Thirty Two

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~six months later~

Things with Jennie is becoming better and better day by day. We always visits her dad with her mom at the pricent, to check if he is doing fine... and he is. He has changed so much, he finally accepted the fact that Jennie and i is really inseparable.

My family's business has been blossoming lately, as i worked hard and made myself busy to make it more better. Making myself busy at work makes me forget the pain of loving someone, who still hadn't moved on from her past... don't get me wrong  because right now? i totally accepted it... and i am really happy for the both of them. I got to know more Lisa's inner circle, that includes Rose, Jisoo and Jennie. It's so much fun to be a part of them.

My phone rang while i was at  a meeting, and it was Jennie... she gave me an address and told me to go there quickly because it is an emergency... I was so fool to believe her without analysing the address first... I arrived at fancy restaurant and saw their lawyer friend, Seulgi waving her hands at me... I am really shy because i didn't know that Jennie and Lisa set me up on a blind date again, and this time i'm still wearing an office attire in a luxurious restaurant, if only i can dig my hole right now because of my embarrassment, i could have.

I walked into where Seulgi is and sit in front of her, "I know you just got off work" she teased me because of what i am wearing. "Yah! i didn't know that Jennie set me up again!" i hissed. "Don't blame her... i'm the one who forced them to set this up...I just want to know you. And uhmm. You still look pretty whatever you wear" she uttered that made me blush.. Maybe i should stop myself from pushing people away... I will try this, instead of forcing myself to the wrong people again...Plus, she is kind, she has a good reputation...she got the looks and mouthwatering body...i just hope that things between us will turn out to be good.

i just hope that things between us will turn out to be good

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~~~\AFTER 7 YEARS ~~~

"Love? Are you sleepy?... i want to cuddle. Please cuddle me" Lisa said to Jennie in her Aegyo voice. Jennie put down the book that she was reading on the side table of their bed, and faced Lisa."But i wanna do more than just cuddling" Jennie replied and also did the Aegyo voice. "You want it huh?" Lisa said then turned off the lamp shade and quickly carry Jennie on top of her. Lisa hold Jennie's nape and took a peck on her lips. "Less talking more moving Manoban" Jennie ordered. Lisa was about to remove Jennie's clothes when they heard the door opened.... they were alarmed and quickly got off of each other and finally turned on the lamp shade when they saw their son and daughter standing at the doorway

"Mommy and mama we couldn't sleep. Can you please tell us the story of the two princess again. Please" "Please mama Lisa and mommy Jen" the other one added. Jennie and Lisa looked at each other and smile forcefully "come on hop in" Lisa said that made the two giggle and jump on to the bed. Lisa was continuously caressing the kid's hair same as Jennie and started to tell the story.

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