here.
K: Alright. Thanks for your time.
Ender just shook her head slowly.
She handed Kaya his jacket and when he opened the door he saw Nazli standing there with Caner and Erim. They were laughing and talking. When they saw each other they were both shocked. Nazli smiled: Hello Kaya abi!
Kaya didn't smile and frowned instead: Hi. I should go, I'm sorry.
He waited for them to step aside but they didn't.
Nazli looked sad obviously. She knew something was wrong. She looked at him with her sad blue eyes: What's wrong? Did you fight with my mom?
Kaya couldn't stand her sad eyes so he didn't look at them. He gently pushed her aside and left without saying anything.
When they went inside Nazli saw Ender standing in front of the window.
She asked: Anne, why was Kaya abi here? Why was he so angry? Did you two have a fight?
Ender looked at her. She didn't know they saw each other. She didn't want to lie to Nazli anymore but she had no other choice.
She smiled and said: No canım. We talked about work. That's all.
Nazli smirked: Since when you talk about work at home? And cry over it?
Ender was searching for an excuse when Erim came in and shouted: Annem! I missed you so much!
Ender got so happy to see him. She hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead.
E: Welcome aşkım benim! I missed you, too.
Er: Who was that man?
E: Oh, he was just the new advocate. We talked about some work.
When Nazli heard that again she got mad and went to her room and closed the door. She sat on her bed and decided to use her old method to make her mother talk.
Ender knocked and opened the door slightly: May I come in?
Nazli frowned: Yes.
Ender smiled and sat next to her. She kissed her hair: Caner said you won the game. Why are you sad then?
Nazli got angry: Why am I sad? Why? Anne what is wrong with you and Kaya? Why did you leave my game early? Why don't you want us to meet? Why do you hate him so much?
Nazli raised her voice without realizing.
Ender frowned: Don't raise your voice at me!
Nazli shouted louder: Then answer me!
Ender got really angry. She started to shout, too: For once in your life just listen to me without asking for a reason!
N: One? Once anne? I've been living the life you chose me for the past 16 years! I never judged your decisions. I never objected you. I never said a word above your word and now you're telling me to listen to you for once? That's not fair! I don't deserve this, I don't. This is my first time asking you a question, and that's the answer you give me. Thank you, really.
Ender didn't know what to say. Nazli was right. Everything she has been through was too much for her age. She was too young for this kind of problem. She could remember when Nazli was just 5 years old and Ender had a bad argument with Halit but that little girl went and gave her a hug with her little hands and whispered into her ear: Don't be sad anne! I'm here. I'm always here for you.
Remembering this made Ender really sad. She just hugged Nazli and didn't say anything. This girl deserved the best. Ender was determine to give her the best.
After they sat like that for a few minutes, Ender grabbed Nazli's face into her hands. She kissed her eyes and then said: Come on let's go have dinner. I'll take you to a place tomorrow and I will answer all your questions, I promise.
Nazli didn't say anything.

Kaya didn't return to his hotel room after leaving Ender's house. He went to a bar instead. He didn't sleep the past 3 days. He couldn't sleep. He would just lie in his bed and look at the ceiling till it was morning. He needed sleep so he could find a good solution for the problem he was facing. So he decided to drink as much as he could till he feels sleepy and hopefully fall asleep. But it wouldn't work. He just got drunk and that was all. He asked for a taxi to his hotel room and when he got there he threw himself in the bathroom and vomited everything he had eaten earlier that day. After that he felt a little better and took a shower.
When he came out of the shower he looked at the steamed mirror. When he wiped it off he noticed his left eyebrow was bleeding but he didn't notice it in the shower because he was so drunk. He didn't even remember how that happened. He tried to bandage it but it didn't stop bleeding. After 30 minutes he finally got tired from trying so he just wrapped it with all the bandage he had and went to sleep with just his bathrobe on.

The next morning while they were having breakfast Ender said to Nazli: I will go out to do a few things. I'll call you when I'm done. We have to go somewhere.
Erim frowned: Hey! I want to come, too!
Ender smiled at him and messed his hair: It won't take long! We will go out for dinner! All 4 of us!
Erim smiled: Great!

A continuous, loud knock on the door woke Kaya up. As soon as he stood up he suddenly felt dizzy and bumped into the end table by his bed and the table and everything on it all fell on the ground with a loud noise. He grabbed his head tightly and sat on the bed. The person behind the door wouldn't go away so he screamed:
The person didn't answer and kept on knocking. There was no use he had to open it. So he got up more carefully this time. He felt so dizzy but managed to reach the door and open it finally. When he opened the door he shouted: What!
But when he saw Ender standing there he got shocked.
K: Ender! What are you doing here so early in the morning? Is something wrong?
Ender was even more shocked. She got really scared. Kaya was standing there in front of her with his head wrapped around a lot of bloody bandage. There was blood all over his white bathrobe and his left eye was all red and he looked really pale.
Ender put her hand on her mouth and said: Kaya!
Kaya didn't know how awful he looked. So he thought something bad had happened. He was getting scared: Ender what's wrong? Did something happen to Nazli? Why don't you talk?
Ender just looked at him with wide open eyes and her hand on her mouth.
K: Say something for the love of God!
Ender finally started to talk: Kaya what happened to you? What is all this blood! What was that noise? Are you okay?
K: What? What bloo-
Before finishing his sentence he looked at his robe and saw all the blood on it.
K: Shit!
E: Come on let's go to the hospital. You should see a doctor!
K: No I'm fine it's okay.
Ender frowned: Kaya don't be stubborn. Look at you. You need a doctor!
K: I said I'm fine! Come in.
And went inside without saying anything else.
Ender followed him and continued talking:
Kaya come on let's go you don't look fine at all. You should really...
She stopped talking when she saw the mess inside the room. The end table and all the stuff on it were on the floor and there was crushed glass everywhere.
K: Be careful! Don't step on the glass.
Ender stood were she was and looked at Kaya. She was waiting for the answer of the obvious question.
K: When you knocked I stood up suddenly to open the door but my head felt heavy and I blacked out for a moment. I bumped into the end table. The loud noise was this.
Then he called for the cleaning service.
K: I should really change this robe.
E: Ok I'll wait here.
When Kaya went to wear his clothes someone came and cleaned the room. His bed sheets were all covered in blood. The hotel maid looked at Ender with a questioning look.
Ender smiled: He bumped his head into something last night.
The maid shook her head and left without saying anything.
Kaya came out wearing just a pair of black pants and a white undershirt.
He was holding a black sweatshirt in his hands.
He pointed at his bandaged head and said: It doesn't let me wear the shirt. I can't open it. Would you help me please?
Ender took a deep breath.
E: You are the most stubborn person I have ever known. I told you, you should see a doctor. Come sit here let me take look.
Kaya sat on the chair and Ender stood behind him. She tried to open the bandage but she couldn't.
She got mad and said: For the love of God how did you tie this thing?
Kaya laughed: I don't remember I just wrapped everything around my head.
Ender hit his neck: Don't laugh! It's not funny!
Kaya put his hand on his neck and said: Hey! Don't hit me! I am sick can't you see? Be nice to me!
E: I thought you said you are fine and don't need a doctor!
Kaya laughed again. Ender said: I said don't laugh!
Kaya tried to hold his laugh and this made Ender laugh, too.
E: Okay stop moving let me cut it. It looks like that's the only way.
When she finally removed the bandage she saw Kaya's forehead covered in blood.
E: Oh my God what is this! Did you break your head?
K: No it's just my eyebrow. I'll go wash it. Thanks for you help.
Ender shook her head.
Kaya washed his face.
E: Come on sit again we should disinfect it.
As soon as Ender put the alcohol on his scar, Kaya shouted: Ouch!
Ender tried to hold her laugh but couldn't.
K: You think this is funny Ender hanim, huh?
E: You act like a baby!
K: I don't. Hey that hurts be more gentle! Ouch!
Ender laughed again.
K: Don't laugh!
E: I'm not laughing!
Kaya laughed, too.
Finally Ender bandaged his head carefully and he stood up and smiled at her: Thank you for your help Ender hanim.
Ender smiled: You're welcome Kaya bey. So how did this happen?
K: I don't remember actually. I was really drunk last night. I must have bumped into something. So, you still haven't said why you're here.
Ender frowned: I think we should tell Nazli everything Kaya, she deserves to know.
Kaya got surprised: When?
E: Today!

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now