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Kaya was looking around when they were exploring the jungle. He smiled and said: It's beautiful here.
But when Nazli didn't respond, he looked at her and realized she was in deep thought biting on her lower lip.
K: Is something wrong?
Nazli didn't notice again. Kaya shook his hand in front of her face: Hey!
Nazli stopped and turned her head with a questioning expression: What?
K: What are you thinking about?
N: Nothing.
K: Are you sure?
Nazli frowned: I am.
K: Okay then.
After a while Kaya said: By the way, where is your friend? What was her name? Melek?
N: She doesn't come to these camps and stuff. Her aunt and uncle are strict.
K: She doesn't live with her own parents?
N: No. Her parents died in a car accident when she was 5.
K: Oh... I felt sorry for her.
Nazli sighed: Yeah. It's really sad. But she's a very strong girl.
Kaya smiled: She surely is.

Everyone gathered at the previous spot after one hour so they could start the game.
Sevda explained the rules and they started the treasure haunt. They had to find the clues to find the main treasure.
Nazli and Kaya were trying to understand the tip of the 3rd clue they've found, when Zeynep approached them. Nazli frowned.
Zeynep smiled and said: Which clue did you find?
Kaya smiled: The 3rd one. Which one did you find?
Z: The 5th. What is the 3rd one?
Kaya opened his mouth to answer but Nazli interrupted him: This is cheating in the game Zeynep hanim. You know the rules very well. None of the teams can assist each other.
Kaya frowned: Really?
N: Yes.
Zeynep smiled: I just wanted to help Nazlicim but if you don't want to it's fine.
Then she left.
Nazli looked at Kaya angrily and said: Why are you so nice to her?
Kaya tried hard to not laugh: I'm just trying to be polite kizim.
N: Don't be!
Kaya held up his hands and said: Okay okay I won't.

When the first game was over, Kaya and Nazli were the second team to find their treasure. It was an empty photo frame so they could put a family photo in it. Kaya loved the idea.
At lunch time, Kaya and Nazli were sitting on a table when Zeynep and Selin sat with them.
Zeynep looked at Kaya and smile: I hope we're not bothering you Kaya bey.
Selin sat next to Nazli and whispered: How are you corn face?
Nazli tried hard not to scream at her. She just gnashed and stayed quiet.
Zeynep tried to talk to Kaya but he was cold towards her. He didn't feel comfortable around her and her actions.
After a few minutes Zeynep said: I heard you were abroad. Where were you?
K: London.
Z:Ohhh! I love London!
Kaya put on a fake smile.
Zeynep then said: Then why did you come back?
Kaya frowned: Personal reasons. I really don't want to talk about it.
Zeynep felt angry but didn't show it.
Z: So you didn't have a family there I suppose.
K: No I didn't.
Zeynep felt that Kaya was too cold towards her. After a few moments of awkward silence, Zeynep said: Well I'm glad I met you today. You're such a gentleman.
Kaya put on a fake smile again and didn't say anything.
Z: We should go out sometimes you know. I would like to know you better.
Kaya frowned and open his mouth but before he could talk Nazli responded angrily: He's married!
She was frowning and gnashing.
Kaya first got shocked but after he saw Nazli's face he had to try really hard not to laugh.
Zeynep looked at Kaya in surprise: I thought you said you don't have a family!
Nazli responded again instead of Kaya: Well he said he doesn't have a family in London! It doesn't mean he doesn't have a family here!
Kaya smiled big. Nazli continued: I'm his daughter, and my mom is his wife. It's as simple as that.
Zeynep was shocked: Ender is your wife?
K: She is.
Zeynep frowned and said: I'm sorry for bothering you. We better go.
When they left Kaya laughed out loud.
Nazli frowned: What are you laughing at?
K: Her face was so funny.
Nazli laughed, too.

They won the second game. Nazli was happy and this was enough for Kaya.
Later that night when they returned to the cottage, Kaya used the telephone to call Ender. While he was waiting for her to pick up, he called Nazli: I'm calling your mother, do you wanna talk to her?
Nazli was in the other room: Yes please. Tell me when you finished talking.
Ender picked up: Hello?
K: Hi aşkım.
Ender was surprised: Kaya? How are you canim?
K: We're fine.
E: Where are you calling from?
K: It's our cottage's telephone. Cell phones don't work here.
E: How's Nazli? Did you have fun today?
Kaya smiled: We did. We made it to the third game.
E: That's wonderful! Everything is fine then?
Kaya sighed: No. It's not.
Ender became worried: Why? What's wrong?
Kaya sighed again: I can't believe you're asking me this Ender. I can't believe you don't know what's wrong.
Ender was really worried: Kaya I'm getting really worried now. Stop playing games. Tell me what's wrong.
K: I miss you.
Ender frowned and raised her voice: I can't believe you!
Kaya laughed: What? Don't you miss me?
E: You are five years old. You really are five years old.
K: I love you.
Ender smiled: I love you, too. Now give the phone to my daughter I miss her.

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now