The Romantic Night

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Ender shouted: Nazliii! Hurry up kizim Caner is waiting for you!
Nazli had Sesli in her arms and went upstairs with her backpack: Offf anne! I'm coming!
Ender smiled and kissed her cheek: Aşkım benim! Take care of yourselves. And be nice to your brother!
Nazli smirked: Which one?!
Ender grabbed her nose: You little snake! Hurry up they're waiting! And please don't let Erim eat strawberries. He's allergic to it. I don't want another trouble.
Then she petted Sesli: Say hi to Caner. Have fun.
Nazli kissed her: Okay annem benim. You have fun, too.
She smiled: Thanks canim.

Ender was setting the table. She checked everything: Kaya's favorite food, a good old wine, his favorite deserts and his favorite flower.
Then she smiled proudly. Everything was perfect. Kaya deserved this. After all those intense events he'd been through, he needed a relax peaceful night.
Ender had borrowed Savaş's yacht to surprise him. Savaş was supposed to bring Kaya to the port and act like he wants to show him his yacht.
Ender wore her blue dress that matched the color of her eyes. When she heard Kaya and Savaş talking on the port, she ran to the them.
As soon as Kaya laid eyes on her, he got surprised and stared at her with wide open eyes.
Ender smiled and held his hand: Surprise!
He smiled big: What are you doing here?
She looked at Savaş: Savaş has given us his yacht for tonight.
Savaş smiled shyly: I'll leave you two alone. Have fun.
Then he put his hands in his pants' pockets and left in silence.
As soon as Savaş left, Kaya grabbed Ender's waist suddenly and kissed her lips.
She laughed and tried to stop Kaya: Okay okay...let go!
Kaya let her go and smiled: You look amazing!
Ender grabbed his hand and made him follow her: Thanks aşkım!
She took him to the deck where the dining table was. She had set the table there with candles and beautiful lightings.
Kaya was shocked to see it: This looks like a movie scene!
Ender smiled: I'm glad you like it!
They sat at the table. Kaya was still hypnotized. The scenery was mesmerizing. He kept looking at Ender and the scenery.
Ender put her hand under her chin and looked at him with love: Do you like it?
He looked at her and smiled: Are you joking? It's unbelievably beautiful! I love it!
He then stared at her: It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
She smiled shyly: Well it's obvious that you like it because you didn't even notice the food I made.
Kaya looked at the table and gulped: Wow!
Then he looked at Ender: Did you plan to kill me tonight?!
She tilted her head to one side: Do I look like a killer to you?
Kaya raised his eyebrows: Nope. You're too gorgeous to be a killer.
Ender laughed and reached her hand: Okay give me your plate.
While she was putting food in his plate, Kaya said: What is all these for?
Ender gave him his plate: Why do you look for a reason in everything? I did this to make you happy. Because you've been through a lot lately. To thank you for being there for me no matter what. For being an amazing father. An amazing friend. An amazing husband. Because you deserve to be happy after trying to make everyone happy.
Kaya smiled: Wow! Thanks hayatım.
Ender blow a kiss for him: Canim benim.
After they had their dinner, Ender played a calming music and they both grabbed their glasses of wine and went to watch the sea and the night sky at the front of the yacht. Kaya was hugging Ender from behind. He put his chin on her shoulder.
Ender smiled and put her hand on his cheek: Canim.
He kissed her neck and took a deep breath: I love you so much.
Ender smiled: I love you, too.
Kaya kissed her neck once more.
She laughed: Your tickling me.
But he didn't stop and continued.
Ender turned around and looked at him.
She smiled in surprise: Are you drunk?!
Kaya was looking at her with half open eyes and wrapped his arms around her waist: Nooopeee.
Ender laughed and tickled his neck: Well you look very drunk sir. Do you want me to make you some coffee?
Kaya laughed because of the tickle.
Then he grabbed Ender's hand with one hand and put his other hand on her waist: Let's dance.
And started to move.
Ender laughed: Okay let's dance.
She put her hands on his shoulders and her forehead on his. They closed their eyes and started to dance.
Kaya whispered: Don't leave me.
Ender whispered too: Never.
He kissed her without letting her breathe. Then he suddenly picked her up: That's enough. I can't wait anymore.

Nazli was practicing in the basketball field that was in a park near Caner's house early in the morning. She had an important match in a week and she was practicing day and night.
Demir was running in the park and saw her practicing. He smiled and went to say hi.
He waved at her: Nazli.
Nazli stopped playing and smiled: Hi Demir!
He ran to her: Good morning!
She smiled shyly: Good morning.
Demir put her hair that was in her face behind her ear: You play so good.
Nazli's cheek turned red and licked her lips: Thanks.
They both stared into each other's eyes until Yiğit shouted: Nazli!
Suddenly Demir stepped back and they both looked at Yiğit that was behind Nazli.
He went to stand next to her while frowning.
He looked at Nazli and said: Caner told me to come after you. We're going to have breakfast in Erim's favorite cafe.
Nazli frowned: Okay I'll be there you can go.
He smirked: We'll go together.
Then he looked at Demir: Is your friend mute?
Demir smiled shyly: Sorry sir.
He reached his hand: I'm Demir. Nazli's friend.
Yiğit looked at his hand and didn't hold it: I'm Yiğit. Her brother.
He then looked at Nazli: Let's go. They're waiting.
Then he left.
Nazli sighed and looked at Demir: Sorry, he's not a sociable person.
Demir smiled: It's fine. I know how it feels to have an annoying brother.
Yiğit shouted: Nazliii!
Nazli ran to him and waved for Demir: See you later!
While they were walking back home, Nazli said: Stop interfering in my life. Leave me alone.
Yiğit frowned without looking at her: I told you to stay away from him.
She shouted: That's none of your business.
Yiğit ignored her.
She grabbed his arm and stopped him: I'm talking to you!
He looked at her frowning: Listen Nazli, I don't want to be your brother as mush as you don't want to be my sister, but from now on this is our life and we can't do anything about it. So don't act like a five year old kid and make a scene out of everything.
Nazli opened her mouth to answer him but he started to walk again: I don't like being late, so stop wasting my time.
She kicked the rock in front of her and whispered: God damn you!

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now