I only have one condition

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Ender put her hands on her knees and stopped.
Kaya looked at her and said: Are you okay?
She wiped the sweat on her forehead: I can't continue Kaya. It's enough for today.
Kaya smiled: We didn't even reach yesterday's destination. We should run a little bit further.
Ender drank some water and said: Please Kaya. I can't even breathe.
He wiped the water drops from her lips' corners: You could run more than this before all these stuff happened to you. I couldn't even catch you. So please try harder.
Ender sighed: Well let's walk at least. Running hurts my knee.
Kaya smiled and held her hand: Okay then let's walk and enjoy this fresh morning air.
They started to walk.
Ender smiled and took a deep breath: I really missed these morning workouts with you.
Kaya kissed her hand and said: Me, too. But Ender you really need to work harder. Your doctor said you should run further distances each day.
Ender held Kaya's arm: But I prefer holding your hand and just walk. It's more fun.
Kaya laughed: Okay okay aşkım. We'll do what you say, as always! But look at your hand. It's way better after we worked on it. We can overcome all of these together.
Ender stood on her tiptoes and kissed Kaya's cheek: Thank you canim!
Kaya was overwhelmed with joy because of this sudden act of love. He smiled big and said: Ohh Ender hanim! What was this for?
Ender smiled: For everything. For staying by my side.
Kaya frowned: Do you think this is enough?!
Ender smiled bigger and continued to walk: Yes it is!

Shahika knocked on Halit's office's door and went inside.
Halit looked at her and smiled: Welcome Shahika hanim. I didn't expect to see you here. Please sit down.
Shahika smiled and sat on the couch in front of him and crossed her legs: I've heard about your company. I've been wanting to come and see it myself.
She stood up and looked outside the window: So this is Argun's empire!
Halit stood by her and said: I tried hard for this you know.
Shahika smirked: But it can turn into dust in a day!
Halit frowned: What do you mean?!
Shahika looked at him: Ender and her stupid friend have some plans.
H: What plans?

Kaya was watching football with Nazli. They were screaming at the tv screen and fighting over the teams they support. Ender was in her room working on her ideas about the company. But when she heard their screams, she couldn't focus anymore and went upstairs.
Kaya and Nazli both froze in their place with popcorn in their mouth. They stared at Ender.
She frowned: WHAT?!
Kaya swallowed his popcorn and said: Sorry we didn't know you were working.
Ender pushed her eyes with her fingers and said: Well please be quiet because I can't focus!
Then she went downstairs again.
Nazli looked at Kaya and said: What's wrong with her? She looks angry lately.
K: I don't know. Maybe she misses working.
N: Well hire her in your company.
Kaya pinched her cheek and smiled: I tried  to convince her. But you know your mother. She insists on going back to Argun's holding. She says she's worked hard for that company.
Nazli started to eat popcorn: She's right.
Then she screamed: GOAL!
Kaya laughed and whispered: Shshsh be quiet kizim! She'll come up again. And I can't promise she won't kill us this time!

Ender called Savaş: Hi how are you?
S: Hi canim I'm fine. What's up?
E: I came up with an idea and I think it will work.
S: Really? That's perfect! What is it?

Kaya was progressing in his relationship with Yiğit. They had lunch twice together. However they called those lunches work lunches. But it was better than nothing. Kaya felt he could finally ask Yiğit to dinner. He wanted to introduce him to Erim and Nazli. But he also wanted to surprise Ender. So he didn't tell her anything.
He called Yiğit: Hi Yiğit how are you?
Y: I'm fine Kaya bey how are you?
K: I'm fine thanks. I wanted to invite you for dinner tonight to my house.
Yiğit smirked: I'm busy tonight Kaya bey. I can't.
K: Look Yiğit. I know you have no plans today. I'll be waiting for you at 7 o'clock tonight. No matter how much you want to stay away from your family, but Nazli and Erim are your siblings. Come for them at least.
Yiğit wanted to say no again. But a feeling inside his heart, a voice in his head, stopped him and he said: Okay Kaya bey.

Later that day, Kaya was in the kitchen cooking dinner.
Ender was working in her room. After a while she decided to go and grab some coffee. But when she saw Kaya in an apron and cooking food, smiled in surprise : Kaya?!
Kaya turned around and smiled at her: Canim. Do you need something?
Ender smiled bigger: You look so cute!
Kaya put his hands up and spun: Really?
Ender nodded: Yes! What are you doing by the way?
Kaya continued chopping the tomatoes: I'm cooking dinner.
Ender raised her left eyebrow: Where's Fatma hanim?
K: I sent her home. I'm cooking tonight's dinner.
E: Why?!
Kaya put the tomatoes in the bowl and started to chop carrots: Well you've been working the whole week and you're even working on the weekend. So I thought now that Erim is with us today and Shahika is out for dinner, I better cook a good food so we could have a nice family dinner.
Ender smiled and kissed his cheek: Aşkım benim. You're the most amazing and thoughtful person I know.
Kaya smiled and pointed at his other cheek: Kiss here, too please.
Ender laughed, stood on her tiptoes again and kissed his other cheek right on his dimple.
Kaya closed his eyes and took a deep breath: I'm thinking about quitting my job and become a stay at home dad, if this is what I'll get as my salary.
Ender smiled and put a slice of carrot in her mouth: Well it depends on the food you cook.
She then whispered in a seductive voice in Kaya's ear: Better food means more benefits.
Then she smiled and left. Kaya froze in his place and gulped: I guess I better continue working as an advocate.

Nazli and Erim were setting the table when someone knocked on the door. Kaya knew it was Yiğit so he asked Ender to open the door.
When Ender opened the door, she smiled in surprise: Yiğit! Welcome canim, come in!
Yiğit went inside and gave the gift he brought to Ender: Good night Ender hanim.
Ender grabbed the box and said: Thank you canim! Give me your coat.
Kaya and others went to welcome him. Nazli was surprised to see him.
Kaya shook hands with him and said: Welcome Yiğit thanks for coming!
Y: Thank you Kaya bey.
Nazli and Erim shook hands with him and they all went to the living room.
Ender was so happy and excited that she kept smiling and her hand was shaking. Kaya noticed this and put his hand on hers to stop her hand from shaking.
Nazli picked the box and opened it. It was a painting: It's beautiful Yiğit abi! Thank you.
Yiğit nodded: You're welcome.
After they talked for a while, Kaya said: Okay let's have dinner.
They all sat around the table and started to eat. Kaya decided to start talking about Yiğit.
He looked at Yiğit and said: Okay oğlum tell us about yourself. Is working for me fun?
Y: Yes Kaya bey thank you.
K: I think you better stop calling me that.
Ender didn't know about Kaya's decision so she just looked at him questioningly.
Yiğit frowned: What do you mean?
Kaya smiled: I mean you better start calling me baba.
Nazli dropped the spoon in her hand and looked at Kaya with open mouth. Erim stared at him, too. Ender was shocked.
Yiğit frowned more: I think we better not to talk about this now.
K: No actually this is the best time to talk about this.
Nazli frowned: Baba what are you talking about?
Kaya looked at Erim and Nazli and he told them about everything. But he kept the part that Yiğit hit Ender from them.
Nazli stood up suddenly: Are you joking?
Erim looked at Ender and said: Is this true anne?!
Ender couldn't believe Kaya did this without telling her. She was so shocked herself that she couldn't even answer the kids' questions.
Nazli smirked: I can't believe you hid something this important from us..
She shouted: AGAIN!
Kaya tried to stay calm: Look kizim...
Nazli interrupted him: Let's go Erim.
Then she grabbed his hand and went downstairs with him.
Kaya covered his face with his hands.
Yiğit clapped: Nice show Kaya bey. Well done!
Ender was still quite. She was staring at her plate. Kaya looked at her: Canim, are you okay?
Yiğit was looking at them. Before knowing them, Yiğit thought they hated each other but now he could see they actually love each other so much.
Ender smiled sadly: I'm fine canim.
Then she looked at Yiğit: Look oğlum. We love you and we would do anything to prove it to you. Please give us a chance at least.
Yiğit wanted to shout and tell her how mad he is, but suddenly an idea popped into his mind.
He smirked: Well if you are really interested in fixing things, I only have one condition.
Kaya and Ender looked at each other and smiled in surprise. Kaya said: Okay canim just tell us what you want. We would accept it.
Yiğit looked into Ender's eyes and said: Divorce!

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now