It's almost over

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When Ender opened her eyes, Kaya was still sleeping. He was breathing calmly and sleeping on his stomach. Ender smiled and looked at him. She caress his hair with her fingers and kissed the corner of his eyebrow then got out of the bed.
She wore a robe and went to make breakfast.
She was setting the breakfast table on the deck and enjoying the smell of the sea when Kaya suddenly hugged her from behind and scared her.
He kissed her neck and hugged her tightly: Good morning bir tanem!
Ender laughed: Good morning canim.
Then she came out of his arms and continued setting the table.
He picked up a small cherry tomato and put it in his mouth.
She looked at him and frowned: Kaya go wear a t-shirt. You'll catch a cold like that.
He looked at himself. He was only wearing a pair of pajama pants.
Then looked at Ender and smiled: I'm fine it's not cold.
She poured two cups of teas and put them on the table: Okay do whatever you want. Stubborn.
Kaya laughed and kissed her hair: Sevgilim benim.
Then they sat down to have breakfast. After they had their breakfast Kaya said: I'll take a shower. Could you give me towel?
Ender smiled: Okay canim.
Then she grabbed a towel and took it to him: Here you go.
Kaya raised his eyebrows: Aren't you coming?!
She shouted: Ka Ya!
Then threw the towel to him: Go take your shower stop playing games!
Kaya laughed and picked the towel: Okay okay!
Ender tried to hold her laugh and said: Call me if you need anything.
He blinked: Okay hayatım.

Yiğit knocked on the door and when Shahika let him inside, he opened the door and entered her new office.
When she saw him, she stood up and smiled: Welcome Yiğitcim. Sit down please. What do you want to drink?
Yiğit sat down and said: I don't want anything thank you. I'm in a hurry actually. I have a class in an hour. I'd be happy if you would say what you want as soon as possible.
Sh: Okay then I don't want to take your time.
She took a deep breath: I want your share of the company.
Yiğit frowned: How do you know I have a share in this company?
Shahika smirked: I have my own references.
Yiğit smirked too: Well you're references are not that reliable.
Shahika frowned: What do you mean?
Y: I don't own anything here.
Shahika was shocked: What?! What did you do to it?
Y: I returned them to its owner.
Sh: Who?
Yiğit couldn't help smiling big from seeing Shahika like that: Annem!

Savaş and Ender were sitting in the restaurant eating lunch.
Ender smiled: Thanks for the yacht. It was wonderful.
Savaş smiled back: I'm glad you had fun.
He then sighed: It has been in the port since Elif is gone. I'm happy you turned its lights on after all these years.
Ender put her hand on his: Don't you want to let someone else in your life?
He sighed again: I don't know. I don't feel like I'm ready to involve someone else in my life.
She smiled: Give yourself another chance. Don't do this to yourself. You deserve to be happy.
Savaş smiled back: I'll be happy when we get what Elif wanted. I will feel free when we finish this job.
Ender smiled big: We will. Just a little bit more and everything will be over.

Kaya was sitting in the living room. He was trying to fix Sesli's broken leash. Nazli went to sat next to him on the couch.
Kaya looked at her and smiled: Kizim. What's up?
She smiled back: Nothing. I was just bored. What are you doing?
Kaya held up the leash: I'm trying to fix what you and Erim have broken.
Nazli frowned: Yiğit and Erim did it. It's not my false.
K: Yiğit "abi".
N: Whatever.
Kaya pinched her cheek: Did you two fight?
N: Nope.
K: Then what's wrong?
Nazli paused a moment and then said: Baba... can I ask you something?
K: Sure canim.
She gulped and licked her lips: How did you know that you love my mom?
Kaya raised his eyebrows: Why are you asking this?
Nazli avoided eye contact with him: Out of curiosity.
He put the leash down and took a deep breath: Well I just felt it. I don't know how to explain it. It was like...
He thought for a moment and then continued: It was like I couldn't imagine my life without her. Like she's the one that completes my life.
He looked in front of him and smiled: Like she's the only one that fixes everything that's been broken. She was "the one".
Nazli sighed: Then it should be super special.
Kaya looked at her: Of course it should be special.
He took a deep breath: Look Nazli, life is too short to waste it on people that don't deserve you. Your youth, your passion, your energy...
He sighed: It will never come back. So don't waste them. Every second matters. Try to spend your time with people that make you smile. The people that give you strength. I have your mother now and God knows how grateful I am for her. But...
He sighed again: I regret all those beautiful years we could have together and we took it away from ourselves. Only because we were arrogant and stupid. So canim, don't make my mistake. Live as free as you can and don't be afraid to love. Enjoy this blessing you have. Every breath you take is precious. Live it the way you want and don't let anyone decide for you. Not even me or your mother. We will try to keep you safe and away from wrong people and dangerous situations. But never forget this...
He held her hand in his: We won't leave your side. We will be there for you whenever you need us. We will be there when you make a mistake and we will be there when you make big decisions for your life. We'll support you every second of your life.
Nazli's eyes were filled with tears.
She talked with a shaking chin: I love you babacim.
Kaya hugged her and kissed her hair.
He smiled and said: I love you too canim benim.

Halit and Shahika and all the other share holders in the Holding were in a meeting talking about the future decision they had made for the company.
One of the share holders said: But we can't submit anything until the main shareholder of the company is not here.
Shahika smiled: Well Halit bey won't object anything we decide.
She then looked at him: Right?
Halit smiled at her: Yes.
Another shareholder said: But we are not talking about Halit bey.
Shahika and Halit looked at him questioningly.
Halit asked: Who are you talking about then?
The man looked surprised: How don't you know?
He smiled: I'm talking about Ender hanim.
Shahika felt like she would faint: Ender?
The man: Yes Shahika hanim. Ender Ekinci. Your brother's wife.
At that moment Ender entered the room with Emir.
She looked at everyone in the room and smirked: Hello!

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now