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I am sleeping like a baby until loud noises from my phone began to echoed in the room that made me rub my face, i am still sleepy but i fought it and finally answered the phone call. "What took you so long to answer? are you busy with Jennie?" i didn't bother to look at the caller id because i already know who it was.... it is Jisoo unnie teasing me again. "WAIT WHAT? OHHH CRAP!" i blabber as i ended the call beacuse i remembered what happened last night. I am sure that it isn't  a dream because here i am still naked... but where is Jennie? I wore a bathrobe and roam around our huge suite, but she isn't here. Maybe she did run some errands, i decided to just hop in the shower while waiting for her to comeback As the water flows to my body... i can finally recall what happened last night that made my soul awaken more and it was all just so amazing and magical for me. I didn't think that this day would come, after years of fighting my feelings for her and now to finally sleeping in bed beside her, i swear i wouldn't and never let her go. I went out of the shower to check if she is already here, but she isn't, i missed her already. Good thing i checked my phone once again, i got a missed calls from her and saw lots messages, i was gonna reply but then my phone rang again, i quickly answered it and heard my baby who's talking to fast, and it seems like she is rapping. Lol.

“Sorry I didn’t wake you up, because mom wants to go on the spa with your mom before going back to Seoul, Your mom also said that we won’t go back to the hotel, and we’ll just head back to the airport after this. So you Lalisa Manoban will take care of our things. Don’t worry I’ll take care of them. I love you” Jennie uttered. “I love you too! Can't wait to see you Ms. Kim” i murmured. "Lisa stop talking to Jennie we are busy right now" and yes that was mom, she took Jennie's phone to scold me. "Alright, enjoy mom."

After their honeymoon like vacation the two went back on their apartment with the other girls. Jennie wasn’t feeling well because of the tiredness that’s why she decided to rest for tonight. While Jisoo, Rose and Lisa were left on their living room to watch the titanic. When suddenly their phones kept on vibrating. Another issue about the Jenlisa’s escaped were leaked on social media, it is about their spotted dinner with their parents in Thailand. Jisoo and Rose just look at Lisa’s worried face, because they know that when the news got into the CEO, Jennie and Lisa will be in a huge trouble.“Lisa go take a rest, the issue will be gone tomorrow, when something bigger than that happens” Jisoo said trying to comfort Lisa.“Come on I’ll help you get to your room” Rose offered giving Lisa a warm smile. Lisa couldn’t sleep, because she’s worried about Jennie if she knew that their secret getaway was publicized again.

As soon as the sun shows all the girls received a call from their management, For some important matters they all needed to come to the office ASAP. When the girls entered the office they saw two familiar faces, it was Jennie’s dad and Kai (Kim Jong-in)with an old man who also looks like one of the richest man in Seoul. “Have a sit girls, we have some important discussions, regarding on the controversy that we are facing” the CEO stated. “Today we’re with Jennie’s father and Kai with Sm Entertainment’s CEO, you wanna know why?” she said and cleared her throat.“Because SM entertainment is willing to help us resolve the controversy, by adding up another controversy that will hide the fact that you girls are dating” the CEO added.

“What do you mean by that huh? another cover up story? for what? why don't we just tell the world that JENLISA IS REAL” Jennie furiously said, Lisa tried to calm Jennie by massaging her hand.“What did i tell you before? If anything scandolous happen again i will be the one to decide, not you Ms. Kim look, even your father agrees with my decision that you and Kai needs to go on a date to show to the public that you and Lisa aren’t dating” the CEO responded. “So what will be the benefit of that to SM entertainment?” Lisa asked softly to clear some loops. “The dating scandal of Jennie and Kai will lead to popularity for Kai and his group” their CEO responded. “There’s nothing that you can do, because we already talked about it before... in fact we had an agreement. Now all that has been said into this room, will stay in this room.” she added. After the meeting, Lisa and Jennie talked in private to share their thoughts and opinions about what happened in the meeting. “I’m sorry for putting you into this situation Jennie" Lisa said as she hugged her girlfriend who's thinking blankly. "No poopoo, I'm sorry... and i know that dad is somewhat involve with the decision... I need to talk to him okay? i love you" Jennie murmured and hug Lisa.

Jennie got up early the other day and went straight to her fathers office, gladly he was there."Dad why are you with that meeting yesterday? I believe that you made us followed and leak those pictures. But why? Why can't you just be happy with me and Lisa?"

"So what if i made you guys followed? Your mom is tolerating you with this supidity and i won't allow that. Don't bother asking and start going on a date with a real man! i am in favour with that Kai, he seems to be a gentleman...Remember this Jennie, that girl will just ruin you, she will just ruin everything that you worked hard for, and that includes your career and our family name!"

"No dad! You are the one who's ruining everything! Incluing this perfect family that you are thinking, Dad i am not perfect nor are you and mom. From this day forward, i will not let you control me again. I love Lisa and that wouldn't change just accept it..."

"Go try it and you'll see what will happen to that woman! Jennie, i am not getting younger. And i want to at least see a grandchild with you! You're my only daughter and what do you expect-...." "Jennie cut her off. "Enough Dad! enough please." she uttered and left the office.

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