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I am literally worried about Jennie, because her father is proving again that Jennie is better off without him. As much as i really hate him for doing this to her own daughter, i couldn't and wouldn't because he is still the main reason why Jennie is in this world. Jennie got home early and told me everything, it just sucks because i couldn't do anything... all i can do is to hold her hand and tell her that things are gonna be alright. "Let's stay like this or a while" Jennie murmured as she enjoys laying on my arms as her pillow.

They are currently enjoying the silence and the warm comfort of each other, after the very exhausting turn out of events... and then Jennie's phone rang that made them startled because they knew that it will be another bad news. When they saw the caller id, Jennie's face suddenly changed its mood because she couldn't believe that it was Kai... Jennie didn't bother to think and decline the call. "Love why didn't you answered it?" Lisa asked in confusion. "For what? to do a cover up issue with that guy who's the same name with my dog? no thank you" Jennie blurted. Lisa held Jennie's face "I know it's a lame idea but... i think they are right Jennie, we need him. Just for now, besides it will just be a cover up right? and i trust you" Lisa said in her very serious tone of voice. "We don't need him Lisa, we can do this". "I think right now is not the right time to disobey our management, look Jennie... We had an agreement with them and plus the fact that they are willing to let our issue go. When you go on a fake dates with Kai, it's a win win. We can continue our relationship and start being low key again, and people will stop talking about Jenlisa for the meantime" Lisa's words has a point, and she just don't want to ruin Jennie's career about their issue, because we all know that in this country same sex relationship is still forbidden. It seems like after a few minutes of Lisa convincing Jennie, she already gave in and answered Kai but put it on a speaker.

"What do you need Kai?" Jennie said irritated. "Didn't your manager told you that i will be picking you up right now?" he said on the other line. "I'm not in the mood to go out today, and besides i am with my girlfriend". "Too late Jen, i am already at the lobby of your apartment, wear something warm and i'll give you 10 minutes." Kai blabber and ended the call. "That punk!" Jennie blabber in annoyance. "It's okay Nini, go get dress. Just update me okay? i love you".

Kai waited for Jennie for like an hour, he seems to be talkative and has a lot of stories to tell, but Jennie isn't in the mood of responding to any of that. "You know that i have a girlfriend and I love her...But yet you agreed on this mess up situation?" Jennie said to Kai. "I know that this is just purely a cover up story for you... but for me, it isn't yes i know that this is messed up, but i wanna take this opportunity to spend more time with you, and i'll wait til you love me too..I always liked you Jennie call me selfish and greedy but i just want you ever since, that's why when they offered me. I didn't think twice. You deserve better and you deserve me. I know that I can't replace Lisa in you heart. But please let me just love you" Kai speak up. "How can you said that you are better than her?" Jennie said to herself. "Come on, we needed to take pictures, you can do this, for both of our careers.." Kai blabber once again and took out his phone, they didn't wait the dispatch to announce their date because Kai already posted it on his Instagram account. Lots of their pictures of dating were seen on the internet, that made so much noise in the K pop industry... and after a few months of doing that, both of their management confirmed that they are dating, even though they are really not. Jennie got the chance to know the real Kai, and they became friends, Lisa is okay about everything because she trusts her girlfriend, of course at first it was really hard for her seeing Jennie in Kai's arms, but they doesn't have any choice because they know that they needed to do this.

"Nini you're taking too long, Kai is already down stairs to pick you up" Lisa shouted at Jennie who's still inside the shower. "Let him wait, he's not some VIP anyways" Jennie responded that made Lisa laugh. "Can you please hand me the towel?" she added. Lisa took out a towel in the drawer and walked inside the bathroom, to hand it to Jennie. "Here you go Ms. Kim" Lisa uttered and hand it to Jennie, but Jennie grabbed her and instantly claim Lisa's lips. "You should have just ask for it" Lisa mumbled and responded to the kiss. Lisa pinned Jennie against the wall as she savour Jennie's neck, Jennie guided Lisa's hands to her womanhood as Lisa thrusts her fingers inside of it that made Jennie grip on Lisa's arms. "I'm almost there L-isa" Jennie murmured in pauses as she gasps for air. Lisa quickly kneel down to welcome Jennie's fresh sweet cum, "hmmmm...hmm. I will never get tired of eating you" Lisa teased Jennie as she wipes a drop of cum in her face using a finger. Lisa wanted more that's why she inserted fingers into Jennie again, and this time she's doing this while eating her. Jennie couldn't do anything but to control her moans as she diverts it into grabbing Lisa's hair.

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