We built this family with our love

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Savaş was checking himself in the mirror when the doorbell rang. He went to open it and called Yiğit to go with him.
When they opened the door, Ender and Kaya were smiling at them.
Savaş smiled back at them: Welcome!
When they went inside, Nazli followed them.
Savaş messed up her hair: What's up little snake?!
She smiled: Hi Savaş abi!
Ender kissed Yiğit's cheek: I missed you oğlum.
Yiğit just smiled and didn't say anything. Then he shook hands with Kaya.
Nazli ignored him and sat on the couch: Your house is beautiful Savaş abi!
Savaş smiled: Thanks canim.
They all sat and Savaş went to make them coffee.
Yiğit sat next to Nazli and whispered: How is your boyfriend?!
She frowned at him: Thanks to you he avoids me now! Even at school!
Yiğit frowned: It's not my fault that you're dating a coward!
Nazli looked at him angrily but before she could say anything, Kaya said: How's university?! Is everything good?
Yiğit tried to smile: It's not bad. I like it.
Kaya and Ender smiled. Kaya said: I'm glad to hear that.
Savaş put the coffee tray on the coffee table and said: He's doing very good! Although it's not an official semester for him, because as you know new semester starts at autumn, but he's doing amazing at these elective units.
Ender smiled and picked her coffee cup: Benim oğlum. Of course he will be amazing!
Then she sighed: I wish Erim was here too.
S: Why didn't you bring him?
Ender frowned: Halit doesn't let me see him since that night.
S: Can he do that? Is that legal?!
Kaya frowned: Of course not. I'm working on it. He can't take a child away from his mother.
Nazli didn't know what they were talking about: What are you talking about?! What night?!
Savaş was surprised: You don't know?!
Nazli raised her left eyebrow: About what?
Ender tried to tell Savaş that he needs to stop talking right away but he wouldn't look at her.
Savaş smiled: Your father almost killed Halit Argun!
Nazli spit out the coffee she was drinking: WHAAATTT?!
And started to cough. Yiğit patted her back: Calm down!
She looked at Kaya in surprise: What did you do?!
Ender frowned and looked at Savaş: Bravo Savaş! Now you made a team of Halit Argun haters!
Savaş smiled big: What a great team then!
Kaya tried to hold his smile: It's not like that kizim.
S: It is it is! He attacked him in his house! If Ender wouldn't stop him, God knows how many punches that maniac would get!
Nazli smiled and shouted: ASLAN BABAM!
Then she stood up and sat next to him: Okay tell me with every detail. What did you do to him? How did he respond? Was he scared?
Ender sighed: Oh God, here we go again.
At that moment the doorbell rang. Everyone looked at Savaş questioningly.
He stood up and smiled: Our guest is here!
Then he went to open the door.
Kaya looked at Yiğit: Who were you waiting for?
Y: No one. I don't know who it is.
But when Savaş came to the living room holding Sevda's hand, Nazli smiled as big as she could and everyone else were surprised.
He pointed at Sevda and said: Okay guys I want to introduce my girlfriend, Sevda. However you guys already know each other.
Sevda smiled: Hi!
Kaya and Ender looked at each other in surprise. Then they both smiled and everyone stood up for her.
They all shook hands with her.
After they sat down, Ender held Savaş's hand and took him to the kitchen.
She whispered angrily: What is this?!
He looked at her questioningly: What do you mean?! I thought you like her! And you were the one that told me to let another person into my life!
Ender frowned: I'm not talking about Sevda!
S: Then who are you talking about?!
E: The fact that you hid this from me!
Savaş smiled: I wanted to surprise you!
Ender raised her left eyebrow: Go fool another one, I'm not dumb!
Savaş smiled bigger: I'm not fooling you. I just wanted to introduce her to my family in a formal way. You know you're my only family.
Ender felt good to hear that and smiled: Yes I know. You're my family too.
Then she hugged him trying to hold her tears back: I'm so happy for you Savaş. You deserve happiness more than anyone.
He hugged her back: Thanks canim.
At the dinner table, Savaş looked at Yiğit and smiled: We have another beautiful surprise for you tonight!
Kaya smiled: What is it?!
Savaş said: Tell us about your decision Yiğit.
Yiğit cleaned his mouth with a tissue and said: Well...
Then he looked at Ender: I would like to come and live with you if that's okay.
Ender couldn't believe what she heard. She smiled in surprise: Of course you can aşkım benim!
Kaya smiled too: Of course you can. You have no idea how much we want this.
Yiğit nodded and smiled: Thanks.
Nazli frowned: I won't give him my room!
They all laughed, even Yiğit.
She frowned more: I'm serious!
Kaya pinched her cheek: Okay snake you can keep your room.

It was summer. Yiğit went to live with his family and they got closer and closer everyday. Even his relationship with Nazli was good after he talked to Demir and fixed their relationship. Erim would visit them as often as he could and the three of them had a good relationship.
Shahika broke up with Halit and left Istanbul. She had returned to Switzerland. Ender ignored all the stuff she had done to her only because of Kaya. She thought that Shahika was gone now and she wouldn't hurt them anymore so she ignored her and tried to focus on her family.

Nazli shouted: Annneee! Where is my bracelet?!
Ender was wearing her diamond earrings. She said: They're in the jewelry box. It's on my bed.
Nazli went to Ender's bedroom and when she looked at her mom, she whistled: Oha! Anne you look like Aphrodite!
Ender smiled: Canim benim! Thanks!
Then she spun around: Do you think my dress is good?! Should I wear the black one?!
Nazli kissed her cheek: No! You look gorgeous in this one!
She was wearing her red dress.
She smiled: Okay then. I'll wear this.
Then looked at Nazli: Hurry up kizim your father will be here any minute.
Nazli smiled: Okay annecim.
She then took her bracelet from the jewelry box and left the room.
Ender checked herself in the mirror one last time. Then she picked her handbag but before she opened the door, Kaya did.
He got in the room and said: Ender are you rea-
Then he became quite as soon as he laid eyes on Ender.
Ender smiled: I'm ready sevgilim we can go.
Kaya gulped and smiled in surprise: How can you be this beautiful?!
She smiled big and spun around: Do you like it?!
Kaya held her hands: Like it?! I love it!
He then kissed her forehead: I love you.
Ender kissed his jawline: I love you too.
Then she wiped the lipstick on his face and said: Let's go we'll be late. Savaş will kill us.
Kaya sighed: If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't let you leave this room that easily.
Ender blushed: Ka Ya! Let's go it's not time for that!
He took a deep breath: Okay okay hurry up let's go I can't promise to hold myself more than this!

They all arrived at Savaş and Sevda's engagement party right on time.
Everyone looked happy and they were all laughing.
Ender was talking to another woman and Kaya was watching her from a distance.
Caner stood next to him and said: Looks like my sister's beauty is the only thing you notice Kaya abi!
Kaya looked at him and smiled in surprise: Caner! I didn't know you would come!
They hugged each other. Caner was back from Ankara after two months. He had left one week after Ender came back. She sent her there to help the company build its relationships with more important companies.
He smiled: How could I miss Savaş abi's engagement party?!
Yiğit joind them: Hi Caner dayi.
Caner shook his hand: Hi! How are you doing young man?!
Yiğit smiled: Great thanks!
Then Ender noticed Caner and ran to hug him.
He opened his arms and hugged her: Ablam!
She kissed his cheek: Canim benim! I missed you!
He smiled: Me too!
At that moment, Savaş and Sevda arrived and everyone clapped for them.
Then a music started to play.
Everyone started to dance slowly with their partners.
Kaya grabbed Ender's hand and smiled: Will you give me the honor to dance with me my queen?
She smiled: I'd love to.
Then they went to the dance floor.
Ender put her arms on his shoulders and Kaya put his hands on her hips.
Then he put his forehead on hers and they started to move slowly.
He looked into her eyes: Thanks for this.
She smiled: I didn't know you like dancing this much!
He smiled back: I was not talking about this dance.
He licked his lips: Thanks for this life. For this family. For this peace.
Ender put one of her hands on his cheek: We built this together aşkım. We've been through a lot. We had so many problems. But we stayed together. We fought together. We overcame every barrier together. We built this family with our love Kaya.
He closed his eyes and whispered: We built this family with our love.

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now