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The time seems to run fast, as I didn't noticed that it's already been 2 years since i lost them. The two love of my life... My angel seems to always makes a way to comfort mommy, it always appears in my dreams whenever i feel sad. But the funny part is that I'm always sad. I have been always dreaming that i was carrying a baby girl and that it would only stop from crying when i am the one to carry her. Even though years had passed I still couldn't fix myself.... I still couldn't let go of the pain from the past, because it's getting more worse and worse as i became a prisoner of Kai...but maybe they are just really better off without me... Lisa also seems to be successful in her career, i always hear some news about her. I even watched all of her movies... I couldn't even recognized her, because I've never seen her like that.... bold and savage she's doing a great job as an actor.....She's been doing so great as always.

There was a moment that i regret telling Lisa the truth, i had the chance to tell her what Kai did to me, but i let that slipped away. My mind is still full of "what ifs" like, what if I fought for Lisa? What if we ran away that day when she asked me to just go with her and raise the baby together? Do you think we'll be happy? Do you think my baby is still alive right now?. Honestly i literally wanna say YES to her the moment she said that, I wanna crawl back into her arms and say that I'm really sorry and I promise to do her better, i even wanted to kiss her. But deep down i know that Lisa isn't responsible for what Kai did

After the press conference i saw Irene messaged me that we will have a dinner later. I hurriedly went home to change my clothes, because Irene also said that she will discuss something really important to me. I quickly change and hopped back to my car and drive. She already sent me earlier the location, and as far as i know it is a fancy restaurant. It felt new to me because we never went on such places, we only go to loud and crowded ones. I didn't think anything about the dinner, maybe she just wants to congratulate me, because i really did very well on the press conference earlier. Answering those questions was very tough for me. I just hope that people won't dig up about my said first love...

A sudden image of Jennie appeared to me while driving. It is already been 2 fucking great years of my life, thanks to her i got to experience everything that i couldn't experience when we're together. Because both of our actions are limited and it feels like you're always seen on a surveillance camera. "Stop thinking about that cheater" i said to myself and focus driving, until now i wanted to know what did i do wrong to deserve that kind of pain... all i did was to love her. I wanted to ask her what did i lack of, but i guess asking her is useless now, because we're already a different person and not like who we are before.... people grow and people learn that's why they are changing... Like me.

Finally i already arrived on the restaurant and quickly took my phone out to call Irene. I was surprised when her younger sister hugged me from behind. "Hey unnie! We have been waiting for you! I missed you" she said and i quickly ruffled her hair and kissed her head... "i'm sorry if i let you waited come on let us go inside" i told her even though i was surprise to see her. I was not expecting that we will have a dinner with her family. Good thing her sister and i became really close, because she was really in love with BLACKPINK before and was truly felt sad when we did go on our separate lives, but at the same time thankful because she's now very close to one of its members. I even promised her that i will let Jisoo Unnie and Rose meet her in person. We finally took our sit and i was seated between Irene and her sister. She was really stunning tonight she just whispered me "thank you for coming" when i was about to take a sit.
Her father made a toast "This dinner is for my daughter Alison. I hope she will take care of herself and our business in Seoul" my eyes were shocked when i heard the word Seoul, she looked at me worried because i was really surprised... she didn't even gave me a heads up that she is leaving. When she excused herself on to the table i followed her through the garden. "You should have told me earlier Irene" i said feeling a little sad knowing that i will be left behind again."Why would i? You will know it anyway and there is nothing that you could do. Because finally i will do something right i will finally work my own money" she said. I went near her and hold both of her hands."Shut up! i won't lose you. You are my friend! You are my listener and my saviour and you will just leave me behind? Remember? No rules! So shut up and i will go with you... and we will bring the party in Seoul" i mumbled with a cheery voice... but in reality i don't know what he fuck i am saying right now. "But are you ready to face everyone in your past again?" She worriedly asked. "When did i become not ready? I am always fucking ready as long as you are with me, because you are my partner in crime" i responded. She did not said anything after that but hugged me tight, like when she first hugged me.


I feel sorry for Irene :( she must have been really fallen in love with Lisa... Oooops 🙊🙊🙊

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