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I really don't know if what we're doing right now is right or wrong, in fact i don't care anymore... I just want this, i want her... is that too much to ask? I will be greedy just this once, because i also couldn't control what's happening and it's like our body we're just moving on its own, last time i check i was pinning her at the door but right now, we're on the corner of her bed as i am slowly kissing her neck and back to her soft lips, while she's dancing on my lap. We're both moving in our body's rhythm. I can feel the warmth of Jennie's body right now through her kisses, and it's really turning me on. "May i?" I whispered holding the tie of her bathrobe. In fact i didn't waited for her response and decided to just untie it, she was wearing nothing that made me stopped in surprise because maybe i'm rushing things right now and everything that's happening is so unreal. Maybe Jennie noticed that i stopped that's why she got out of my lap and stand in front of me. "Loving what you're seeing?" she mumbled and completely took off her bathrobe and threw it somewhere in the corner of the room.

I swallowed a lump and smile at her once again, i stood up and went to claim her lips, this time she aggressively removed my shirt, and that was a relief because i'm literally feeling so hot. I let her lay on the corner of the bed, as i placed myself between her legs to properly enjoy her chest, i don't care anymore if i'll leave marks. I was stunned when Jennie hold my hand and guided it on to her dripping wet centre, but as soon as my finger touched it, we heard the doorbell rang. I can see the panic in Jennie's eyes that's why she pushed me "Lisaaa! stop staring at me and wear your clothes!" i snapped back from reality when she yelled at me, we hurriedly fixed ourselves and wear our clothes. We didn't bother to look at the peephole and just opened the door that's when we saw Jisoo and Rose with their giggly faces.“I knew you were gonna be in here...we couldn’t sleep on our room can we barge in?” Rose said while carrying a plastic bag full of snacks. I don't know why but it seems like i am not in the mood to utter any words that's why i just nodded and look at Jennie who seems not feeling well. “Woah were you two drinking? You two looks like tomatoes right now” Jisoo blabber and she is right, Jennie and I are turning red because of the intense scene earlier. "Sooyah! Why would we drink? i just forgot to switch on the air conditioner that's why it's hot" Jennie mumbled in defence and grabbed Jisoo's arm to show her the room an to divert Sooyah's attention. After a while we decided to watch a horror movie, we got our place on this huge bed, Rose and I were on the left side while Jisoo and Jennie are on the right side and then Jisoo speak up "Lisa switch places with me" she orderly told me. "Unnie, i'm lazy to get up" i blabber but i am too late because she went beside me and started tapping my shoulder like a kid, i have left with no choice but to lay in bed beside Jennie. I can feel that Jennie is trying to act like nothing happened, that's why i did it too... of course we wouldn't tell it about the others, but it seems like Jisoo Unnie is testing us or i don't know? maybe she just really wants to be with Rose. Sleeping beside with Jennie for tonight, and thinking about what happened earlier? is really a torture to me.... but maybe it didn't happen because it wasn't supposed to happen.


They're now on their way to the plane to fly back to Seoul, but the awkwardness between Lisa and Jennie is really visible. Yes they are still talking but their response to each other is really short as if they didn't know each other. Even though they were like that, Lisa really wants to talk to Jennie about what happened last night, she wanna tell Jennie everything but the problem is that Jennie is starting to distance herself. The tall girl was over thinking things while walking slowly, she wants to know why Jennie is being like that to her right now after what happened, because of that she didn't noticed that she was already being left behind."Uhmm Guys? Where is Lisa?"Rose mumbled that made all of them stop from walking and even Jennie who's wearing her sunglasses paused from walking just to face Rose. "Oh! There she is" Jisoo pointed out Lisa with her body guard. Rose and Jennie look at their back and they saw a model like woman, who's walking on their direction with her blank expression"She's been like that since earlier, look at her face... it looks like something's wrong" Rose added, "Chaeyoungah! she's just tired, and i am tired too. Stop worrying about Lalisa Jennie can handle her" Jisoo mumbled to Rose like she's being jealous that Rose is worried about Lisa.... Jennie coughed as she heard her name and as much as Jennie wants to not care about Lisa? she couldn't control herself as she stares at Lisa who's walking in to their direction with her blank face while just looking at her footsteps... Lisa's head slowly lifted up and their eyes accidentally met, but Jennie quickly pulled away and started walking in her fast pace again. Lisa knew that even though Jennie is wearing a sunglasses Jennie was looking at her, and that thought made her smile a little.  "Maybe she was just surprised on what happened last night, or shy... I won't pressure her and just talk to her once we got home from Seoul to rest" Lisa said in her mind as her over thinking stopped and it was left by excitement and happiness... excited for what she and Jennie could be, and happy because she was sure that Jennie is feeling the same way too, after all this years.

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