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Jennie hasn't been calling or texting me... she cut me off in her life, she just vanished like there's nothing going on between us... I was so devastated that i couldn't even take care of myself, but good thing Jisoo and Rose are always here to help me. Even Rose and Jisoo doesn't know what's happening to Jennie, because she doesn't speak to us, and it's very unlikely of her, we tried reaching for her mom but we couldn't meet with her schedule. Until i saw pictures of her and Kai in Paris via Dispatch, so all these time she's with Kai? While i am here... worrying about her? I know it's part of the plan that they will go on a date, but why did she blocked me on all social media accounts? And my phone number? Why didn't she told me and just flew to Paris with that Kai? I kept on over thinking things as i lay on her bed, with her shirt beside me, i miss her so much... but how could she do this? How can she leave me hanging alone? She said she would protect me, she said that we're all in this together.... but how come I didn't got the chance to know where she was? Or who's she with? I stopped over thinking when i heard screams outside the room.

"UNNIE! UNNIE UNNIE!!!WE MISS YOU" Rose blabber while running into Jennie to give her a warm hug... while Jisoo didn't bother to move and was just in the couch looking at them. "You Sooyah! Didn't you miss me?" Jennie sarcastically asked Jisoo. "Nahh," Jisoo mumbled and pretended to go to her room but then run to Jennie and also gave her a hug while sobbing "It's the first time you've been gone for that long! i can't imagine that we should get used to it" Jisoo dramatically said, they are already disbanding, and just waiting for a few more papers until they could finally go to there sesparate ways... it's hard for them because they've already lived together since they were trainees. Someone walked in that made them surprised... and it was Lisa who's just staring at Jennie with her swollen eyes, they were both silent... an awkward silence to be exact. "Hi Lisa...." Jennie put up the courage to speak up. "Is that what are you just gonna say to me? After you left me?" Things started to heat up as Jisoo and Rose tries to calm the two "Then what am I supposed to say??? Besides i'm just here to pick up my things" Jennie said as she enters her room. Lisa followed her to her room and locked the doors.

I quickly locked the door as soon as I entered, so that the girls won't hear anything or try to interrupt us on this serious matter. Jennie keeps on folding her clothes and still not looking or saying anything to me."Babe talk to me, i need an explanation... why did u left me unannounced? Why did you blocked me on all of your social media accounts?" I said as i sat beside her in her bed while caressing her back. Then she slowly faced me "Because we're over Lisa" she plainly said without even looking at me. "No we aren't! We just need to talk and clarify our misunderstandings... Did i o something wrong that offended you? or hurted you in any way?" i said trying to fight my tears while holding her cheeks.
I reached Jennie and tries to hug her, but she is pushing me away. Instead of letting go I still hugged her tight, I didn't care about getting hurt when she tries to push me  away. After some time Jennie finally stopped pushing me, she stopped on resisting my warmth and started crying her soul out.

"Lis...a" she said with her voice breaking.I didn't took off my arms around her, I missed her. And her warm feels home to me."What do i have to do, for you to let go of me? We're over now"  How can she say those words? Is she even thinking right now? I cupped her face, as my eyes started to produce tears again, I don't know what did i do wrong. Why is she pushing me away? "Is this because of your dad? Tell me everything and anything Jennie i will listen" I mumbled softly. "No... it isn't please? just let me go". "Why do you keep on pushing me away Jennie? Tell me" i said while looking at her in the eye. "We can't be together Lisa" she said that made my body weak that she finally removed herself from me, I stared at her blankly, she can't even look me in the eye as she said those words. "But why can't we? You don't love me anymore? Did i do something wrong?" Jennie pressed her lips together and slowly looked me in the eye as her tears also started from falling. "You want to know the truth huh? Fine! You asked for it Lisa. I am pregnant.... and of course, it is Kai's baby" When those word came out from her mouth, i felt like something inside of me was torn into hundreds of pieces. She is pregnant with Kai? How did that happened? I paused for a minute and tries to analyze the situation, i sat on her floor curling up my  knees as i rub my face and mess with my hair. I looked at her who is still in-front of me.

"Do you love him? " i blabber, but she didn't responded on what i am asking... Maybe she didn't mean to do this, maybe she was just caught up in the moment. I know she would never plan something like this to happen, i trust her so much that i would be willing to raise the child with her when she tells me that it was just an accident and she doesn't love Kai. "I can't afford to lose you Nini, we've been together for years. And I love you so much, i never failed to let you feel that even though everyone is against on our relationship. Everything was okay to me as long as we're together, deny me in public? Refrain me for doing sweet things to you? Hugging or even holding your hands. All we did was to follow everyone's rules!... but we don't need to live like that forever. we can take care of your baby, and promise to love it like my own.... I am willing to risk all of it for the baby and you Jennie, we could live far away from the media. Anywhere as long as you are with me" i said as i kneel down and hold her hands. and I totally meant everything that i said.

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