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"I'm sorry sir... I am the one to blame, because i wasn't by her side when she stumbled on the stairs" Kai uttered as he bows his head asking for forgiveness to Jennie's father. "I'm sure that they didn't mean to lose their child, no one wants that" his father butt in and went to face Jennie's dad. "I hope this won't ruin both of our family's relation... Maybe it's also a good thing because marriage should always comes first right?" Kai was startled and looked at Jennie before nodding to his father. "Kai what's your intention with my daughter now that both of you lost your child? are you just gonna leave her? Because i won't allow that" Jennie's dad speak up again. "Of course i won't sir, i love your daughter and this time we will do things slowly. She will still be staying in our house if you're okay with that" Kai blabber still looking at Jennie, but Jennie has only a blank expression. "of course son! that's what being a man is! Standing up for your decisions." Jennie's dad responded happily into Kai.

Jennie feels so helpless right now, her dad thinks she did it on purpose, he's judging her own daughter and siding to the rapist that he proudly calls a "man". She's suffering from severe depression when she lost her baby, because she literally lost everything that she had, and of course one of that is the love of her life. After that scandal she  thinks poorly of herself, she never resisted Kai again as she let Kai do her dirty, she stopped resisting not because she likes it... she stopped resisting because she doesn't have any choice left just to be Kai's slave... she was numb, her body was physally normal but her mind isn't because of the everyday abuse hat she's been suffering. She lost her energy to speak up and defend herself, because she doesn't want to be a burden with her mom and with her friends. She accepted all of her modeling projects, and she just made herself busy by working and working and working she even stepped up into his dad and ask him if she could finally work into their company, and his dad allowed her. Her dad is the most happiest because he thought that Jennie is happy with Kai. Little did he know that Jennie is just hiding  her pain by making herself busy and Jennie's dad seems to be blinded by it. Jennie's relationship with her dad grow a little further, even though Jennie is seeing him everyday.

I think Jennie's cheating and putting an end on our relationship may have been the most painful thing but at the same time the most greatest thing that happened in my life... because if she didn't broke me? maybe i wouldn't met Irene. Months after hanging out with Irene made my life like a dream. Everything was all about the party, the drinks, different girls and Sex! Sex! Sex! and Sex!!! all we do is to satisfy ourselves. It's not just all about that, she also taught me that i deserve more, that i was enough and it was Jennie's fault because she didn't see my worth. She also opened my eyes to the reality that sometimes it is okay to be bad. You're just saving yourself from pain, because nice people often get hurt because they accept the love that they think they deserve... and she's right, i don't want to experience that kind of pain again, where i cry myself to sleep.

I know people wonder what really is my relationship with Irene, all i can say is that she's my savior! I almost drowned myself but she's the goddess who saved me from drowning...but she's also claiming I've saved her. Even though we trust each other I didn't told anyone that the reason of my heart ache before was Jennie, i still want to respect her though... i don't want people to think different on her. For now... I couldn't imagine myself without Irene by my side. At first my mom is always mad at me because she doesn't want me to be with Irene because she thinks that she is a bad influence and i couldn't forget what she had told me "You're a well grown lady Lisa, you know what's right and wrong". ... but as the time goes by, she finally got tired and saw me happy hanging out with Irene, she saw how the sadness in my eyes disappears when i am with her... So basically we're friends.... with benefits. We both decided that- that should be our relationship because we don't want any drama and we don't want to have any rules. We don't care who we fuck or make out with, as i said no rules. I can see the difference between my old self and the new version of me, but these changes is the happiest that I've been. Because the old version of myself would still be possibly  be begging on Jennie if i haven't met Irene.


-on the bar-

Lisa was sitting on the private spot of the bar, she's with Irene but Irene was busy preying on some random guy's lips while grinding on his lap. Lisa got bored she took her bottle of beer and went in to the dance floor as she dance in a very seductive way she could and before the song changed she wet herself using her beer that caught everyone's eyes. The unimaginable wildness of Lalisa Manoban made everyone crave for her. But out of all the people in the crowd, one familiar stare got her attention. She knew that it was one of the people from her past, but she doesn't care. Instead she bravely walk towards on her direction while not taking off her eyes with the girl from her past.

When she reached it as she smiled at her and she bit her lower lip and continues to stare at the girls eyes, down to her lips and next to her breasts. "You've changed a lot" the girl uttered as she quickly hugged Lisa because she felt shy when Lisa stared at her hungrily. "You too, Somi you became more pretty" Lisa softy mumbled into Somi's ears.

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