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Caner saw Savaş standing at a corner. He went to talk to him: Hello abi.
S: Hi caner. Did he go?
C: Yes. He left half an hour ago.
S: So they must have seen each other by now.
C: Yeah probably.
S: What about Nazli and Erim? How are they?
C: They're fine.
Then he pointed at them: They're standing there.
S: Good. Where is Yiğit?
C: I don't know he must be around. He asked for Kaya and I told him he went to check the food but I don't think he bought it.
S: Okay it's fine. He won't know where Kaya is now. We better focus on Shahika.
C: Abi... how is ablam?
Savaş smiled: She's fine don't worry.
Caner sighed: I miss her.
Savaş put his hand on Caner's shoulder: You'll see her soon.

Kaya was sitting on the ground and leaning on the couch with Ender in his arms. They were both quiet.
Ender was listening to Kaya's heart beat and Kaya was smelling her hair with his eyes closed. They were in that position for nearly half and hour.
Ender kissed Kaya's chin and tried to look at him. But he still refused to look into her eyes.
She put her forehead on his cheek and said: Canim? Aren't you going to talk to me?
Kaya closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He stood up and went to the kitchen without saying anything.
This weird calmness he had worried Ender. He was too quiet. She expected him to shout and fight. But he just stood there quietly and hugged her.
After a few minutes he returned with a glass of water and gave it to Ender without saying anything and sat on the ground next to her again.
He stared in front of him. Ender put the water down without drinking it and whispered: Aşkım...
Kaya talked in a very cold tone: Where were you?
Ender sighed: I was hiding.
K: Why?
E: I had to. My life was threatened.
K: Who threatened your life?
Ender took a deep breath and said: Aşkım look...
Kaya interrupted her and shouted: DON'T CALL ME THAT!!
Ender was shocked but tried to stay calm: Okay I'll do what you want.
Kaya looked at her and started to talk without letting Ender to speak: How could you do this to me? Huh? HOW COULD YOU? Okay I was mean to you years ago. I ruined your life. I left you alone. I was a monster so you revenged me. But how could you do this to your own children? Do you know what Nazli and Erim went through? Erim is still seeing a therapist. He didn't go to school for a month! Nazli didn't speak for weeks! She still wakes up at the middle of the night and checks our bedroom to see if your back or not!
He shouted louder: We had to buy you a tombstone!!
Ender was crying but she also tried to calm Kaya down: Okay canim okay! Calm down!
She reached her hand to put on his face but he pushed her hand away, stood up and shouted: DON'T TOUCH ME!! Don't you dare to lay a finger on me!
Ender wiped her tears and said: Okay. I won't touch you. But please calm down Kaya! Look at the vein on your neck! You'll hurt yourself! Please!
Then she tried to stand up with the help of the coffee table and the couch and she finally stood up. She again reached her hand to touch Kaya's neck but he pushed her hand again and this made her fall.
Kaya immediately sat in front her and said: Ender? Are you okay? Did I hurt you?
Ender smiled sadly and said: No I'm fine.
Kaya looked at Ender's hand and it seemed like he just noticed what happened to her. He was shocked and said: What's wrong with your hand?
Ender sighed: I will tell you everything Kaya. I promise. But first I need you to calm down. I'm really worried about you.
Kaya smirked: Yeah you were obviously worried about me that's why you hid yourself for five months and made me believe you're dead!
E: Don't say that. Just give me a chance to explain everything.
Kaya stood up and said: I don't want to hear anything. Keep your explanations for your children. I was going to say Caner, too but it looks like he already knows.
He smirked and said: So that's why he wasn't that sad. How stupid I was. I always felt jealous of him because he could get himself together!
He picked his coat and decided to leave. Ender called his name in tears but he didn't stop and left without looking behind him.

Savaş was waiting for Caner at the restaurant's hallway.
He came in hurry and said: I searched everywhere. I couldn't find them.
Savaş frowned: I told you not to take your eyes off of them Caner!
C: I didn't. Nazli called me a moment and I couldn't ignore her. She's smart. She'd find out!
S: Okay now we should find them as soon as possible. I'm sure Shahika saw me. Ender is in danger Caner. First call her and tell her to go home.
Caner called Ender and after talking to her he said: She says she's at her house but Kaya got mad and left. She was not good at all.
Savaş sighed: I was already expecting this reaction. He has all the rights to be mad. But now we have to go pick her up. She can't stay in that house.

Kaya was driving without knowing where his destination was. He just drove around the city. He still was confused and couldn't think. The more he thought about it, the more he got confused. Why did Ender hid herself? What was she afraid of? What happened to her? How did she survive?
But he still couldn't find an answer to any of these questions.

Nazli and Erim were standing in front of a table. Nazli sighed and said: This is a terribly boring party. My dad left and didn't come back and I have school tomorrow. And all of this is because that Shahika! This party is because of her but she left with your father and came back after half an hour and now she's just talking to him. All the other guests are mad! They didn't even had dinner!
Erim smiled: Calm down ablacim. If Kaya abi doesn't return in 15 minutes let's leave. Everyone else has left already. Only a few are here.
N: Okay let's do that. You're right.
But as soon as Nazli finished her sentence, they both saw something they couldn't take their eye off.
Ender entered the room and Caner and Savaş entered after her.
Nazli first thought she's just seeing a vision but when she looked at Erim she realized he was shocked just like her.
None of them could move and they froze at their places.
Everyone else in the room were shocked.
Ender started to talk while frowning: I'm Ender Ekinci and I'm not dead!
All of the reporters that were in the room started to take pictures of her and a few of guests used their phones to film her.
She continued: Five months ago, this woman hit me in the head and threw me into the sea. She tried to kill me.
She pointed at Shahika. But Shahika was so shocked she couldn't even talk.
Ender continued: This made me crippled but I got better and now I'm here to put her in jail.
After saying this, two policemen went inside and arrested Shahika. She kept asking for help and crying. Halit looked at Ender and went after Shahika without saying anything.
Savaş and Caner apologized the guests and asked them to leave.
Erim and Nazli were still frozen. They looked pale and couldn't move.
Ender went near them. She burst into tears.
Erim looked at Caner.
Caner said: Yes dayicim. It's your mother.
Erim stepped back. Nazli was still frozen.
Ender said: Erim...Nazli...
Erim stuttered: A...Anne?
Ender nodded and said: Yes annecim.
Erim burst into tears and hugged her. He couldn't stand anymore so he sat down and Ender sat down, too. They were both crying. Ender looked at Nazli and reached her hand out to ask her to join their hug: Kizim...
Nazli was still frozen. She just stared at her. She couldn't even blink.
Ender looked at Savaş worriedly. Savaş put his hand on Nazli's back and said: Nazlicim? Are you okay? Look it's your mom.
Nazli looked at Savaş and said: This is not funny abi.
Savaş couldn't hold his tear anymore and a tear dropped from his eye. He wiped it immediately and said: No canim it's not a joke. Go hug her. She's back. Your mother is back.
Nazli looked at Ender again. She sat on the ground next to her.
Ender was holding Erim and smiled at Nazli while crying. Nazli closed her eyes and kissed Ender's hand that was around Erim's neck. She then put her forehead on Ender's hand and whispered: Annecim...

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now