Twenty Seven

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We finally reached the house when we noticed like no one was there, but that might be impossible. Because they didn’t bring any vehicles and there’s no phone service in here. Jennie and I decided to search for them as we roamed around the house, then something caught our attention. We became alarmed as we heard loud screams and and heavy thumps. “It is coming on the bathroom” i whispered but Jennie sushhh me. The door was not locked that’s why we opened it. We saw Chaeng and Jisoo that are both naked in the tub, but they quickly covered themselves with bubbles when they saw us. Our eyes were just like in full of surprise because we didn’t expect them to be more than just friends. We controlled our laughter in this awkward situation “ohhhh God! We are really sorry for interrupting you guys.. Go on just continue what you’re doing earlier” Jennie said and quickly locked the door for them. As soon as we got out we burst ourselves into laughter and just decided to cook our dinner. Jennie and I were just reminiscing about our trainee days, on how our friendship started and all...  We stopped talking, when we heard footsteps approaching us and then we saw Jisoo, she sat infront of us and drunk huge amount of water before speaking.... She cleared her throat “uhhhm, about what you two saw earlier” she paused while still looking at the glass of water that she is holding. “We are so happy for you guys, you don’t need to explain anything” Jennie said in her happy face. “Lesson learned huh? Lock the doors bitch” i said to Jisoo that made her glare at me, but i hid in Jennie’s back. She looked at us with confusion, then Chaeng popped out of nowhere while holding a mug and just looking at me and Jennie. I quickly got out of Jennie’s back and rub my head. Looks like they are waiting for us to finally spill the beans. “We're friends again!” Jennie said in defense.  “Yahhhh!!!! Don’t ever fight again! It will be too heartbreaking for us” Chaeng mumbled and join our hug. “So you guys are gonna left me alone?” Jisoo said and run to our direction with open arms.

Lisa told me that she is with the girls to visit our new home yesterday, and she still hadn't send me any messages until now... maybe they decided to just sleep there, and it's okay with me if she hadn't call or anything because, i know for the fact that there isn't a good cellular service in there. Good thing i have a meeting with Jennie's boyfriend today, and if Jennie still hasn't come home... She is still with Lisa and the other girls.

I went into their bulding and was assisted on where is Kai's office, but i wanted to see Jennie first if they already had come home. I didn't mean to see or hear anything but Kai's voice was really loud and furious "You fucking slut! you still hadn't changed! How dare you spend the night with her" Kai shouted and give Jennie a hard slap that made her fall from the floor. I was stunned on what is happening in here, i saw Kai punches Jennie in her stomach, like Jennie was some sort of animal.... i couldn't bear to see anything like this, i don't want to meddle in but everything i am seeing right now is fucking cruel! I opened the door that made Kai stopped beating Jennie, who's already  sobbing in pain in the floor. "Stop it Kai, or i'll call the police!" i shouted. He went near me and pointed a finger while saying "You don't know anything about your girlfriend! So you better listen to me, because this slut? this slut will ruin your relationship with Lisa" Kai blurted out and left the office.

So Jennie? is Lisa's ex? the one who cheated on her... my mind is full of questions right now... but i needed to help Jennie first, i came into her direction and help her sit down, because she is too weak to get up. "Thank you Irene.... you shouldn't have done that" she uttered. "Why wouldn't i? he is inhumane! Why won't you tell the police about it? Does anyone knows what that jerk has been doing to you?" i asked in concern. "No, please don't... don't tell anyone about this Irene... i am begging you" she looks so scared, begging me not to tell anyone. "Why does Kai told me that you will just ruin my relationship with Lisa?" i asked her while handling her a bottle of water. "Because he is scared that i might chose Lisa over him....". "So you are Lisa's ex? you cheated on Lisa with that jerk, and now you are paying the price" i blurted out. "I hadn't... and would never cheat on her Irene... I love her. But even though i still love her, i wouldn't ruin things with you and Lisa, because i know you can do better than me." she uttered. What is she saying right now? is she lying to me? "Lisa told me you cheated on her" i said firmly. "I made it look like that, so she could be mad at me, she doesn't deserve someone who has been raped and impregnated by some jerk"  I can feel the pain in Jennie's eyes... i couldn't imagine myself walking through on her path... "Please Irene, i am trusting you right now... Don't tell anyone about this, or even Lisa, Because Kai has a leverage on me... he filmed it while raping me". "That could be an evidence Jennie! i will help you... Lisa and i will help you. You shouldn't be fighting this battle alone" i insisted but she just smiled at me. "My own father was in favour of Kai, and wouldn't believe anything that i say because he wants me to end up with Kai than to end up with Lisa... and for Lisa, please don't mention this to her, just promise me to never hurt " she uttered being selfless... She still loves Lisa, yet she isn't fighting for it because she thinks that i am more worthy of Lisa than her.

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