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I've noticed that lately we've been really busy, because of our hectic schedules but good thing is that my Poopoo is still doing her best to catch up with me, because sometimes our schedule is different from each other and just like now. I'm home earlier than her because she just arrived at the airport from her event at Paris, and even that she's just out for 3 days i already miss her so much. I decided to just wait her in her room, so that when she comes home she'll see me first.

An hour of video call with Jennie isn't enough for me to survive, i badly wanna hug her already and kiss her cheeks. I even miss her scent and finally my longing for her will soon be over, because i'm now on my way home. When i opened the door i can already sense that they are all sleeping already because it's late. I left my luggage at the living room and tip toed myself into Jennie's room, i didn't knocked and just entered it already.... but there's no sign of her in there, my mood automatically went down. Where is she? she told me that she's already home waiting for me and now she's nowhere to be found? Instead of me worrying where she is i just went straight to my room to relax myself, but as my door opened wide,... i saw an angel sleeping peacefully until she felt that someone's staring at her that made her eyes opened widely, she didn't think for a second and decided to bury herself into my body. "I thought you were out, you should've told me that your gonna be waiting here" i said as i flicked her nose. "I waited here because your bedsheets smells like you, i miss you poopoo" Jennie mumbled and hug me a little tighter. "Give me a kiss, please... please... please" she mumbled acting as a kid, i didn't argue and felt her soft lips that i also miss. "more!more! more kisses please"my baby demanded again. I carried her back to bed as i kissed her softly, i didn't noticed that i'm already moaning softly that's why she bite my lower lip. "Shhh! They might here us" Jennie uttered. "So what? they're not that innocent tho" I blabber that made her chuckle. "I know your tired Lisapoo! we can do it next time, go take a shower or change your clothes... pamper yourself my love, because i can see it in your eyes how tired you are" Jennie said while looking at me worriedly, i really wanna catch up with her tonight but i haven't been sleeping well lately and the jetlag is ruining everything. "Thank you love, but in one condition" i paused and stared at her curious face for a second. "Please sleep beside me, i wanna cuddle" i added that made her throw a pillow in my face. "Go shower already, because i don't have any plans to go out of this room. Duh? i wanna sleep beside you tonight" she said assuring me that she won't leave.

Jennie is patiently waiting on Lisa who's still in the shower, she used her free time to just edit some of their pictures so that she could stay awake. Upon editing, she decided to post a picture of her and Lisa on BLACKPINK’s Official instagram account, because she finds it really cute, and maybe to give hints to the Jenlisa Shippers who's begging for their content.“Hey love how’s the shower?” Jennie mumbled when she saw Lisa got out of the bathroom, wearing her comfy clothes.“It’s refreshing and now I’m ready for some cuddling” she immediately scooched in beside Jennie and enjoyed their moment, but Jennie isn't giving Lisa much attention because she is busy on her phone. "What's that?"  Lisa uttered and tried to snatch Jennie's phone, but Jennie was faster than her.
“What are you doing Jennie Ruby Jane Kim? Why can’t you let me see it?” Lisa said irritated. “Because I don’t want to” Jennie mumbled again trying to tease Lisa, she knew that Lisa would act out and she is right because the tall girl moved and sat at the corner of her bed.
“Lisayah, i'm just messing with you” Jennie whispered and moved closer to Lisa. "I know you are tired Poopoo, come on please lay by my side" Jennie added as she kissed Lisa's nape. Lisa couldn't contain the butterflies that she's feeling because she's now smiling ear to ear. They quickly lay beside each other and Jennie let Lisa rest her head onto her arms as she showers Lisa with kisses. "So what is it you're doing on your phone earlier?" Lisa mumbled that made Jennie chuckle. “Look what I’ve posted on instagram”.

“Why did you do that?” Lisa asked with her surprised eyes because she didn't expect Jennie to do that but at the same time happy because Jennie is showing her off to the public

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“Why did you do that?” Lisa asked with her surprised eyes because she didn't expect Jennie to do that but at the same time happy because Jennie is showing her off to the public. “I just wanted to” Jennie responded. "Are you sure that we can do that? i mean, what if our CEO saw that post? our managers--" Lisa was cut by Jennie with a smooch on her lips. "Lili, i can handle it... Stop worrying too much. We're already like their minions who always do what they tell us" Jennie  assured Lisa that it's okay and besides she said that it was just a photo.
"Lisapoo, can you play with my hair please?" After assuring Lisa about their photo that is posted on the IG, Jennie turned off her phone and started to cling with her girlfriend whose been gone for 3 days. They enjoyed each others company, they talked about what they're up to when they are not together and it became their habit before they sleep. They would talk to each other about what happened all day and share their deepest thoughts and opinions. This routine made their relationship a lot stronger.

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