The Boy

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One week later after that morning which Kaya went and talked to Ender's empty grave, he was kind of back to normal life. He still cried at nights for her and still couldn't stay in their room, but he also quit searching for her and accepted her death however it was so hard for him. But he had to do it for his daughter.
It was the weekend and Kaya went to a bar alone. He was drinking when he thought he heard someone called his name, when he turned around, Zeynep was sitting next to him.
She extended a hand: Hi Kaya bey. It's good to see you again.
Kaya held her hand and said: Hello Zeynep hanim.
Z: I'm really sorry for your loss.
Kaya sighed: Thanks.
Zeynep smiled and said: Let me buy you a drink.
K: I think I really had enough, I better not to drink more. My daughter is waiting at home.
Zeynep raised her left eyebrow: Are you telling me you already are drunk? You don't look drunk at all.
K: Well that's the point. I don't want to get drunk.
Z: Come on, we can't always sacrifice our fun for our kids.
Kaya sighed. He really was not in the mood of arguing with someone so he accepted: Alright then.
Zeynep ordered two drinks and they started to talk.
Zeynep smiled and said: It looks like you're a really good advocate!
Kaya sipped a little of his drink and said: Well, I never failed any cases since I returned to Istanbul.
Zeynep raised her left eyebrow: Not even one?
Kaya was staring at her left eyebrow and said: Don't do that.
Zeynep said: Pardon?
Kaya sighed and said: Please don't raise your left eyebrow again.
Zeynep frowned: Why not?
Kaya covered his face with his hands and after a few seconds he put on a crooked smile and said: I'm sorry I think I really had enough. Thank you for the drink. I better go now.
Zeynep was surprised: Oh, you're welcome.
Kaya reached a hand: Good night Zeynep hanim.
Zeynep smiled and held his hand: Oh please just call me Zeynep. Good night Kaya.
Kaya just nodded and turned around to go but before leaving Zeynep held his arm and said: Oh wait.
He looked at her questioningly.
Zeynep was holding a pen in her hand. She grabbed Kaya's hand and wrote a number on his palm: This is my number. Call me if you wanted to.
Kaya looked at the number. He then fake smiled at her and left.

After leaving the bar, Kaya didn't want to go home and he immediately regretted leaving that bar. So he decided to go to a less crowded bar.
He sat in front of the barman and ordered a non-alcoholic drink.
He was stirring the ice inside his glass of drink with his index finger when someone patted on his back. Before turning around he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Why couldn't he be alone for a moment?! But as soon as turning around, he smiled in shock: Savaş!
Savaş smiled and said: A man is sitting in an empty bar, all by himself and is drinking orange juice on the weekend. Man! This is a tragedy!
Kaya laughed and hugged him: I missed you bro!
S: Me, too.
Kaya pointed at the sit next to him and said: Come on let me buy you a drink.
Savaş frowned and said: Listen if you're gonna buy me orange juice you better tell me now so I could punch you in the nose!
Kaya laughed: No I'll buy you a good drink  I promise, and also this is not orange juice!
After ordering a drink, Kaya smiled at him and said: Well tell me. How have you been? Is everything okay?
Savaş smiled sadly and put his hand on Kaya's shoulder: How have "you" been kardeşim?
Kaya sighed and looked at his drink: I don't know. I never felt like this in my life before. It's like...
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes: It's like a big ball is in my throat the whole time.
He put his hand on his throat and said: I can't breathe.
Savaş sighed: Why didn't you call me?
Kaya was surprised: Didn't you know? I told Caner to call you! Did he forget?
Savaş smiled sadly: He did. I'm talking about you man. Why didn't you call and talk to me? Why didn't you ask for help? You need someone to talk to Kaya. You can't handle everything like that. Believe me, I've been there. I know how it feels like.
Kaya sighed: I don't know. I didn't believe it. I couldn't. I still had hope to find her. But...
S: You lost hope eventually.
K: I couldn't do that to Nazli.
Savaş put his hand on Kaya's back and said: I get it. You did an amazing job. Your daughter needs you. I'm proud of you for getting yourself together.
K: Well, I still haven't done that part.
He suddenly burst into tears: It's so painful.
Savaş grabbed Kaya's head and hugged him. If there was one person that could feel Kaya's pain, it was Savaş.
S: Cry kardeşim, cry. Don't try to hold your tears back. It will only make it more painful. Cry.
Kaya's shoulders were shaking and he cried for a while. After five months, it was the first time he was talking about his feelings and crying to someone else and he felt better after that. He really had to share his pain with someone and he didn't know how much he needed that until now.
After a while he raised his head and wiped his tears.
Savaş patted on his back and said: Do you feel better?
Kaya drank a little bit of his drink and said: Yes, thank you. I really needed this.
S: I know. Look Kaya... Stop trying to solve this alone. It's a big pain. It's awful. Don't do this to yourself.
Kaya was staring at his drink and said: Did you visit her grave?
Savaş sighed: I did. I still can't believe it. I used to come to Istanbul to meet her and visit Selin's grave, now.... I have to come to Istanbul to visit her grave, too.
This time, Kaya patted on Savaş's back.
After a few moments of silence, Savaş smiled and said: And congratulations for your company! Caner told me you separated from Halit and have your own company now!
Kaya smiled: Thanks! Yes I couldn't work with him.
S: Caner is working for you, right?
K: Yes, he asked to work for me and I accepted. I couldn't leave him there. He has no one but me now.
S: Do you need anymore employees?
K: Well we need a few people, yes. I didn't have time to search and complete my staff. Why are you asking?
Kaya paused a moment and smiled in surprise: Do you want to come back to Istanbul?
Savaş smiled: No! There's nothing for me here. Now that Ender is gone, I really don't have any reasons to return to this city.
K: Then why did you ask?
S: I know a boy. He's a great kid. He's young and works real hard. He's looking for a job and I thought you might be able to help him.
K: I see. Well what can he do?
S: His family was not able to pay for his tuition so he couldn't go to university. But he will do all kinds of works.
K: Ok. Tell him to come to my office tomorrow. I'll see what I can do for him.
Savaş smiled: Thanks man.

The next morning, Kaya was in his office working when his secretary called: Kaya bey, a young man is here he says Savaş bey sent him.
K: Send him inside.
The young boy knocked on the door and when Kaya let him, he went inside.
He was a 20 something boy with black hair and black eyes.
Kaya stood up and smiled: Hi.
He reached his hand and said: I'm Kaya.
The boy smiled and held his hand: Hello Kaya bey. It's nice to meet you.
Kaya pointed at the chair in front of his desk: Sit down please.
The boy sat. Kaya sat on his chair too and said: Savaş said a lot of good things about you.
B: Savaş bey is really nice to me.
K: So tell me, what can you do?
B: Well, I will do anything. I'm a quick learner and will do any kind of work.
Kaya smiled: Okay. Can you be my assistant? It's a little bit hard but I still couldn't find a good one. You have to manage my daily schedule, my meetings and court times. You have to give me daily report about the other cases that I don't do myself but our company works on. You need to be available anytime I need you 24 hours. And this is the main reason I still haven't found someone to do this job. Do you think you can do this?
The boy smiled: Yes sir I will be able to do everything you said.
Kaya smiled and said: Alright then I think we have a deal. My secretary will ask you your personal information and give you my schedule and more detailed information about your job. We'll work for a month and if we were both okay, we'll continue working together.
The boy stood up and reached his hand: Thank you sir, I hope I'll be a good assistant.
Kaya held his hand and nodded.
When the boy turned around to leave, Kaya said: Oh wait, I still don't know your name.
The boy turned around and said: Oh sorry sir I thought Savaş bey has told you. My name's Yiğit.
Kaya smiled: Nice to meet you Yiğit.

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now