Twenty One

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I was not expecting those words from Lisa, but fuck? Why does she have to say that? I mean is she really that numb? After all this years, I have been loving her.... But did she ask me why i did accepted my father’s offer? I want to go far away from here! Far away from her because every time i am with her i can feel myself falling all over again. No, no, no! I cannot blame her, I wouldn’t... it is all in me. I have set no rules and i have thought her to party and to prey for girls. I have turned her into a womanizer, a player... besides i have signed up for this to be her fuck body, and i just need to accept the fact that no one could ever replace that bitch into Lisa's heart. Two years had passed yet she is still scared to commit herself in to a relationship. She must have been badly hurt by her ex. Until now she refuses to tell me who is that but i respect her decision. Because if i will ask more questions about it, she will just lash out and get mad at me.

Tomorrow morning will be our flight back to Seoul, and we both just decided to stay at the Hotel near the airport. “Nervous?” She asked me and fix herself to lay in bed beside me. “A little” i mumbled still not looking at her as i kept myself from scrolling up and down through my phone. “You know what? I know a way to get rid of your nervousness” Lisa said and stared at me while smiling ear to ear.I faced her and said “We have a flight tomorrow MORNING” I emphasized the word morning but she cut me with a peck. I froze for a minute then she started kissing me gently, at first i am not responding because of the thoughts that is running into my mind lately. But Lisa went into my weakest spot and she knows that I couldn’t and would never resist it. I could not bear the tension anymore and quickly responded into her kisses. But she pulled away, i looked at her with full of confusion but she just smiled at me. “You told me that we have a FLIGHT TOMORROW MORNING” She said teasingly.

I sat onto her lap and tickled her “what flight huh? Stop messing with me Manoban” i said while still tickling her neck. But she grab my wrist that made me  lay beside her. And my head is resting on her shoulder every thing went quiet but that silence felt like peace. "We have known each other for years now and i am really happy that you came into my life" she said while caressing my hair. "You are so cheesy!" I said as i try to tease her, but deep inside i am loving what she is saying. "No seriously, i love you and i love being your friend." She blabber that put a little dagger in my heart. She has been always like this, giving mixed signals about what she really feels...maybe that is one of the reasons why i have developed my feelings for her... At first she will say that she loves me and thankful that she have me by her side, and then drop the "friend" word.  I didn't mean to change my mood or something, i don't know what came into my mind but i finally spilled the beans. "Lisa i think we need to stop this, i mean everything" Lisa looked at me in confusion. "What do you mean stop this? don't you want some cuddles?" Lisa blabber. "No! that's not what i am saying... We need to stop this, us. Please let me leave Thailand alone, and don't go ever visit me" i uttered firmly, and she still doesn't get what i am saying. "Irene why are you acting like this? please i don't wanna lose you...". "Because i can't be with you Lisa, i already love you more than just a friend... and seeing you everyday just makes me fall all over again...and i know i will never ever replace your precious ex in your heart" i blurted crying, i didn't mean to cry but my eyes betrayed me... what i said made Lisa's face turned serious. She got near me and wiped my tears and gave me a hug, in just her hug i am weak again... "Shhh... stop crying. I won't leave. I am willing to try this with you, and it's not about my ex... i am also just scared to be hurt again, but i know you're different... Let's just slow things down okay?" Lisa said and took a peck in my lips again.

I love being around Irene, spending time with her... doing stupid things, making her laugh, making her smile..... and every time that i think of me being in a relationship again...... Jennie syndrome happens, it's like she is becoming a barrier that stops me from being with someone. I could not bring myself into a commitment because, it feels like everything will repeat again, me baing left and cheated on. Plus i know for the fact that being with someone will completely change everything. I won't be free anymore. I don't wanna change that setting again for myself. I don't wanna complicate things and put a drama again in my life again, i'm scared of commitment and being hurt again... but it all change when Irene said she loves me.... Irene is different and i never expected that she'll fall for me, and maybe it's about time to change my perspective in love, maybe there is a reason why Jennie and I broke up before... and maybe it's because the fate will lead me up into someone better and worthy of my love.

Irene and Lisa arrived on Incheon International Airport, when they saw massive crowd. "What is happening???" Lisa uttered as she looks at the banners while going down using an escalator. "You did this Lisa" Irene chuckled.

"Lisa step on me!!!!!"

"Please marry me"

"I would die if you touch me"

Those screams came from the crowd, Lisa made that, she is the reason why the Incheon Airport is full of people mostly reporters from different media companies and of course the Blinks. The guards from the airport talked to Lisa, because too much crowd because of her will just caused the delay. They were assisted in to a private exit on the airport, to avoid harm because Lisa doesn't have any bodyguards like before.

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