Thirty One

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I just can’t get enough with my Nini as i look at her at my rear view mirror, she is now genuinely smiling at me while I’m driving... I love this view, i wish to have more long drives with her. Maybe she noticed that i kept on looking at her “I love you” she murmured like it was music in my ears, better than the music in the bar... We're now on our way back in Seoul to talk to her parents... We reached their house, Jennie seems to be worried of what might happen, she is hesitant now to go inside her own house... but i hold both of her hands and kissed it "I am with you... and i won't leave" i uttered... a few minutes of convincing her, we finally got out of the car and rang the doorbell. When Mrs. Kim saw Jennie, she instantly opened the gate, she was surprised when she saw me, we hadn't seen each other for a long time that's why she also went to hug me, she welcomed us inside her house and can clearly see that she is happy to see us together. But Mr. Kim popped out somewhere looking furiously at me, but even though it's visible in him that he doesn't want to see me, he invited me inside their house, while Jennie just remained silent. We are now in the living room, and Mrs. Kim offered me a tea but i said i was fine, besides i just had a coffee. "So what brings the both of you here?" Mr. Kim uttered.

I looked at Jennie signalling her to spill the beans already,  and that i am here no matter what happened, "Dad we went here to tell you that i won't marry Kai... He's been abusing me, he's been violently raping me" Jennie sobs, but her mom was there to quickly tap her back, i can see how painful it is to Mrs. Kim, hearing those words from her daughter. "Stop using the word rape Jennie! I know your just making this stories as an excuse to date Lisa again!" Her dad mumbled in madness. I tried to still respect him, but i don't understand what's on his mind to say those words to her own daughter, does he think Jennie is making stories? "I wanted to give you my full respect Mr. Kim, but i had enough, your daughter has been struggling a lot when you pushed her into the perverts' life! I know that this isn't the first time that Jennie told you this, she once confessed this to you before, but you told her that it's okay because they will be married! am i right Mr.Kim? You shouldn't have tolerated Kai's action! He now has the courage to beat Jennie up! Look! look at her tummy! Sir it's full of bruises! how can you think that your daughter is just making up stories just to date me? She wants to date me because we love each other and i respect her no matter what! Now tell me? Does Kai really deserves marrying your daughter?" i said firmly without making a pause. Jennie and i hadn't had the chance to talk about the bruises in her stomach, but i am a hundred percent sure that Kai made it, just by seeing that bruises breaks my heart into pieces.

Mr. Kim went silent for a while that's why Mrs. Kim spoke up "Why didn't you told me about this before Jennie?". "I am scared mom, i'm scared that you couldn't handle the pain". Mrs. Kim looked at Jennie's father "Did you really know about this before? Why did you let that guy hurt your own daughter?! our only child!" Mr. Kim cleared his throat "I'm sorry". "Take your sorry because you will never see us again! i'm done understanding you for years! you kept on telling me that you are strict to Jennie because you want her to have a good life, but you just made it worse! Stop meddling into my daughters' life again. We don't need you!" her mom uttered and ordered us to get out of the house.

It has been a week since her mom left her dad alone, we helped her moving into her new apartment that isn't too far away in ours. We always visits her and buy her foods. We are all happy in this set up, Jennie and i has been preparing to give Kai his legal punishment, until things got messy again. Kai was found dead in his apartment, he was stabbed multiple times and it is all over the news in Korea right now, the murderer seems to be very angry at him... and we were all surprised when we found out that it was Jennie's father who killed Kai. As soon as Jennie found out about it, we hurriedly went to the prisent to see her dad as all of our friends is here with us.

"Dad why did you do that? why didn't you just let him be punished by doing legal actions" i mumbled to dad who's in front of me, i couldn't stop myself from sobbing seeing him inside this place, maybe because of me. "Legal actions isn't enough to make him suffer! No one harms my princess. I love you Jennie, don't worry... dad will be okay in here. Just tell your mom i'm sorry and i love you both okay?" Dad blabber before he goes back inside his cell. I don't know what should i feel right now... i don't know if Kai really deserves to die or not... All i know is that it breaks me seeing my dad in this situation because of me...  I called out, one of my lawyer friends to help us. Thankfully because of Seulgi, dad's sentence has been reduced...I thought that people will hate my dad because of what happened, but some of them didn't, because of what dad did, some of Kai's rape victims had the courage to speak up and tell their stories... that's when i know that he got the punishment that he deserves.

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