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After work Kaya went back to his hotel room. He ordered dinner and while his dinner was getting ready he took a shower. He was wrapping the towel around his waist when someone knocked on the door. He thought it's his dinner so he opened the door without looking at the other side of it and went back to the bathroom and shouted from there: Put it on the table please.
But when no one answered he came out of the bathroom and saw Ender waiting in the middle of the room looking insanely mad.
Ender didn't expect to see Kaya half naked so she got surprised and turned around immediately.
Kaya looked at himself and put on an evil smile. He decided to bother Ender so he didn't move. Instead he started walking towards her and talking:
What do you want here?
Ender was really uncomfortable and this situation made her even more angry. She said: We need to talk. But first could you please wear something?
K: I'm totally comfortable. If you have any problem you can leave.
Ender couldn't hold her anger anymore and turned around to shout at him but as soon as she turned she bumped into Kaya's naked chest.
She was confused for a few seconds and felt her heart beat faster.
Kaya had the same feeling. He wanted to tease Ender but now he was nervous and excited just like her. They both gazed into each other's eyes for a few moments till Kaya finally stuttered: I... should wear something I guess.
Ender's face turned red and she stole her eyes from his and said: Yes you should.
Ender felt weak. She didn't want to have feelings for this guy. But she couldn't. Every situation like this made her anxious.
Kaya wore a white t-shirt with jeans.
He didn't dry his hair so it was wet and messy.
When they were younger, Ender loved his hair like this. She thought it made him look super cute.
When Ender saw him like that she felt butterflies filled her stomach. There was one thought on her mind that moment. Kaya looked so cute just as years ago even though his sideburns were gray.
The water drops from his hair made his t-shirt wet.
Ender said her thoughts out loud without realizing it herself: You're t-shirt is getting wet. You'll catch a cold.
Kaya felt good after hearing this. He smiled and said: It's okay. I didn't want to keep you waiting.
Ender regretted saying that. She suddenly remembered why she was there.
She frowned and started talking angrily: What did you do?
Kaya got surprised and said: What did I do?
E: Don't play games with me Kaya. You know well what you did.
Kaya frowned: I really have no idea what you're talking about.
Ender shouted: What am I talking about, huh? Why did you meet my daughter this morning Kaya? Why did you drink coffee with her? Why did you make her talk about her father?
Kaya got angry. He was the one that should be asking questions not Ender. He was not the guilty one there. So he shouted back: You don't have the right to raise your voice at me. Who do you think you are? You think I don't know what is going on here? You're hiding something from me Ender.
Ender got even more furious: I am not hiding anything from you. Why don't you understand?
K: Then why don't you want me around Nazli? Why are you so angry that we met? Who is Nazli's father Ender?
The last question was like a bullet into Ender's chest. She all of a sudden felt defenseless. She had no answer for this question. While thinking for the answer Kaya fired the last bullet: Am I her father Ender?
They looked at each other for so long. Kaya was trying to find the answer in Ender's eyes but he couldn't. Finally he talked: Why aren't you answering? I asked you a question Ender. Just answer it with yes or no.
Ender was searching for the answer inside her head when someone knocked on the door. Kaya didn't want to answer but someone shouted: Sir it's your dinner.
When Kaya heard that he took a deep breath and went to get his dinner. When he got back Ender was sitting on the edge of the bed and covered her face with her hands. She was crying silently. Kaya put the dinner's tray on the table and sat on the chair and looked at Ender.
After a few minutes Ender looked up at him: Why are you back Kaya? Why won't you leave me alone just like the last 2 times? Just like always!
Kaya was quite. He just looked at Ender's desperate eyes without saying anything.
Ender continued: You know how to leave people Kaya. You did it to me not once but twice. Just leave me and my family alone. We don't want you. I don't want you. Just pretend like you don't know me.
Kaya whispered: I can't.
Ender didn't hear him: What did you say?
K: Nothing. Fine Ender. I'll do what you want.
Ender couldn't believe it. She smiled out of happiness. She stood up: I have to leave now. Please Kaya, I don't want to see you around Nazli.
K: I told you, I won't.
E: Thank you.
She held out her hand: Good bye Kaya Ekinci.
Kaya looked at her hand. Smirked and shook it: Goodbye Ender Celebi.
When Ender left Kaya said to himself: This won't end here Ender. If you are not going to talk then I will find the answer myself.

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now