I can't do this without you

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Kaya sat behind his desk.
His secretory knocked on the door and he let her inside.
She put some documents on his desk with that day's newspaper. Then she said: Do you need anything else sir?
Kaya was looking through the documents: Yes, a cup of americano please.
S: Sure.
Then she left.
After reading all the documents and checking his schedule, Kaya picked up the newspaper. But as soon as he laid eyes on it, he frowned and threw it on his desk.
He immediately picked up his phone and called Caner.
K: Hi Caner how are you? Can you come to my office a moment please?
When Caner went to his room Kaya gave him the newspaper and said: Did you give them these news?
Caner looked at it and said: No abi, I didn't!
Kaya shouted: Then WHO DID?
Caner put down the newspaper and said: Calm down abi, they had to know this eventually. We...
He closed his eyes and tried to control his tears: We even made her a grave.
He tried hard not to cry but a tear dropped from his eyes.
Kaya put his fist on the window and his head on his fist. He closed his eye and took a deep breath: I didn't make that grave, you did.
Caner said: Look abi, I know it's hard. I....
He took a deep breath and said: I didn't want to believe this, too but it's been 5 months. Ablam...
He started to cry this time: She's not with us anymore.
Kaya didn't want to hear that anymore so he said: Okay Caner I'm sorry I bothered you, you can go now.
Caner wiped his tears and said: Look abi I know how hard it is for you. She was my sister and my mother. She was the only family I had and my everything. But I had to accept it. We all have to. We can't live waiting for her for the rest of our lives, you know this is not what she would want us to do. Please get yourself together, do it for Nazli. She needs you.
Kaya couldn't breathe so he opened the window.
Caner left without saying anything. When he left, Kaya turned around and looked at the newspaper once more.
" Ender Ekinci's shoe and belongings were found in the sea near the place she was last seen. The police officially confirmed her death."

When Kaya opened the door, the living room's lights were off. He called Fatma. She came from downstairs and said: Welcome home Kaya bey.
Kaya gave his coat to her and said: Why are the lights off? Why didn't you set the dinner's table?
Fatma said: I'm sorry Kaya bey you said you won't be home for dinner tonight so I didn't set the table. And Nazli hanim is in her room so I turned the lights off.
Kaya frowned: Nazli didn't eat dinner?
F: No sir she said she's not hungry.
K: She didn't eat breakfast either, right?
F: Yes sir she doesn't eat food.
Kaya said: Okay Fatma hanim thanks.
Then he went downstairs. He stayed in the guest room now. He hadn't stepped in their bedroom since Ender was gone. When he changed his clothes he picked his phone to call Kaan, Ender's case's detective but as soon as he saw Ender's smile on his cell phone's background, he changed his mind. He opened his phone's gallery and looked at the photos of their trip together. In one of the photos, Ender was sitting in front of the fireplace with a glass of wine in her hand and was smiling at him. Kaya remembered that moment and the words Ender told him: "Promise me something aşkım.
Kaya smiled and caressed her cheek: I promise.
Ender raised her left eyebrow: But you still don't know what I'm gonna say.
Kaya put her head on his chest and said: I will accept anything you say.
Ender took a deep breath and filled her lungs with Kaya's smell: Promise to take care of Nazli if I'm not there for her.
Kaya frowned: What do you mean?
E: I mean... if one day, I was not in this world anymore.... take care of our daughter no matter what.
K: Stop talking like that Ender I don't like it.
Ender took a deep breath and kissed Kaya's neck: Just promise me, please.
Kaya held her tighter: No matter what happens, I will take care of you two, I will never leave you alone. I promise."
When Kaya looked at his phone's screen he realized it was wet. When he touched his face he noticed he was crying the whole time without knowing it himself.
He wiped his tears and whispered to himself: I promise...

Nazli was in her room laying down on her bed and talking to her friend on the phone: I'm tired of this Melek. He looks like a zombie. He leaves early in the morning and comes home late and he goes straight to his room.
She started to cry: I miss my mother so much. How could I live without her? How could I live with him? I feel like he's a robot. I can't take this anymore. I wish he would stop. I wish he would die instead of annem.
Kaya heard everything. He went to talk to Nazli but before knocking on the door he heard Nazli talking so he stayed quiet and listened. After hearing everything, Kaya couldn't take it no more and went back to his room. But before opening the door, he looked at their bedroom's door. He stood in front of his room a few minutes and finally decided to go to their bedroom. When he opened the door, the first thing he saw was Ender's white silk sleeping shirt on the bed. It took him a while to put all his power into his legs and go inside the room. He looked around. Everything was the same as the last time he left that room five months ago. Ender was worried and in a hurry that morning so she just took off her sleep shirt and put it on their bed and didn't put it away. She didn't come home that night and Kaya searched everywhere for her the whole night. Ender didn't come home the next day, and the day after and the day after until now.
Kaya sat down on Ender's side of the bed. The book she was reading was on her end table next to their wedding's photograph.
Kaya touched Ender's face in the photo.
Then he picked her dress and smelled it with his eyes closed. It still had her smell on it so he breathed deeper and it was like he was trying to absorb her smell. And that was the moment he realized how much he missed her. He kissed her dress and burried his face in it. He was crying. In fact, he'd been crying since he stepped in the room.
Kaya then laid down on the bed and put his face on her pillow. He hugged her dress and draw his knees to his chest. He cried out loud till dawn.

Kaya didn't sleep the whole night and when the sun was starting to rise he picked up his car's keys and left the house. He first went to a flower shop to buy her favorite flowers but it was not open so he waited till they opened and after getting the flowers, he went to meet her after five months.
When he arrived he said: Hi aşkım. I'm sorry for being this late.
Then he put the flowers down on her tombstone.
Kaya sat on the ground next to her and said: Please don't be mad at me. I know I promised to take care of her but admit it, you left way too soon canim benim. I was not expecting you to do this to me. I... can't do this without you.
He wiped his tears and started to tell her everything that happened all that time.
After he finished talking he said: I can't Ender. I thought I am a strong person, but I really can't. When it comes to you I'm the weakest person ever.
When he stood up, he kissed his finger tips and put them on her tombstone: Take me to you aşkım. Just take me.

Nazli was going to leave the house but she faced Kaya before closing the door behind her. She looked down and whispered: Hi.
Kaya smiled and said: Good morning canim benim. Are you going to school?
Nazli didn't expect Kaya to be warm towards her so she was surprised and said: Yes I am.
K: Did you eat breakfast?
N: No.
Kaya frowned while smiling and said: Then you're not going anywhere.
He raised the bags in his hands and showed them to Nazli: Look! I bought breakfast. Let's go inside.
N: I will be late I better go now.
Kaya smiled and said: It's okay I'll take you to school myself.
Nazli smiled: Alright then.
Kaya thought to himself, when was the last time he saw her smile?

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now