She threatens me

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When Ender woke up in the middle of the bight and she noticed Kaya was gone. She got up immediately but when she saw him standing in front of the bedroom's window she calmed down.
She hugged him from behind and kissed between his shoulders: Canim, why did you wake up?!
Kaya closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He wanted to ignore her but he needed the peace between her arms that he couldn't do that. So he grabbed her hands that were wrapped around his waist and turned around. She was looking questioningly with her gorgeous ocean blue eyes. Kaya sighed and hugged her. Then he stared outside again without saying anything.
Ender was sure something wrong, but she didn't know what is was. She knew the problem was not herself because of his reactions, but she also had no idea what it was.
She stood on her toes and kissed his jawline. Kaya smiled and closed his eyes.
Ender caressed his beard: Why don't you talk to me about what's bothering you?
Kaya looked at her: I don't know. I just don't feel good.
She put her hands on his shoulders and caressed his neck: What will make you feel good then?
Kaya kissed her forehead and smiled: You. You're the only one that can make me feel good.
Ender smiled back and licked her lips: Well I'm here now.
He took a deep breath: Look Ender, you're the only person in this world that can make me feel good, feel safe, feel supported, but the past events made me feel like....
He stopped and sighed.
She raised her left eyebrow: Like what?
Kaya looked into her eyes: Feel like I can't trust you anymore.
Ender was shocked. This was her biggest fear. Kaya not trusting her. She couldn't let that happen. Kaya's trust in her was the only thing she cared about and now her whole life was in danger.
She looked into Kaya's eyes and put her hands on both side of his face: Kaya your trust in me is the most precious thing in my life. You're my everything. I can't and won't live a second in my life knowing you doubt a single thing about me!
Kaya sighed: But you don't act like you care about it that much.
E: I know I made a lot of mistakes. I know I should've told you everything sooner, but it's not like I intended to keep them secret from you. You're the core of my life. I can't hide anything from you. If I could hide something from myself, then I will be able to hide it from you.
He let go of her waist and put looked outside frowning: Well the more days pass, the more I realize how much of your life you have hidden from me.
Ender put her hand on his arm: Kaya it's not like I wanted to...
Kaya shouted and looked at her: Then why did you?! If you didn't want to hid everything from me, why did you do it?!
Ender put her index finger on his lips in a rush: Kaya please be quiet everyone's sleeping!
He pushed her hand away: Just explain Ender!
She took a deep breath: I couldn't tell you because of Shahika.
Kaya frowned and looked at her questioningly: What does this have to do with Shahika?
She stuttered: She... she threatens me.
K: What does that mean?
E: She has the video of the moment that Yiğit throws me into the sea.
Kaya shouted: WHAT?!
E: Shshsh! Be quite please! She can't know about this!
Kaya pushed his eyes with his fingers: Look Ender I'm literally becoming crazy. I can't take it no more. Tell me everything.
He then pointed at her: If you hid one single thing, just one, I swear I'll leave you forever!
Ender sighed: Okay canim I'll tell you everything. Come sit here.
She held his hand and they both sat on their bed.
Ender held Kaya's hand in her's and started to talk: When I returned, I blamed Shahika for what happened to me, and I have a good reason for it.
K: What is it?
E: Shahika has been in Istanbul for six months Kaya.
Kaya was shocked: What?!
Ender sighed: Yes. I was as shocked as you are now. She came back and I still don't know how, but she found Yiğit. She talked to him and told everything about us. She knew everything Kaya. I don't know how, but she knew! She filled Yiğit's mind with all those stupid nonsense. And triggered his anger. She was the reason I was hiding. She threatened to kill me a few times. So I had to stay in shadows until she shows herself to everyone. Then I would be safe. And now she's threatening me with that video. She wants that company and she said if I tried to get it, she'd give the video to the police. I can't let that happen. So that's why I hid everything from you.
Kaya was leaning his elbows on his knees and covering his face. He was so shocked he couldn't believe. He lift his head and looked at Ender. His eyes were red as blood.
He frowned: I can't believe it. How could she do that to her nephew?
Ender put her hand on his back: I don't know but you should be careful. Our children are in danger.
Kaya closed his eyes and whispered: How could she?
Ender put her forehead on his: I'm with you Kaya. I know how hard it is for you, but please don't forget it, I'm by your side. We can go through this together.
Kaya wrapped his arms around her shoulder and pulled her into his arms.
He kissed her hair: Yes we will.
Ender got out of his arms suddenly: Kaya you're burning.
He sighed: I'm fine.
She put her hand on his forehead: You're not. Let me go get you a pill.
She stood up but Kaya grabbed her hand and pulled her back into his arms: Come here.
He lied down and pulled Ender into the bed with him: Just sleep, I don't need anything.
Then he put her head on his chest and smelled her hair: This will calm me down. It's more than enough.

Kaya called Ender to his office. He was waiting for her with one of his co-workers.
When Ender arrives they both stood up for her. She shook hands with them and sat next to Kaya on the couch.
Kaya pointed at the guy: This is Emir, my good friend and one of the best advocates out there.
He then looked at Ender and said: And this my lovely wife Ender.
Ender smiled and looked at Emir: Nice to meet you Emir bey.
Emir smiled back: It's nice to meet you, too Ender hanim.
K: We found a good way for our problem Ender.
E: What is it?
Emir gave her a paper: This is the documents that show Nazli's share. It's one percent as you said, but because Halit was the person that gave it to her, he opened a custodial account.
Ender looked at Kaya questioningly: And what is that? Is it good or bad?
Kaya smiled: It's wonderful. It means it's in her name not Halit. But it gives the person that has her custody to make decisions for it. Which means you and I are the ones that decide to sell it or keep it.
Ender smiled: It's great!
Emir continued: We can change it into your name and for that we just need custody documents and you and Kaya's signatures.
E: Thank you so much Emir bey.
Emir smiled: You're welcome Ender hanim.
Ender stood up to leave.
Kaya followed her to the door and whispered while frowning: I was the one that came up with the idea and you thank him for that!
Ender smiled big and kissed his cheek: Who said I won't thank you.
She blinked and said: Don't be late tonight. Babay sevgilim.
Then she put on her sunglasses and left without letting Kaya say anything.
He smiled big and talked to himself: I won't.

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now