The man I almost died for

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Ender was in her room and she was trying to wear her sleepwear. But she couldn't put on her other sleeve. It was hard for her to do it with one hand. She tried a few times but when she saw she wasn't able to do it by herself, she called Nazli to come and help her. But Nazli was in her room and couldn't hear Ender.
Kaya was in his room working. When he heard Ender call for Nazli a few times, he realized she needed something. He went out to check her and saw Ender standing in their bedroom's door with once sleeve on.
She didn't expect to see Kaya in that condition so she tried to hid her hand behind the room's door.
Kaya felt bad. He felt bad about himself. Because his wife had problem wearing her shirt and she didn't have the courage to ask him for help. And the worse thing was that she was trying to hide her injured hand. Kaya thought to himself: She bathed me a week when my hand was injured and now when she needs me, I'm here making her feel bad about herself.
He sighed and said: Do you want me to help you?
Ender looked at her hand and said: Don't want to bother you.
Kaya opened the door completely and went inside.
Then he grabbed her hand and helped her wear the other sleeve.
Ender whispered: Thank you.
Kaya looked at her and said: Just tell me when you need anything.
Then he left.
Ender sat down on her bed and whispered: I just need you.

Shahika was drinking wine and staring outside. Nazli went upstairs and when she saw no one but Shahika, she said: Where is everyone? I thought dinner would be ready by now.
Shahika looked at her and smiled: I don't know canim. I'm waiting for them, too.
Nazli sat on the couch and turned on the tv.
Shahika sat next to her and said: So, it's been two weeks and we still haven't talk that much. I would like to know more about you.
Nazli smirked and said: Why would you want to know more about me?
Sh: Well you're my niece. I didn't know that you exist until two weeks ago. Of course I want to know about you canim.
Nazli turned the tv off and looked at Shahika: Look, I know you. My mother has told me about you. You were the one that tried to kill her!
Shahika laughed out loud: I thought you're smarter than that! Well if I tried to kill your mother then why didn't the police keep me in jail?
Nazli said: My father took you out. He's a great advocate.
Sh: That's true! But no matter how great he is, if your mother had enough valid proofs, she could put me in jail.
Nazli paused a moment. She didn't know what to say.
Shahika smiled and said: Canim, I'll never hurt anyone in my life.

Savaş knocked on Kaya's office's door. When he went inside Kaya was talking to his secretary. But as soon as he saw Savaş, he frowned and asked his secretary to leave.
Savaş smiled: Hi kardeşim.
Kaya smirked: Kardeşim? Really Savaş?
Savaş sat on the couch in front of him and said: Yes. Kardeşim. You will always be my friend and brother.  Nothing can change that.
Kaya sighed: How could you do this to me? You saw me. You saw how I felt. You saw my pain!
Savaş stood up and looked out the window: Yes I did. But I also saw Ender's pain. And Kaya believe me, I'm not saying this because she's my best friend....
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath: Her pain was way worse Kaya, way worse.
Kaya got up and stood next to him: What do you mean?
S: I was in Ankara when they called me. A fisherman found her in the sea.
He pushed his eyes with his thumb and index finger: When I saw her I couldn't believe.
Kaya licked his lips: Wh...Why?
S: She was hit in the head. And this made her crippled.
It was obvious that Savaş had problem telling this story. He sighed and continued: She couldn't talk or move. I tried to take her to hospital but she didn't let me. She couldn't talk, but she would start screaming every time I tried to.
A tear dropped from his eye. Kaya was shocked.
Savaş took a deep breath and said: She was in so much pain Kaya. Every breath she took in was with a lot of pain. Every single breath!
Kaya couldn't stand up. He sat down and grabbed his hair: What are you talking about Savaş!
Savaş put his hands in his pockets: And I'm not here to talk about Ender's pain Kaya. I'm here to give you some news.
Kaya looked at him and said: What?

Yiğit was waiting in the hotel's lobby. He was drinking his coffee. Ender saw him and sat on the couch in front of him.
Yiğit smirked and said: My queen! Thanks for coming!
Ender smiled sadly: How are you oğlum?
Yiğit frowned: I'm here only because Savaş abi asked me to. I owe him a lot. So stop pretending like we're just a normal mother and son solving the problems between us!
Ender sighed and pulled some papers out of her bag: Look at these.
Yiğit picked them up and said: What are these?
Ender smiled: 5 percent of Argun's holding's stocks. In your name?
Yiğit was shocked: What?!
E: I told you I have a surprise for you!
Yiğit frowned and shouted: Are you freaking buying me?!
Ender was shocked: No canim! It's just a gift!
Yiğit stood up and threw the papers on the coffee table in front of him. Then he said: Don't call me. Don't come to see me. Leave me alone!!!
Then he left. Ender called him: Yiğit!
But he left without looking behind him.

Ender opened the front door. She had cried the whole way till home. When she went inside, Kaya was standing in front of the window. Ender was surprised to see him home at that hour of the day. She said: Kaya? I didn't know you'd come home early today.
Kaya turned around and said: Where were you?
E: Out. I had a few errands to run.
K: Then why did you cry?
Ender immediately wiped her tears and said: No I.... I was a little bit sad.
Kaya put his hands into his pants' pockets and said: How was he?
Ender was shocked: How was who?
Kaya smirked: Our beloved son!
Ender suddenly felt like she'd faint. She sat on the couch.
Kaya looked outside again: I know Ender. I know everything.
Ender put her hand on her forehead and said: Shahika!
Kaya sighed: No, Savaş.
Ender looked at him and said: What?!
K: Ender look. My mind is so confused now that I don't care about anything. Just please tell me. Did you lie about our son being dead?
Ender frowned and stood up: How could you ask me this Kaya?
Kaya took a deep breath: Well admit it, you've told me so many lies that I feel like I don't know anything about you!
Ender said: I can't believe you're the one that's telling me this! You Kaya!
She shouted: YOU! The man I almost DIED for!

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now