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Jennie has been really going to a rough time, she doesn't have no one to talk to about wrong doings of Kai... but she's really trying her best to concur it, she's becoming the strongest version of herself, for her unborn child. When she told her parents that she is pregnant, her dad suddenly changed and started treating her well again. She misses this, how her father treats her as a human being, and maybe it is the only good result of what Kai did in her life. Her father wants them to get married, but good thing Kai's mom didn't agree with it, because she said that both of them are still young to get married, because she lowkey hate Jennie, she thinks that Jennie ruined Kai's career, but she didn't know how monster her son is. It seems like Kai is really obsessed with Jennie, he pleased both of their parents if they could live in a same roof even though they aren't married, and yes that's Kai... He always gets what he wants.

Almost everyone in Korea went wild when they heard that their Chanel Queen is pregnant with Kai's baby it almost felt surreal and perfect to them, but they didn't know that Jennie is suffering alone. She is on her third trimester of her pregnancy, and currently living with Kai. Her father bought them a new house as an advance wedding gift. Even though they are already living together, Jennie is still keeping her distance with Kai, she feels so disgusted by just seeing him... but she's so powerless because of the blackmailing.

It's finally my third trimester of my pregnancy, and right now Mom will accompany me on my check-up. "Are you feeling stressed lately?" The doctor asked me worriedly, i can feel that she's going to say something negative that's why i calm myself and control my breathing. I just nodded at her and didn't said anything, although i wanna tell her that it's because I'm overthinking and the father of my child is the main reason of it. "It's normal to be stress because it's your first baby, but in your case it's different. If you'll continue stressing yourself it will really affect your baby. You need to keep a positive mindset mommy, I would suggest that you can try having a mild sport or anything that will help you bend your attention" the doctor said gently. I felt a pain in my chest because I felt like i am being a bad mother. But as the doctor said i need to think positive. After having a check up my mom brought me home and on our way she's been completely comforting me. Telling me not to worry telling me that my baby is a fighter like me, anything just to make my mood lighter.

When I got home, i decided to take a rest to at least relax and calm down my mind... but i was awakened by loud noises made by our front door, and i know exactly that the monster is finally home. I didn't bother to welcome him and just remained myself laying on the bed "I missed you so much" he uttered and kissed me on the cheeks. His hands went to my tummy "you too little one" maybe despite of him being a pervert he still has a good heart to our child... and i hope so even though i am disgusted with his touch, i let him hold my tummy to feel the baby. He went for a quick shower, and after a few moments he got out only wearing his towel... i felt uncomfortable again and was about to get outside the room, but he blocked my way. "Aren't you gonna give me kisses? i just got out of the shower... c'mon let's cuddle" he mumbled and hugged me. I felt that his private part is getting hard even though i am not doing anything. "Kai please let go of me, i'm not feeling well" I uttered. "Look how hard i am right now, i know you missed it" He blabber and placed my hand into his hard meat. "Stop it Kai! Let me go" this time i shouted at him, he looks surprised on my actions..

"DID YOU JUST FUCKING YELLED AT ME? AREN'T YOU SCARED ON WHAT COULD I POSSIBLY DO TO YOU? I CAN EXPOSE HOW TRASH YOU ARE KIM JENNIE! YOU'RE JUST A PIECE OF TRASH ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT!" He yelled at me, i couldn't handle his words anymore... my shaky hand landed on his face. He got so mad and aggressively grip into my hands, he was gonna push me in the bed, but i accidentally trip on to the floor"How could you do this to me? Aren't you satisfied that you raped me once? and got a tape for me to be powerless? You've impregnated me!!! Your going going to be a father soon! I left the girl that i love the most! because of what you did to me! and this is your way of repaying me? Fuck you" i said while sobbing.

"Jennie you're bleeding" Kai said in panic, i looked at my legs and it is already covered in blood "This is all your fault" that's the last thing I remembered saying until i pass out. I woke up with a heavy breathing, wishing that i just had a bad dream. But when i looked around i know that I was in a hospital as i saw my mom and kai's parents crying together. "What happened mom? Is my baby okay? Is my angel okay? Mom tell me" i pleased my mom to tell me that my angel is strong. She didn't respond at my question but did just hugged me. Dad opened the door of my private room with Kai. My father quickly got in to my direction with pain and anger in his eyes, but later on he controlled his anger."I thought you are getting better! i thought you are changing and finally accepting that you belong to a real man like Kai! Did you do this on purpose huh? You're irresponsible! You're such a disappointment" My dad exclaimed still trying not to hit me.

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