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The flight went really well, i was seated beside Rose while Jennie was beside Jisoo Unnie, and maybe that's good because i am sure that Jennie would be uncomfortable to seat next to me. As soon as the plane landed, all i can think is how i wanna sleep for the rest of the day, but maybe i couldn't do that until i i'm done talking to Jennie.

Finally after a couple of minutes inside the van, we're now on our apartment we actually didn't talk much and go to our respective rooms... Jennie was the first one to go inside because she told us that she's not feeling well because she's feeling dizzy again, and we all understands her because Jennie's sickness isn't a secret at all. I am laying on my bed and looking at the ceiling of my room, my mind can't function well, as i was just thinking on what happened back on our concert. I know I need to talk to her so we should clear things out, but how? because whenever she's around me, it feels like she doesn't want to talk about it. Maybe she's just like that because she wants us to talk in private, that's why i got an idea. I took a glass of water and her medicine with me  that's placed on our dining area and went to her room, the door isn't locked and i didn't bother to knock and just enter her room like we normally do in here. I saw her using her playing on her phone, she was surprised to see me that's why she fixed her poaition in her bed "I brought your medicine" I mumbled and place it on her side table with her medicine."You know the word knock? where you place your hand to the door? and tap it gently until someone opens it?" She said sarcastically, she really is not in a good mood right now, because she's acting like a bitch. But her attitude didn't stopped me from talking to her, i sat on the corner of her bed and faced her "I just came here  to talk about what happened at the hotel Jennie" I blabber waiting for her response, but she just ignored me. "Jennie i'm talking to you just please look at me, i know you felt it too, we've been together for years and i never failed to show my love for you. I love you Jennie and all this time i thought it was one sided, but i am wrong because you responded on my kisses... you liked it too. And that made me the happiest" I blabber flashing a smile on my face because maybe if she knew that i've been loving her already over the years, things would change but it didn't. "Thanks for the medicine, but i already took one. If you don't mind Lisa, just go out of my room. I wanna take a rest" she mumbled. "But Jennie..."  i softly whispered and this time i am holding her hand. "Stop being delusional Lisa! i don't feel the same way okay? stop pushing me to the things that i don't want to. You're like a sister to me, and what happened in the hotel was a mistake and should be forgotten, we're just tired and lonely back there and was just carried up in the tension, and i bet your feelings for me is just an infatuation... Don't worry, it will just pass, let's just not ruin each other okay?"

"No Jennie, I know what I've felt and i know it's real... I know you felt it too" I said sharply as a tear drop fell from my cheek. "I cannot do this, this isn't right, we can't be together and just think of what people might think when they found out. We're just starting to live our dreams and I can't let this relationship ruined it" Jennie proclaimedĺ, i didn't said anything after that and just remained myself silent, as i fight myself from sobbing. I don't want to argue with her anymore, because it's breaking my heart... all the words that she's telling me is like a fire that's burning  my heart. Maybe she's right, that i am just being delusional for thinking that she could love someone like me. "I'm sorry for barging in, don't worry. What happened between us will stay just between us, and also maybe you're right that my years of loving you is just an infatuation that will soon pass" I said those words even though i don't want to, but i think that's what she wants me to say that's why i said it. "Good thing we're clear here Lisa, i don't want to ever hear about this again. I'm sorry if this isn't what you expected." Jennie uttered before i got out of the room. "Yeah, i guess expectations will just turn into disappointment" i responded and finally find my way out of the room.


I was left in my room alone, sobbing like a baby after the talk with Lisa, she told me everything... she told me that she's in love with me and i wanna tell her that i also feel the same way, but i acted like a bitch to push her away, i said some words that i know will hurt her for her to stop begging for my love... but in reality i just wanna bury my face in her chest as soon as she entered my room because i already miss her touch, her heat and her presence... but my fear won against my happiness. I am scared of what might happen once we pursue this love because i know this might end our career and the dreams that we worked hard for years, and yes i am weak but this is all i can do to save us both from the cliff  that we almost dive in. And i hope one day, she will understand why i did this, one day we will be both successful and i hope that she still loves me, when that day comes.

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