I miss them

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Savaş knocked on the door. But when no one responded, he used his keys and went inside. First he checked around but it looked like no one was home. He went to the kitchen and put the groceries he bought, in the refrigerator.
While he was putting the food away, he saw a shadow on the wall so he turned around immediately but as soon as seeing the person behind him, he put his hand on his heart and said: Shit you scared me! Put that God damn knife down!
Ender put the knife down on the counter and closed her eyes: You were the one that scared me!
Then she frowned and said: Why didn't you knock?!
Savaş pointed at her and said: I did knock, but obviously you didn't hear.
Ender was wearing a towel and her hair was wet. She sat on the dining chair in the kitchen and sighed: I took a shower.
Savaş talked while putting the food away: I thought it's a bad idea to leave you alone here with this state of yours and your hand's condition. But it seems like you can perfectly protect yourself!
Ender raised her left eyebrow: Of course I can!
Then she started to play with the cloth that was on the table.
Savaş finished putting the food away and looked at her: Ask.
Ender bit her lower lip and said: Did you see him?
Savaş pulled the chair in front of her and sat: Ender how long are you going to continue playing this game?
Ender frowned: This is not a game Savaş!
Then she looked at her ring and said: I asked you a question.
Savaş sighed: Yes. I saw him last night.
E: How... how was he?
Savaş smirked: What do you think?
Ender sighed and put her head on her hands.
Savaş started to caress her hand: Look Ender, we better end this thing soon. Kaya...
He sighed: He's awful. You won't recognize him if you see him. His hair has turned gray and he's lost a lot of weight.
Ender raised her head and looked into his eyes. Her eyes were red and wet. She wiped her tears and said: Do you think I like this condition that I'm in? Do you have any idea how much I miss him? How much I miss my children?
She pointed at her left hand with her right hand and shouted: Look at my hand! I've become crippled! Do you think I asked for this?
Savaş stood up and poured a glass of water. He gave it to her and said: Drink this.
Ender grabbed the glass and drank some of the water.
Then she took a deep breath: Did you do it?
S: I did. He's now working for Kaya.
E: Good.
S: Go wear something you'll catch a cold.
Ender stood up but before leaving the kitchen she turned around and said: Thank you Savaş, for everything.
Savaş smiled: I just hope this will end as soon as possible.

Kaya closed his office's door behind him and saw Yiğit leaving the secretary's room. He called him: Yiğit!
Yiğit smiled and went to him and said: Hi Kaya bey. I was coming to see you.
Kaya smiled: I have a meeting now. We'll talk later.
Y: Okay sir.
When Kaya left, Yiğit first looked around. No one was around so he opened the office's door and went inside.
He immediately went to check the desk's drawers. He found nothing there. When searching the desk, he saw two photo frames on it. One of them was Kaya and Ender and the other one was a teenage girl that looked exactly like Ender. He smirked and said: So this is your daughter Ender hanim.
Yiğit searched everywhere but didn't find what he wanted and left the room empty handed. He then called someone and said: I didn't find anything.

Ender was eating dinner with Savaş.
S: Stop playing with your food. Eat.
E: I can't. Savaş I've been thinking the whole day. I can't do this anymore.
S: What do you mean? Are you giving up?
E: No. I want to see my family.
Savaş put his fork down and said: Have you lost your mind Ender?
Ender sighed: Yes Savaş I have lost my mind. I've been staying in this freaking house for five months. I miss my kids. I miss Caner. I miss Kaya.... Please Savaş I won't let them see me. I just need to see them.
S: No Ender don't even think about it.
E: Savaş I beg you. Please.
S: I knew this would happen. I knew you won't be able to do this till the end.
Ender started to cry: Just once. This will be the first and last time. One look and that's all. I need this.
Savaş sighed: It's too dangerous. It may ruin everything. All our plans and everything we did will turn into nothing if only one person sees you Ender. Please forget it. It's for your own good.
Ender covered her face with her hands and cried: But you were the one that said we better end this as soon as we can.
S: I did. I still say we need to do that and for doing that we should be even more careful. One mistake can ruin everything.
Then Savaş's phone rang and he answered it: Hi how are you? .....Thanks we're fine, too.
He smiled and looked at Ender: That's wonderful!
He whispered: He's found it!
Ender smiled.
S: Okay I'll come and get them in an hour....No I'll come alone...See you.
He hung up and said: He's found it.
E: All of them?
S: No but he's found the most important one!
Ender closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
S: Just a little bit more Ender and you'll be free canim.
E: I really hope so, I can't continue doing this.

Kaya was sitting in the living room with Nazli and they were watching tv together when his phone rang. It was an unknown number.
He picked up: Hello?
A woman was on the other side: Hi Kaya how are you?
Kaya didn't recognize the voice: I'm fine thanks. Excuse me I don't recognize you madam.
The woman laughed: Oh I'm so sorry, it's Zeynep.
Kaya looked at Nazli, she was watching tv.
He went to the kitchen to talk: Hi Zeynep hanim how are you?
Z: You were supposed to call me Zeynep. I'm fine thanks. I was expecting your call and when you didn't call I decided to call you myself.
K: Yeah I forgot to. I'm sorry.
Z: It's fine.
K: Sooo, is there something wrong?
Z: No not all, I was just wondering if you have time this week for a dinner or not.
Kaya closed his eyes. He really wasn't in the mood but he also didn't want to be rude: I don't think so. I'm a bit busy. I'm sorry.
Z: What about the weekend?
K: Well Nazli has a game this weekend and I promised to go. Plus it's been a while since we spent time together I prefer staying with my daughter.
Zeynep was obviously offended: Oh I see. Alright then sorry for taking your time. Good night.
And then she hung up without waiting for Kaya to say anything. Kaya looked at his phone and said: Rude!
When he returned to the living room Nazli was still watching tv. When he sat down on the couch, she said: Why does she call you at this time of the night?
Kaya was shocked: Who?
Nazli looked at him and said: Zeynep hanim.
Kaya got even more shocked and said: How... how do you know it was her?
Nazli smiled: I heard you said her name.
Kaya started to stutter: Well... she was asking.... em.... about your school.
Nazli muted the tv and put the popcorn bowl she was holding on the coffee table in front of her: Look baba, let me tell you something. I'm not a kid. I can feel and see things. She obviously has a crush on you!
Kaya frowned: No kizim don't talk nonsense. There's no such a thing.
N: She has. I noticed it when we were at the camp. She's mad about you!
Nazli then smiled again and said: Listen babacim, I won't stop you from dating women or ask you to mourn for my mom forever. You deserve to be happy. But please forget about this one. Date whoever you want, but not her! I know her. She's not your type.
Kaya smiled and messed her hair: You little rascal! Now you talk about your dad's relationships? Where's your respect, huh?
Then he attacked her with tickles. The sound of their laugh could be heard from distance. And that was the first time they were both laughing in five month.
Writer's note: Hey guys!
So I thought I better explain a few things.
About the main plot I have to say, the main plot is like the series. I mean the main and important events are just like the events that happen in Yasak Elma. But the way they happen is different. For example, Ender does get lost in my story just like she does in the series, but how she gets lost and why, is different.
And also the way characters enter my story are a bit different. As you can see, Yiğit has a completely different entrance in my story comparing to the series.
And to sum things up, the main events and plot is inspired by the series but I changed the details and added some new characters!
I hope you've enjoyed this story by far ❤️
Thanks for reading!
Love you all❤️

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