I need an advocate

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Kaya didn't tell Ender about Yiğit being found. Because he didn't want to give her false hope. He wanted to see him first himself.
When he got there, he first talked to the officer.
Kaya shook hands with him: Hello officer.
O: Hi Kaya bey welcome. Sit down please.
Kaya sat on the chair in front of the officer's desk: Thanks. Where did you find him?
O: In a hotel at Izmir.
Kaya frowned: Izmir? What was he doing there?
O: He's told our officers that he was on a holiday.
Kaya frowned more: Holiday?
O: Yes. He was in a hotel that someone accidentally sees him. The person saw his photo on the social media and called the police.
Kaya took a deep breath: Okay thank you so much sir. Can I see him?
O: Sure.
The officer took him to another room. And he left the room himself. Yiğit was sitting on a chair.
When he saw Kaya, he smirked: I knew it's all because of you!
Kaya didn't say anything. He just slapped him so hard that it turned his face to one side. Then he pointed at him: This was for the pain you put Ender in for the last seven days.
Yiğit was so shocked that he couldn't even turn his face around and look at Kaya. He just stayed in that position with an open mouth and stared.
Kaya looked at him coldly: We've been through hell and you were holidaying!
Yiğit finally turned his face and looked at Kaya in surprise: What did you just do?
Kaya smirked: Get up. I promised your mother to take you home.
Yiğit shouted: How dare you slap me?! Huh?! Who do you think you are?!
Kaya frowned and shouted back: Your father!
Yiğit shouted louder: My father is dead! He overdosed!
He then burst into tears. He was in so much pain. Kaya said that he put them in hell. But he was in a lot more pain. His mind was confused and his whole life was a lie. He felt like he was lost.
He sat on the chair and grabbed his hair crying.
Kaya sat next to him and hugged him. He started to cry, too. Yiğit felt like he finally had a place to cry out all the pain he'd been through. At that moment he didn't care about how angry he was with Kaya. He just wanted to hug the man that was his dad.

Ender went upstairs. She had cried so much last night that her eyes were red and puffed and her lips were dry.
She went to the kitchen to check on Fatma. She was cooking lunch. Ender checked the refrigerator to see what they had. At that moment, Kaya knocked on the door. Fatma opened it. And they both went to the kitchen.
When he saw Ender, he smiled and said: Hi canim. How are you?
Ender smiled sadly: Hi hayatım. Welcome.
Kaya kissed her forehead: Thank you. What are you doing?
E: Just wanted to check on the food.
Then she looked at Fatma and said: Don't put pepper in it. Kaya doesn't like it that way.
Kaya smiled: No canim I'll eat. I don't care.
E: No I know you don't like it. By the way, where were you? You left early.
Kaya smiled bigger: I did.
Then he grabbed Ender's hand: Come on. I have a surprise for you.
Ender licked her lips. She was not in the mood. But she followed Kaya without saying anything.
Kaya opened the car's door for her. Then he sat in the car himself and started to drive.
Ender put her hand under her chin and watched the road the whole way.
But when she saw Kaya stopped in front of Savaş's house, she looked at Kaya questioningly: What are we doing here?
Kaya smiled: Let's go inside you'll see it yourself. It's a surprise.
When they knocked on the door, Savaş opened the door and welcomed them warmly. But as soon as Ender went to the living room, she saw Yiğit sitting on the couch.
She put her hand on her mouth in surprise: Yiğit?
Yiğit stood up: Hello Ender hanim.
Ender suddenly hugged him and closed her eyes: Canim benim. Where were you? Do you know how scared I was?
Yiğit could see that Ender had a rough week. She looked pale and weak. He hugged her back unintentionally. He just couldn't help it, it was the first time he was hugging his mother. And before he knew it, he was hugging her tightly.
Ender tried to hold her tears back. But when Yiğit hugged her back, she burst into tears.
Kaya looked at Savaş and smiled: Thanks again. I owe my whole family to you now.
Savaş smiled back: No, you owe your whole family to her.
Kaya looked at them and said: I guess I do. She gave me two kids and a wife in less than 9 months.
Savaş laughed out loud: Your the luckiest person I know.
Kaya laughed, too: I am!

Ender tried to convince Yiğit to go and live with them, but he didn't accept. He preferred to stay with Savaş. Kaya thought it was a good idea and he told Ender that if they keep consisting on it, Yiğit might get angry again.
Shahika had built a romantic relationship with Halit and she was his fiancé now. But she still didn't tell anyone about it. She kept it in secret like all the other plans she had for Ender.

Kaya was in his office working when someone knocked on the door. He let the person in and when he saw Ender, he smiled in surprise: Sevgilim! Welcome!
Ender put her bag on the couch and held his hands: Hi hayatım. Thanks.
She then kissed him.
Kaya smiled: What brought you here? Did you miss me?
Ender laughed: Yes! But I have another reason to be here other than this.
Kaya raised his eyebrows: What?
E: I need a good lawyer.
Kaya was surprised: Why would you need a lawyer?
Ender sighed and let go of his hands. She sat on the couch looking sad.
Kaya sat next to her: Canim? Why did you sigh? What's wrong?
Ender was trying hard not to laugh: Well I need a lawyer to divorce my husband, sir. He's so bad and mean. He keeps leaving the house and doesn't come back for days. He doesn't pay attention to our kids.
Kaya laughed out loud.
Ender frowned: It's not funny sir. My life's a hell!
Kaya stopped laughing but he was still smiling: I'm sorry ma'am you're right it's not funny. But I know your husband. He's such a good and handsome man! How could you say such things about him!
Ender bit her lower lip to stop herself from laughing: He looks like an angel, but he's actually an evil!
Kaya liked the game Ender was playing so he tried to do a come back: Actually I know a few women that would kill for him!
Ender suddenly frowned: What?
Kaya smiled big and stood up to go sit behind his desk: Yes. There are a few women you know. They are madly in love with him.
Ender stood up immediately and put her hands on the desk: Who are they?
Kaya spun around on his chair: I can't reveal people's secrets Ender!
Ender slammed on the desk and shouted: Ka Ya!
Kaya jumped out of his place and looked at Ender in surprise: Wow!
Ender shouted: Tell me their names Kaya.
Kaya started to laugh.
She frowned: Kaya this is not funny!
He stood up and went next to her: Aşkım, calm down! I was joking!
Ender closed her eyes and took a deep breath: You were joking, huh? Kaya do you think this is funny?
Kaya wrapped his hands around her waist: You have no idea how cute you look when you get angry. However, I should admit, you looked really scary this time!
Ender frowned: Never ever joke about this Kaya. It's not funny.
Kaya smiled and grabbed her nose with his fingers: I didn't know you were such a jealous person. I like it.
Ender smiled: But don't try to trigger my anger again. I don't promise to be this nice again.
Kaya put his hands up: Okay okay I give up!
Ender laughed: Good.
Kaya sat on his chair again: Okay Ender hanim, why do you need an advocate?
Ender sat on the couch in front of his desk and smiled: To buy a company!

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now