Family is everything

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Writer's note: Hey guys! I'm back again and my exams are over now! So we can get back on our daily posting routine! I hope you'll enjoys this episode❤️ Thank you for being patient all this time and supporting me, I love every single one of you❤️

Ender: Kaya if you won't get up in 5 minutes I swear to God I will pour a glass of water on you!
Kaya smiled with his eyes closed and didn't say anything.
Ender was standing beside the bed with her hands on her waist. When she saw him smile, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath: God give me patience!
Then she pulled his pillow: Stop laughing!
Kaya grabbed the pillow and put it under his head again: Stop being mean to me, I'm injured!
Ender: You've been acting like this for the past week! This needs to stop! I didn't marry a lazy man!
Kaya opened one eye: Did you just call me lazy?
Ender sighed: I'll go upstairs to make breakfast. If you won't be ready in 5 minutes, I'll do what I said!
Then she left without saying anything more.
Kaya laughed out loud: If you could realize how cute you are when you get angry, you could understand why I keep making you mad aşkım!

Ender was setting the table. Nazli went upstairs and when Ender heard her footsteps she first thought it's Kaya: Fina-
But before finishing her sentence she saw Nazli: Oh kizim it's you. I thought it's your father. Good morning!
Nazli smiled and kissed her cheek: Good morning anne! Baba is not up yet?
Ender sighed: I woke him up, but he refuses to leave the bed!
Nazli smiled: Maybe he's tired.
Ender said: No he slept on time last night. He's been doing this since that accident.
Kaya entered the living room and said: Stop talking behind my back to my daughter woman!
Ender frowned: Look who's up! Sleeping beauty!
Kaya laughed and kissed her cheek hard: Good morning to you too my queen!
Nazli avoided looking at Kaya and sat at the table without saying anything.
Kaya smiled and kissed her hair: Good morning kizim.
Nazli responded without looking at him: Good morning.
Kaya looked at Ender. She raised her shoulders and didn't say anything.

After eating their breakfast Ender looked at her watch: I'm late!
Then she picked two plates to take them to the kitchen but Kaya stopped her: We'll clean up. You go.
Ender smiled: Thanks hayatım!
Then she picked her coat and handbag and then kissed both of them: Take care! Bye!
When Ender left, Kaya and Nazli cleaned the breakfast table without talking to each other.
After they finished cleaning the table, Kaya made a coffee for himself and stood in front of the window looking outside. Nazli picked her bag and said: I'll leave. Goodbye.
Kaya looked at her and said: Wait a moment. Do you have time? Can we talk?
Nazli didn't want to talk to him at all. She avoided him for the past week and whenever Kaya talked to her, she ran away some how. After that accident, Nazli felt guilty for what happened and couldn't forgive herself.
She chewed on her lower lip and said: My driver is waiting I better go.
Kaya said: It's fine I'll tell him to leave. I'll take you to school.
And before letting Nazli to talk, he called the driver and sent him away.
Nazli knew she couldn't run this time so she went and stood by his side.
Kaya said: Since you have school, I won't take your time and go to the main subject directly. Nazli, kizim, why do you avoid talking to me?
Nazli closed her eyes and chew on her lips without saying anything.
Kaya looked at her and said: Did I do something wrong? Did I make you sad?
Nazli dropped her head and played with her fingers.
Kaya said: Why don't you answer me? If something is bothering you tell me. Maybe I could fix it.
Nazli whispered: No.
K: What?
Nazli talked louder this time: No you didn't do anything wrong.
K: Then why are you so cold to me?
Nazli stood quite again.
K: Do you feel guilty for what happened last week?
A tear dropped from Nazli's eye and she immediately wiped it.
Kaya said: So I'm right. That's why you can't look into my eyes. You feel guilty.
Nazli's voice and chin shook when she talked: You almost died.
Kaya smiled. He then looked outside.
After a few seconds of silence he said: I told you about my father once, do you remember?
Nazli whispered: Yes.
K: He was not a good father you know. We never sat down and talked. We never went hiking or fishing. He never came to my basketball games.
He took a deep breath: But I still didn't hate him. No matter what, he was my father. I couldn't hate him, but I also didn't love him. When he died, I felt sad. Very sad. But I didn't miss him. Because I couldn't feel his presence when he was alive. I always said to myself I won't be a father like him. I will love my children and spend as much time with them as I could.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath: But I am as bad as him. Maybe even worse. I lost a child and missed the chance of seeing my daughter grow.
He looked at Nazli and said: But look at me now. I'm standing here looking at my daughter. When I found out about you, I felt angry and confused. But with all those different feelings, I also felt happy. Deep down in my heart, I felt like the luckiest and happiest man ever. Suddenly, I had the most precious thing someone could ever have. A child. A daughter. Someone that has my blood in her veins.
Kaya sighed and looked outside again. He stood quite for a few seconds and then said: Family is everything Nazli. You may not understand this now because you're young and haven't faced serious problems yet. But one day, when you have your own family you'll see what I mean.
Before coming back to Istanbul, I was lonely. And by lonely, I really mean lonely. Yes I had friends to go out with. I had friends to spend time with them at weekends and on holidays. But when it came to my sad days, when I had a problem and needed someone to talk to, when I felt homesick and missed my parents and needed a real and pure hug, there was no one. But now...
He smiled and looked at his phone's screen. His favorite photo of Ender was on his cell phone's background.
K: You and your mother are my everything Nazli. Now I come home to your mother or I'll wait for her to come home every night. Now every night other lights are on in this house other than my room. I can hear a turned on tv or the sound of a teenage girl's laugh that's talking to her friend on the phone while I'm working in my room. Now I have a daughter that I have plans for her future in my mind. I wake up every morning differently because I have a family to support. You are the reasons that I live for Nazli. You are the meanings of my life.
He looked at her and said: You know... before You and Ender, I was happy once in a while, but now....
He smiled and kissed her hair: I am happy every second of my life.
Then he hugged her: And that's why I would sacrifice everything for you two. Even if it's my own life. So stop blaming yourself for what happened. I would do the same thing if this happened again. I'd rather die than losing you two.
Nazli closed her eyes and said: I love you baba.
Kaya couldn't be happier that moment. He tried really hard not to start crying. He closed his eyes and hugged her tightly: See? This was not bad after all, now you call me baba.
Nazli smiled and didn't say anything.

Ender was working in her office when someone knocked on the door.
Ender said: Come in.
Yasamin went inside with a bunch of papers in her hand and put them on Ender's desk one by one: You have to sign these madam.
And then she handed her an envelope: And there's a letter for you.
Ender looked at the envelope. Her name as "Ender Celebi" was written on it instead of "Ender Ekinci".
Ender whispered to herself: Who sends letters these days?
Y: Pardon?
E: Nothing. Okay Yasamin thanks. I'll call you when I finish reading and signing these documents.
When Yasamin left, Ender opened the envelope. But as she read the letter word by word, her heart beat faster. She felt like she can't breathe when she finished the letter.
She whispered: Erim...
She felt so scared that her whole body was shaking and immediately called Erim.
He didn't answer his phone: God damn it! Pick up canim benim, don't do this to me.
But he didn't pick up even when she called him three times. He was still mad at Ender.
When Erim didn't answer, Ender called Nazli.
N: Hello annecim.
Ender didn't even say hi: Nazli, did you see Erim at school today?
Nazli was getting worried: Anne is something wrong?
Ender almost shouted: I SAID DID YOU SEE ERIM TODAY?
Nazli was shocked. She didn't expect that reaction: No anne I was a little bit late this morning I didn't get to see him. But I guess he must be in class now.
Ender couldn't stand on her feet after hearing that so she sat down.
She closed her eyes and said: Go check if he's there Nazli.
Nazli wanted to ask questions but she knew Ender was really panicked and wouldn't answer even if she asked. So she ran to Erim's class and looked through the window on its door. Erim was sitting there and listening to the teacher.
Nazli said: He's in his class anne.
Ender felt relieved and said: Okay kizim listen to me. After school, do not get into any cars and do not leave the school. Stay there with your brother I'll pick both of you up. Don't let him go anywhere. Kizim I insist, do not get into any cars or go anywhere. Just wait for me.
N: Anne what is wrong? Do I have to be worried?
E: Just do as I said. I will explain everything later.

When school was over, Ender went after Erim and Nazli. Erim was mad at her but she didn't care and took him home with her. Erim missed Nazli and his mother so he didn't argue more and just went home with them.
When they arrived home, Nazli stepped on an envelope that was on the front doorstep. She picked it up and said: Anne this is yours.
Then she went down stairs with Erim.
When Ender saw the envelope, she felt dizzy and sat on the dining table's chair.
It was the same envelope but when she opened it, there was a different letter. It only had one sentence: I never said it's Erim.

Kaya was looking outside the window. Small rain drops were hitting the glass. It was spring.
Fatma had a sprinkler in her hand and wanted to water the plants.
Kaya said: Don't touch them.
F: I'm sorry what did you say sir?
K: Do not touch her plants. She'll take care of them herself.
F: But Kaya bey, they will get dry and die.
Kaya frowned: No one will touch Ender's plants until she takes care of them herself!
Then he picked up his coat and left the house.
Fatma sighed: Poor man. He still has hope.

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