Twenty Three

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Kai was eagerly wants to finish the meeting when he saw Lisa, he doesn't want Jennie near her... but he got no other choices because the meeting with Irene is really important for the both of their companies. As soon as the meeting ended, he didn't let Jennie to have a chitchat with Lisa even though Irene is insisting... he got a hinge that Irene knows nothing about Lisa's past. "Kai, let go of me it hurts" Jennie whispers to Kai who's grabbing her forcefully in her arm, but Kai didn't listen to her. He opened the car and let Jennie in, as soon as Kai removed his grip on Jennie's arm it was replaced by a small bruises because of the force, Jennie is fighting herself not to cry as she massages her bruises. "What's wrong? It is about Lisa? because i didn't knew it either.... besides you're the one who scheduled this meeting" Jennie uttered carefully not to irritate Kai. "So you're telling me that it's my fault? Don't make me look stupid Jennie!!! i know you've planned for this i saw you glancing at her time to time inside the conference room! You're a fucking slut! no wonder why Lisa replaced you with someone better.... You're lucky because we can't already back out from them because we already signed some papers.... but i guess it would be great for you to see Lisa happy with her perfect and presentable girlfriend" Jennie was about to blabber something but stopped when Kai raised his hand "say another word and i will punch your mouth! i don't care if someone sees you with a bruise!".

Kai has been being a lot more irritated with me even though i am not doing anything with him, and just like today.... he physically hurted me again... good thing our office isn't that far from here, that's why we didn't spend more time inside the car.... just by being alone with him suffocates me. I was doing some paper works in my office when someone barge in, it was Rose and Jisoo, my two dork friends who's always by my side no matter what happens...even though they are always here for me i couldn't tell them what's really happening with me. I quickly wore my blazer before approaching them, to give them a warm hug.I was about to tell them that i've met Lisa earlier, but i didn't because i know that they would just ask a lot of questions... which i don't want to happen because i don't also know what should be my reaction is, Lisa still believes that i cheated on her even though i am not.... Good thing Jisoo and Chaeng came here for a different reason, they wanna hang out with me first i acted like i don't want to, and in the end i agreed... besides i also need to have a break with Kai.

-the next day-
I am still clueless on where will Jisoo and Rose bring me, until they've accidentally mentioned it to me on our way... that they are going to visit Lisa with me, even though i know it already i kept my mouth shut. Finally we reached her hotel room, Chaeng pressed the doorbell once but no one opened it. "Maybe she went out" I softly said. Chaeng pressed the doorbell again this time someone opened the door, our eyes went surprised when we saw Irene coming out of the room and it looks like she was in a hurry because her wet hair is dripping on to the floor looks like she just got out of the shower. She was also stunned when she saw us "Sorry we didn't know that you are still here" Jisoo said. "No, no no. It's okay, i'm just in a hurry because of work stuffs... But Lisa is inside just wake her up" she uttered as if she were close with us and quickly run away when someone called. I thought that seeing Lisa with Irene would not affect me that much... but i was wrong. Seeing that Irene spend the night with her still breaks me.

Chaeng's POV
After Irene lash out, we just straightly went inside Lisa's room because of the awkwardness Jennie is still her ex after all, and seeing someone go out of your ex girlfriend's room is still painful to see if you still haven't move on. As we went inside this luxurious but messy room, we found out that the tall girl is still sleeping. And our eyes were all in shock when we saw Lisa was just wearing a Nike boxer shorts and a sports bra, that revealed her abs that has some hickeys maybe because of Irene. Jennie didn't move when she saw Lisa like that and just stared at her and swallowed a lump. "Yahhh Jennie don't stare at her abs! That isn't yours anymore" i said to tease her. But i guess I went over the lane, because she still on her poker face, and didn't even looked at me. Ohhh i guess i know why she didn't even smile, as i said earlier she is still Lisa's ex and i know for the fact that she hasn't moved on. This is the first time that they will see each other again for ages, but here is Lisa sleeping heavily with full of hickeys on her abs. Jisoo took a pillow on the floor and threw it to Lisa, her eyes quickly opened and looked at her surroundings. She instantly covered her face with a pillow while groaning .

"I was planning on surprising you guys, but i guess i was the one who got surprised" then removed the pillow on to her face. She stood up and hugged Jisoo. "You should have told me that you're gonna come home" Jisoo uttered still hugging Lisa. I couldn't wait for my turn and just joined them. "Give me my Rose solo album with an autograph that you promised" she said and ruffled my hair. "A multibillionaire yet can't afford my album?" I teased her and she just responded with a very shy smile. She noticed Jennie just froze on the corner, Lisa quickly removed from our hug and walk towards to Jennie. Jisoo and I could not be at eased because we are scared of what about to happened next, are they gonna fight? Or act like nothing happened I don't know.

I woke up because of whispers of familiar voices and felt that a pillow was thrown to me. When I opened my eyes i saw Chaeng, Jisoo and lastly Jennie. I quickly covered my face with a pillow and think. I went to hug Jisoo and Chaeng I missed them so much. Even though years had passed we still treat each other's as sisters.. then i parted our hug when I noticed that Jennie froze in the corner. She haven't changed that much, she is still pretty but looks can sometimes be deceiving, she is still a cheater in my eyes. I walked on her direction still looking into her eyes. Fuck what am i gonna do? I didn't expect her to see me like this i look like a mess right now because of last night. But maybe it is a good thing huh? Seeing that i am already in a happy and ealthy relationship into someone who doesn't cheat on me...i noticed that she was staring on my hickeys down to my abs. Maybe she is jealous. I hugged her and kissed her forehead "Hello Nini, has it really been that long?" I uttered that made all of them surprised.

I thought i was over her, i said it to myself...I messed her up, i really badly messed her up and i am not afraid to admit that. I thought she was just gonna ignore me because of what happened in the past, but she did hugged me but quickly pulled away. I wanted to grab her and just remain ourselves from hugging each other but that would be inappropriate. She kissed my forehead and uttered "Hello Nini, has it really been that long?".... I was so shocked when she did that and i can also see the surprise in Jisoo and Chaeng's eyes.
She is acting like nothing happened? How could she do that? She's talking to me without any awkwardness in the air. Maybe she already had moved on, but i am not. I cleared my throat, slowly look her in the eye and speak. "It is" i said revealing my gummy smile. "We want to have brunch with you" thank god Jisoo interrupted us. "I want to Unnie, but i have plans for today." Lisa response to Jisoo still not removing her eyes that is locked to mine. "Can we come? Please please?" Rose excitedly ask as she grabbed Lisa's hands and pleased her. "I will visit the house that i bought in Iwangsan, let's just buy foods from the grocery and cook our food there." Lisa uttered. Jisoo's eyes also widen in excitement and went to Rose and Lisa. "You bought a house in the middle of the forest? Wooooh! Our Maknae here is more loaded than us" Jisoo continued to tease Lisa.


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