The last time

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Kaya put on a big smile: Of course. Please come in.
Nazli went inside.
K: Do you want something to drink.
Nazli didn't answer.
K: Please sit.
Nazli didn't sit. She just stood there and looked at him blankly.
Kaya stopped smiling.
K: Oh I forgot. Your mother is at the police station. You should call her she's worri...
Nazli interrupted him: That night at the restaurant, did you know everything?
K: No! I didn't know I sw...
Nazli interrupted him again: What about the first time we met at the cafe?
Kaya shook his head.
N: How did you find out?
K: I asked Ender. She didn't answer. So the second time we met at the cafe I took your cup for a DNA test. I received the result 4 days ago.
N: Why didn't you tell me?
K: I didn't know how to tell you. You've told me how much you hate your real father. I was too scared to tell you.
Nazli just stared at him.
Kaya didn't know what to do or what to say. This girl was standing there and looking at him with no signs of any kind of feelings in her blue eyes. He took a deep breath and said: Listen Nazli, I'm really sorry. I...
Nazli interrupted him for the third time: Look. I don't care who you are or what your name is. I am not here to talk about you. I don't know you. I'm here just to tell you to stay away from me and my family. Don't come near us. Don't call us. Forget about us.Okay?
Kaya frowned: No.
Nazli got shocked: What?
Kaya smirked: I said no. You can't keep me away from yourself Nazli. We both know that. I'm your father.
Nazli shouted: My father is DEAD! He died before I was born.
K: No he's not. He is alive and standing right in front of you.
Nazli's voice started to shake: My father died in a car accident before I was born. That's what I have been telling everyone since I can remember. I will tell the same story in the future.
Kaya closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was trying to calm himself down.
K: Look kızım....
Nazli shouted: Don't call me that! You don't have the right to call me that! You don't deserve it!
The last sentence echoed in his head for a million times and broke his heart into thousands of pieces. "You don't deserve it!"
N: This is the last time we are meeting. I don't want to see you again.
Kaya opened his mouth to say something but Nazli left before letting him talk.
When she closed the door behind her, tears started to drop from her eyes. She tried to control herself. After calming down she left the hotel and took a taxi. When she was on the taxi she called Ender:
Hello anne.
Ender's voice was shaking: Nazli? Kızım where are you? Are you okay?
N: Don't worry anne I'm fine.
Ender started to cry: Please come home canım, please!
Nazli tried her best to keep her tears back: I'm on my way anne, I'll be home in 10 minutes. Please don't cry.
Ender smiled while crying: Okay aşkım benim.

When Nazli opened the door, Ender ran to her and hugged her tightly. She started to cry: Aşkım, canım benim, kızım. I was so worried about you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything.
Nazli hugged her back and smiled: It's okay annem. I'm fine. Sorry for making you worry.
Ender kissed her hair.
When Nazli came out of her mother's arm, Caner hit her head: You rascal! You made us all worried. You deserve a good hit you little snake!
Nazli put her hand on her head and frowned while laughing: Ouch dayı! That hurts!
Caner laughed and hugged her.
When they went inside Erim was sitting in the living room and watching tv. He said hi coldly. Nazli looked at Ender. Ender smiled and whispered: He's sad that we hid everything from him.
Nazli sat next to him and messed his hair: Didn't you miss me?
Erim didn't look at her.
E: Okay let's go to sleep everyone. We had a long day.

In the middle of the night Nazli went to Ender's room. Ender woke up: Kızım, are you okay? Are you sick?
N: Can I sleep next to you anne?
Ender smiled: Of course you can, come on, come here.

The next morning Ender, Erim and Nazli were around the breakfast table. Erim was quiet. Ender looked at him and said: Erimcım we couldn't be together this weekend. I asked your father so we can go out for dinner tonight.
Er: I don't want to. I miss my sisters. I wanna go home.
Ender got sad: But why?
Er: I should go to school. Thanks for the great weekend! Bye.
He didn't wait for any response and left.
E: Erim! Erim please wait! Erim!
N: It's okay anne. I'll go talk to him.
E: Okay.
Nazli kissed Ender's cheek: Bye annecim.
Ender kissed her back: Bye aşkım.
Nazli ran to Erim and reached him in the apartment's lobby: Erim! Ablacim! Wait a moment.
Erim waited but didn't look at her.
Nazli hit his neck: You rude kid. I said stop! Why don't you listen to your abla?
Erim frowned: What!
Nazli put her hands on her waist: This is the way you talk to your older sister? Since when you act like this?
Er: Sorry.
Nazli smiled: Let's go we should talk.
Er: My dad's driver is waiting to take me to school. Let's go together.
N: No. I have a better idea. Go send him away. Let's walk to school.

Kaya went back to the company after a week. All his work was piled up and he had lots of work to do. He was going to Halit's room when he saw Ender enter the company. He went to talk to her.
K: Good morning Ender. Do you have some time? We need to talk.
Ender took of her sunglasses and shook her head: Okay. Let's go to my office.
Ender went inside her office and Kaya followed her.
E: Do you want something to drink?
K: No thanks.
E: Okay, what do you want to talk about?
K: Nazli came to my hotel room last night?
E: What?! Why didn't you tell me?!
K: I was going to text you but you called and said she was on her way home.
E: What did she want?
K: She asked me to stay away from her and you.
Ender smirked: I wonder why!
K: Ender look. I am well aware of my mistakes. The problem is that she doesn't let me make up for my mistakes. She keeps pushing me away from herself. She obviously denies me.
Ender took a deep breath: So what? Why are you telling me these?
K: Please Ender. I know you don't like me. I just want you to talk to her. Convince her to listen to me at least.
E: Kaya Nazli is a grown up girl. I can't make her do something she doesn't want.
K: We both know you can. I just want to talk. That's all.
E: Okay. Let me try. But I don't promise anything.
Kaya shook his head gently: Thank you.
E: Oh by the way. It's her birthday next week. She will throw a party. I hope to convince her to invite you.
Kaya smiled: Really? It will be great! Thank you.
Ender smiled back.
K: I should go now. See you later.
E: See you later.

Ender, Erim and Nazli went to Erim's favorite restaurant for dinner. Nazli told him everything and he felt bad for acting so stupid. So he decided to go out with them so they could all forget about everything.
They took Erim to Halit's house and on their way back to their home, Ender decided to talk about Kaya.
E: Nazli I want to ask you something but promise me you won't be mad.
N: Why are you acting weird?
E: Listen Nazli. I know it's a big request, but why don't you invite Kaya for your birthday party?
Nazli couldn't believe what she heard: What?!
E: Don't get mad so quickly. Just invite him. You don't have to talk to him or anything.
N: Anne do you know what you're talking about? Is this a joke?
Ender opened her mouth to say something but Nazli interrupted her: Anne I really don't want to talk about it anymore. Please don't make us both sad again.
Ender took a deep breath and didn't say anything more and decided to talk about it later.

Later that night when Nazli was inviting her friends for her birthday party, she saw someone on her Facebook's friend list that made her put on an evil smile. She suddenly had a great idea.
She said to herself: Okay Kaya bey. Now that you want to come to my party, then I'll just invite you so we can both have some fun! I hope you can see it with your own eyes that we don't need you in our lives!
She went to tell Ender about her decision: Anne, I thought about your idea. Let's invite him!

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