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Lisa was peacefully sleeping when someone started to pinch her nose. “Lisa wake up,.... wake up now babe”
Hearing those words made Lisa smile while remaining her eyes closed, because she knows that voice belongs to Jennie. She just groaned and hug her girlfriend.“But I still want to sleep” Lisa said imitating a baby.“No get up, they’re all awake” Jennie blabber. After a couple of minutes, Jennie successfully wake her up, they fixed themselves and brushed their teeth and got out of the room together. When they got out, they instantly saw two smiling monkeys in front of them. “It’s too early to annoy someone and don't even think about it” Lisa uttered. “I’m not saying anything” Rose said in defence. “Me too” Jisoo added to what Rose said. Jennie just smiled seeing how their friends is okay in their situation. The four girls started eating their breakfast, when Jennie’s phone rang.
Jennie took it and lock herself in her room. After a moment she went out thinking blankly.“Who is it?” Lisa asked. “It is our CEO, she said she needed to talk to us after breakfast, but she didn’t say why” Jennie responded.They all lost their appetite to eat breakfast, and just dress up quickly so that their driver won’t wait too long for them. On their way Jennie didn’t removed her hands that is locked with Lisa’s. Jennie finally broke the silence when they are about to get out of the car and she said,“I will not let them control us, they’re going too far”. “Babe no, don’t do this... don’t do anything that you’ll regret” Lisa argued with Jennie. Lisa instantly knew what’s on Jennie’s mind, maybe it’s a girlfriend thing, but Rose and Jisoo were left confused.

In a huge office with a fancy furnitures, there were 4 girls seated on a long office table in silence. Someone entered the room, that made everyone startled. “Did i took too long? Ohh yes of course! Because I’ve been cleaning the mess that you two made Jennie and Lisa! What on earth is that? It is all now on the internet. You two know that on what you did i can easily cut you off - -“ Jennie interrupted her. “But you can’t, am i right? We already gained popularity more than you imagined. And cutting us off will be a huge loss to the company... in short we're your money maker” Jennie said that amazed everyone. "So it's true.. if it isn't you'll not be acting like this" The lady seems to be in shock on what Jennie said, but she agrees to the fact that everything that the girl said was true. All the money that the YG ENTERTAINMENT has been enjoying all came from the hard work of the girls, and they can’t afford to lose them because it will just worsen the situation.“Ohh, I don't wanna know since when! How about we make a truce? That you two should not make it obvious in the crowd. Don’t cling too much in-front of the camera and when it’s just the two of you,......hmmm you can do whatever you want. But nothing gets out about you two being a couple, and you could be best friends in front of them.... I really don't care as long as both of you will stay away from the media".

Lisa looked at her girlfriend thinking seriously, Jennie saw her and nodded at Lisa, giving her permission to speak on her behalf. “We’re sorry for our rush actions Ma'am, so let’s call it a truce to not worsen the situation” Lisa softly said. “But remember once something goes wrong again, i will be the one to decide on what will happen to the both of you.. Are we clear?" The lady mumbled. Jennie was about to say something again, but Lisa hold her hand to stop her girlfriend to act like a bitch on their CEO again. "Yes, and we will assure you that we will keep everything just between us" Lisa said as she clears her throat. “With all due respect, i guess the situation does not have anything to do with Rose and I, can we excuse ourselves?” Jisoo softly suggested. “Both of you are still included, you’re all part of the group and you all let this happen. Now you two! be their chaperone in-front of everyone, manipulate them, when Jennie and Lisa is being clingy again to each other and forgot the agreement, cling with them too.........Interfere with them, make it look natural. I am not fully in favor of you two being in love but I don’t want to be the bad guy here, that’s why i am letting this one go. So please don’t do anything that will affect out company’s image”.

After their meeting with their CEO the girls decided to eat outside since it’s almost lunch time and they didn't had their breakfast.“What you did back there was so bossy” Rose complimented Jennie. “I actually felt bad because i was being too disrespectful when i brought up the money maker word, but what else can i do? I have to take a stand”. “I agree, i know we signed up an agreement to their terms and policies but i think they shouldn’t meddle in our personal lives. All these time we’ve been good and always doing what they want, and did nothing scandalous. I guess you guys deserves it!” Jisoo said cheering up the girls. Lisa also butt in to change the subject. “Babe i logged in to my dummy account on Twitter, and guess what? the hashtags #23isJenlisaDay and #JenlisaisReal is trending right now, even though our CEO already deleted the photo that you posted” Lisa said happily. “Awwwe everyone must’ve love to see you together” Rose added.
The girls hurriedly finished their food because their manager just sent their schedule for today. They needed to go downtown to have a Vlive for Star Road and needs to answer questions from their fans.

During the vlive Jennie reads some comments that has been sent by the blinks, and she came across tons of comments asking about Jenlisa, because it is trending right now.“Everyone please let us know what is Jenlisa’s monthsary is on 23rd means” Jennie said acting as if she doesn’t know the answer. While the girls got awkward, Rose started singing softly, while Jisoo and Lisa pretended that they didn’t heard anything. Jennie kept on asking the question again to look dumb.And read the comment “you post that picture a while ago”. “Ohhh i see, okay, okay Jenlisa wazzup wazzup” she said as the other girls copied her, because they are scared that Jennie might say something again that may trigger their company. After their Vlive they head back to their apartment, but Lisa asked the girls if she and Jennie could go out to unwind alone, and they agreed.

Little did everyone know, YG is now allowing them to drive as long as they’re 20, but their cars were all hidden to the public eye, for some safety reasons. Lisa wore a sunglasses and put on a hoodie to disguise herself, same as Jennie. “Where are we going it’s getting dark” Jennie asked her gorgeous driver.“It’s a secret” Lisa giggled. They stopped on a convenient store, and Lisa asked Jennie to just stay in the car as she buys her a bucket of Milk Ice cream, cookies and Milktea. Jennie can still see Lisa inside the car and she couldn’t take her eyes off of her girl. She feels the luckiest right now. “You bought all of my favorites” Jennie said with a spark on her eyes. “Yes baby” Lisa responded as she kisses Jennie’s cheeks. “Don’t touch it, you’ll eat it later when we get there” Lisa added. It’s getting late when they got there. They sat on the grass overlooking the city lights and stars while eating their ice cream, enjoying the silence.
“I wonder if Jisoo and Chaeng is still awake” Jennie whispered. “I’m sure Jisoo Unnie is still awake! She’s one of the detectives” Lisa said jokingly. “You know that we’ll make through this right?” Jennie asked in her serious tone of voice.“But when it really gets hard, I want you to let go, I don’t want to see you suffering because of me” Lisa said softly. “Letting go has never crossed my mind. We only have to pretend a few more months til we disband, we can make it and we can finally tell the world that they are all right about Jenlisa  and they're not being delulu all along” Jennie assured her girlfriend. “I’m sure they’ll still love us, no matter what happens. In fact they’re crazy for a Jenlisa content, and sadly we can’t give it to them, for now because we need to remain a secret” Lisa said as she stares at Jennie. Jennie cupped her girlfriend’s face and kissed her nose, forehead and lips. "Just a few more months my love, few more months...." Jennie mumbled.

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