Twenty Two

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Finally after a few hours of driving we already arrived at one of their hotels, and i know Irene is tired that's why i asked her to just rest for a day before we focused on working... Yes i am already a shareholder in their company  and i am planning to continue working with them, i can't just be contented on my money i still need a stable income.

Irene is very motivated to go to her very first meeting with their partners, she is inspired and excited because she will be working with her girlfriend. Irene couldn't contain her happiness because she is seeing a different Lisa... Lisa became more attentive to her, she even cooked for Irene their breakfast and insisted to drive them to work. Everything is going well until they arrived at the meeting... Lisa saw someone that she never expected to see.

"Surprise love!" Irene mumbled as she opens the conference room that revealed Jennie, and Kai with the other shareholders that also looks shocked when they saw Lisa with Irene... a very awkward moment for them but Irene doesn't know a single thing about Lisa's relationship with Jennie and Kai. Lisa froze for a bit but Irene hold her cold hands and walked inside because the meeting is about to start... Even though Lisa doesn't want to offer her hand with them, she needed to... or else it will be a big issue again because lots of people inside will see it. Lisa forcefully put on a fake smile, she's trying her best not to look at the two in their eyes, Kai offered his hand to Irene, next to Lisa as if they are strangers... Jennie did the same thing, Irene happily shake Jennie's hands... and then Jennie looked at Lisa as if she is hesitant to just keep her hands like that or she should take it away... But finally, Lisa looked at her in the eyes first and put on a smile in her face before accepting Jennie's hand. "Yahhh! Love don't be too formal! i know you missed them, just hug her already!" Irene teasingly  mumbled. "I don't want to hug anyone aside from my mom and my girlfriend" Lisa declared as she release soft chuckles. It seems like they are all not aware that they will all meet in this meeting... Kai and Jennie didn't know that Irene and Lisa knows each other... Kai is with Jennie because he's also helping Jennie with her dad's company, so that their future heirs can have something to inherit when the day comes.

I always wondered what will happen once Lisa and i saw each other again, i always dreamt that we would hug each other so tight and catch up to the years that we wasted not being together... but i guess what i had pictured in my mind is a lot different from the reality... Lisa already moved on, she's already happy with someone.... I am also happy for her, that's why even though i still love her, i know that she will be more better with Irene than to be with me who already became a sex slave of this awful man. All i need to do this time is to accept the fact that we really couldn't be together again... I am happy seeing her well taken care of by Irene, but there is a  part of me who wishes that, that should be me, if things wasn't messy.

All of the news right now is about Lisa's arrival, after all this years she decided to come back home. We really missed her even though we call each other every week. She should have told us first that she will be back home so that Chaeng and i could pick her up! Chaeng and i are living together since the group was disbanded because she does not want to go back in Melbourne.... and maybe we will go with Jennie if she would love to come to visit Lisa...... Lisa left because Jennie hurt her, Chaeng and I does not really want to meddle in, but it's really hard because we love them both and we hate seeing them not okay. Lisa told me before that she would just come back here in Seoul if she is already healed. Maybe she is already, maybe time really do heals wound from the past. And i think it is the right time we see her again, as a complete and happy group like we were before.

I asked Irene which Hotel is Lisa staying right now because i told her we will have a surprise visit tomorrow and that i will bring the others with me, thankfully she replied and did not hesitate to give me that address and the hotel room. I know Irene because we often see her in a video call with Lisa, they seems to be very close friends and we like her because she is funny. Chaeng and i quickly went into Jennie's office, we always visit her here or in her condo to check her up. Because we know that she is also suffering from her stupid decisions. When she saw us, her mood instantly brighten up and gave us a warm hug. "What brings you here guys" she asked giggly. "We just missed you, and we are plannning to kidnap you tomorrow" Chaeng uttered in excitement. Jennie went speechless for a bit. "Yahhh! Chaeyoungah you're the only kidnapper who warns first the victim" Jennie uttered jokingly that made Rose laugh. "Jennie you've been working a lot, i think you need some rest... we should hang out again just like what we normally do before. Don't let stress get in to your way... Don't worry Rose and I will pick you up tomorrow! so clear your schedules okay?".  i mumbled and didn't even mentioned Lisa, because i know that she would change her mind when she knew that we are going to meet her.

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