Do you believe in love?

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Kaya was sitting on the couch in Ender's office. She was frowning while working.
Kaya was watching her. She noticed he was looking at her. She smiled and said: What are you looking at?
Kaya smiled: Oh don't mind me. I was just watching your beautiful serious face.
Ender raised her left eyebrow: Is that so? Don't you have work to do?
K: I do.
E: Then go do your work and let me do mine. Don't distract me.
Kaya laughed: Okay fine. A kiss maybe?
Ender frowned: Go Kaya!
Kaya laughed out loud and was leaving the room but before completely closing the door he opened it again and said: Oh I forgot to tell you something.
E: What?
K: Nazli said I'm amazing.
Ender smiled: Well she's right. You are.
Kaya smiled and said: Don't you ever leave me.
Ender smiled bigger: Never.

Kaya was cooking dinner when someone rang the bell. When he opened the door, he was shocked to see Nazli.
K: Hi kizim. Come in.
Nazli went inside. She handed him her coat and said: I'm sorry to bother you but I really don't want to go home. Can I stay here one more night?
Kaya smiled: Of course you can. Sesli is in the living room. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.
Nazli smiled and went to the living room.
When Kaya went back to the kitchen he called Ender: Canim, how are you?
E: I'm fine. Nazli is not home yet. I'm kinda worried.
K: Actually... she's here.
E: Really? So she doesn't want to come home yet I guess.
K: She wants to stay here one more night. I'll try to convince her to accept her mistake.
E: Thanks.
K: Don't be sad sevgilim. She'll come home.
Ender sighed: I hope.
K: I should go now. Bye.
E: Bye canim.
After the dinner they sat in the living room quietly and drank tea.
Nazli broke the silence: I saw your basketball trophies in your room last night. You were a great player.
Kaya smiled: Thank you. I wasn't bad.
N: Can you teach me? I'm not good at dribbling.
K: Of course I will teach you.
Nazli smiled: Thanks. When do you have time?
K: Whenever you want to.
N: Can we start tonight?
Kaya was surprised: Tonight?
N: If you're tired we can do it later.
K: No no! Let's go.
Nazli clapped: Wonderful! Let's take Sesli with us! He can run around.
Kaya smiled: Okay canim.

They were at the basketball field in a park and playing basketball. No one was around and you could hear their shouts and laughs from faraway.
Ender was watching them and smiling. She couldn't believe her eyes. Seeing them together like that. Happy and having fun. She almost cried out of happiness.
Nazli noticed her: Anne?! What are you doing here?
She looked at Kaya in surprise and said: Did you call her?
Kaya smiled: I did.
Nazli bit her lower lip. She looked nervous.
K: I'll leave you two alone.
N: Wait, don't...
But Kaya left.
Ender walked towards her.
Nazli dropped her head and looked at her shoes.
Ender put her hand under her chin and lifted her head: Since when you become ashamed after you make mistakes?
Nazli's chin started to shake. She hugged Ender tightly and said: I'm sorry anne.
Ender hugged her back and caressed her hair: It's okay aşkım.
When they separated Ender caressed her cheek and said: Do you wanna come home?
Nazli wiped her tears and said: Of course I do.
E: Then let's go. Don't forget the dog.
Nazli was shocked. She smiled and picked up the dog.
Kaya was waiting at the parking lot. When he saw them, he smiled and said: Did you two solve you problems?
Ender smiled: We did.
K: Alright then.
N: I'll go home with my mom. Thank you for everything.
Kaya smiled: You're welcome. I'll get you Sesli's fence so you can keep him safe.
Nazli smiled: Thank you.
K: Okay then. See you later.
N: Oh... Do you wanna have dinner with us this weekend?
Ender and Kaya were shocked. They looked at each other in surprise. Nazli looked at Ender and said: There won't be a problem anne, right?
Ender smiled: Of course not.
Then she looked at Kaya and said: Will you have dinner with us this weekend?
Kaya smiled: I would love to.
Nazli smiled at him and said: See you later.
K: Good night.

Later that night Ender and Nazli were sitting in the living room. They were talking about different stuff. Suddenly Nazli said: Kaya has a girlfriend.
Ender was drinking tea. She suddenly started to cough.
N: Are you okay anne? What happened?
E: I'm fine canim. What were you saying?
N: I said Kaya has a girlfriend.
E: How... how do you know that?
N: I heard him talking on the phone with someone last night. He called her "sevgilim".
Ender tried her best not to laugh: Oh... good for him.
Then she started to drink her tea again.
Nazli seemed surprised: You don't care, you mean?
E: It's his private life. Why would I care about it?
Nazli frowned: Well I care!
Ender raised her left eyebrow: Why?
N: Well because he's... I don't know! I just care!
E: You don't want him to have a girlfriend?
N: I didn't say that! I just think he should introduce her to me.
E: Well maybe he will.
Nazli puffed out her breath: He better does.

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now