I'll kill him

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Ender looked at Halit and smirked: I'm sorry to disturb you, but it seems like you should leave this room. I wanna start working today.
Halit frowned: How could you do this to me?!
Ender frowned too: You did this to yourself Halit, not me.
Halit shouted: Shut up! You crazy maniac woman!
Ender shouted: Watch your words Halit! You can't tell me what to do!
Halit grabbed her arm: I'm your son's father Ender! How could you do this to me?! What should I do now?! You took everything from me!
Ender tried to escape: Halit you're hurting my hand! Stop!
Halit didn't let her go: I won't let go! Let it hurt! You hurt me! Now it's my turn!
Ender felt so much pain. She grabbed his hand to save herself and shouted: Halit LET ME GO!
Yasemin heard her voice and ran inside the office: Are you okay Ender hanim?
Halit let her go and took a deep breath.
Ender looked at Yasemin: I'm fine you can go.
When Yasemin left, Ender put her other hand on her arm and looked at him with all the hate in her eyes: I hate you Halit! You call me maniac but you're the one that walks around and hurts people. Yes unfortunately you're my son's father and that's the biggest regret of my life. But it doesn't make you a special person for me. I tolerate you only because Erim loves you as his father. And that's all. I'll never forget what you did to me!
She smirked: I'm your son's mother but did you think about this when you threw me and my daughter out of your house without any money?!
She shouted: DID YOU HALIT?!
She took a deep breath: And now it's not like I took everything from you, you still own your share. The only thing you lost is this office.
Halit opened the door to leave: You won't get away with this Ender.

Later that night, Ender was sitting in front of the tv in the living with a bad headache. She asked for a pill from Fatma. But when she was bringing it to Ender, the doorbell rang and she went to open the door with the pill in her hand: Welcome Kaya bey.
Kaya looked at her hand: Thanks Fatma hanim. What is this?!
F: It's a pain killer for Ender hanim. She has headache.
Kaya gave her his coat and took the pill and water from her: I'll give it to her you can go.
When Ender saw him, she smiled: Welcome canim.
She wanted to stand up for him but Kaya put his hand on her shoulder and stopped her: Don't stand up sevgilim.
He then sat next to her and kissed her forehead. Ender closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
Kaya gave her the pill and water: Here you go.
She smiled: Thanks hayatim.
She ate it and leaned her neck on the back of the couch and pushed her eyes with her fingers.
Kaya looked at her worriedly: Canim are you okay?! You look pale. Do you wanna go to the hospital?!
Ender opened her eyes and smiled tiredly. She put her hand on his cheek: No sevgilim I'm fine. I'm just tired.
Kaya grabbed her hand and kissed her palm: Are you sure.
E: I am.
K: Okay then. How was your first day of work?
Ender sighed: Not bad.
Ender decided not to tell Kaya about Halit's behavior. She knew it will cause more trouble and she really didn't want to put herself and Kaya into trouble. She was tired of all those dramas she had lately.
Kaya noticed something was wrong: I thought you would be happier than this. You got what you wanted after all these years of struggling. And you love working. I've never seen you become tired after work.
Ender smiled: I am happy Kaya. It's just a headache. I didn't sleep well last night and woke up early today. I'm totally fine.
Kaya knew she was hiding something but he also knew she wouldn't tell him anything no matter how much he insisted.
So he changed the subject: Where's Nazli?
E: She's out playing basketball with her friends. They invited their teacher to play with them.
Kaya smiled: That kid invites everyone she sees in the streets to play basketball with her!
Ender smiled too: She does! I wonder who does she take after?
Kaya laughed: I wonder too!

Nazli and her friends were playing basketball in the basketball filed with Sevda. They were laughing and teasing her.
She was laughing and trying to catch up with them but she couldn't because she was shorter and slower than them.
At the middle of the game, Nazli heard someone calling her name. She looked around and noticed Savaş was standing behind the fence net.
She waved and shouted: Savaş abi!
Then she ran to him: Hi!
Savaş smiled: Hi kizim! Is there a basketball field that you haven't played in?
Nazli smiled: Nope! But this is my favorite!
He was wearing athletic wear.
Nazli looked at his clothes and said: Why don't you come and play with us?
S: I was running. I'm a bit out of breath.
Sevda called Nazli: Nazli come on! We're waiting!
Nazli shouted: I'm coming Sevda hoca!
Savaş looked at Sevda and said: Who is she?
N: She's my teacher.
He smiled: You forced your teacher to play with you too?!
Nazli laughed: No! She was the one that wanted to play with us. She likes to interact more with us.
Savaş raised his eyebrows: Wow! What a good teacher.
Sevda ran to Nazli: Come on kizim everyone's waiting for you.
Then she looked at Savaş: Hi. I'm Sevda.
Savaş smiled: Hi Sevda hanim. I'm Savaş.
Sevda smiled back: Nice to meet you.
Nazli looked at them and then came up with an idea.
She smiled big and looked at Sevda: Savaş abi wants to play with us, is that okay?
Savaş was shocked.
Sevda smiled: Of course it is!
Savaş looked at Nazli in surprise: I didn't...
Nazli interrupted him: He thought you might be uncomfortable Sevda hoca.
Sevda smiled big: No no! I'm totally fine! Please come play with us.
She took a deep breath and smiled: Come help me please these rascals make fun of me and I need to confess I can't catch up with them!
Savaş smiled shyly: Okay then. Let's go.

Ender changed into her sleepwear. When she looked at herself in the closets mirror, she noticed a big bruise on her arm right where Halit held her arm.
She frowned and whispered: God damn you Halit!
She was wearing a long sleeved shirt the whole day and now that she changed into her sleepwear she could see it.
She sighed and decided to change her clothes before Kaya could see her. But before she could even take her clothes off, Kaya went to their bedroom. Ender immediately put her hand on her arm to hide the bruise. Kaya didn't notice it.
He smiled: Do you want to sleep this early?
Ender licked her lips: Yes. My head aches so bad I thought sleeping might make me feel better.
Kaya kissed her forehead: Okay sevgilim sleep. Good night.
Ender closed her eyes and smiled: Good night aşkım.
When Kaya left, she sighed and looked at herself in the mirror once more. But as soon as she took her sleepwear off, Kaya returned to the bedroom: Oh Ender I forgot to tell you-
He stopped talking when he saw Ender's arm. The bruise on her arm was so big anyone could notice it immediately.
He suddenly grabbed her arm and looked at it worriedly: What is this Ender?
Ender stuttered and tried to take her arm out of his hand: No... nothing canim. I hit my hand into the door this morning.
Kaya frowned: This is not a bruise that's caused by a door hit Ender!
Ender tried to stop Kaya from looking at her hand.
She put her hand under his chin and made him look into her eyes: Sevgilim I'm fine. I'll be more careful next time.
Kaya growled: Stop lying to me Ender! Someone did this!
Ender looked scared: N...No canim.
Kaya shouted: Who did this Ender?!
Ender jumped out of her place: No one Kaya!
Kaya let her go and took a deep breath: Look canim benim, sevgilim, aşkım, bir tanem, I know it's not your fault. I trust you. Just tell me who the hell did this to you?!
He shouted: WHO HURT YOU?!
Ender's eyes filled with tears: Kaya please. Let's forget about it. It's over now!
K: It's not over! No one can hurt my wife and get away with it!
Kaya closed his eyes and thought for a moment.
He then looked at Ender suspiciously: Did Halit do this?!
Ender looked at him in surprise: Kaya please leave him! I beg you!
Kaya grabbed his hair: I knew it! How dare he?! How dare he touch my wife!
Ender tried to calm him down: Canim benim please calm down. He didn't do it intentionally. He was angry because of the company.
Kaya shouted: Stop defending him! Nothing can justify what he did Ender! Nothing!
He then tried to leave the room: I'm gonna kill him!
Ender stopped him before he could leave: I'm not defending him! I just want to stop you from doing what's on your mind! You'll get yourself into a lot of trouble Kaya!
Kaya pushed her hands away and went out without letting her say anything.
Ender shouted his name but he didn't stop. She ran to wear something but when she wore her clothes and ran upstairs, Kaya was already gone.

Nazli and Savaş were sitting on the bench and drinking water. The game was over and Nazli's team had won the game.
Sevda sat next to Savaş trying to catch her breath.
Savaş looked at her and smiled: You play very well!
Sevda smiled back: I really need to exercise more!
Savaş looked into her eyes and didn't say anything.
Sevda licked her lips and smiled shyly: You lost the game because of me. I'm really sorry!
Nazli was watching this conversation and enjoying to see the result of her work.
Savaş smiled back: No no don't say that! Nazli and Melek are amazing players!
He looked at Nazli and messed up her hair: Only Kaya can defeat her!
Nazli smiled big: He won't be able do that soon!
Sevda looked at her proudly: I'm sure you'll be able to do that!
Melek went to them: Okay let's go!
Savaş looked at her: Where?
Nazli said: We wanna go to our favorite cafe to have dinner. Do you wanna come?
Sevda immediately answered: Why are you kids so energetic?! I just wanna go home and take a shower!
Savaş smiled at Nazli: I can't come too.
Nazli sighed: Okay old people! We'll go without you!
Savaş laughed: You little snake! Now you call me old, huh?!
They all laughed.
Then they all stood up. After they said goodbye to the kids, Savaş looked at Sevda and said: Do you have a car?!
Sevda sighed: No my car was broken. I'll call a taxi.
Savaş thought for a moment: Do you want me to take you home?
Sevda smiled shyly: No no I don't wanna bother you.
He smiled back: No canim it's totally fine.
Sevda was really tired so she said: Okay thanks a lot.
Writer's note: Hey guys!
Sorry for not posting yesterday! My brother had a car accident. He's fine now by the way.
But we were all so scared when his friend called us and said he had an accident. So I was busy and traumatized the whole day and couldn't write for you guys.
Take care of yourselves and be careful when you're driving please!
Love you all ❤️

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