Twenty Eight

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I went into the hotel and found Irene isn't there... maybe she just left because i can still smell her perfume across the room. I charged my phone and showered for a bit, i am happy right now because i am slowly forgiving Jennie about hwat she did, it's like i am removing hatred in my heart. It's a new step for use becoming friends again, finally after all this years i can now tell Irene about Jennie... I don't want to hide anything from Irene. Good thing when i went out of the shower i saw her... I excitedly went into her direction and hugged her, "What's wrong? did something happened at work?" i asked her but she just hugged me... maybe she is just tired. "I have something to tell you, please don't be surprised okay? Jennie is my ex...I didn't talked about this before to you because i am still holding a grudge... but right now? i am slowly letting it all go now, because of you" i blabber and cupped her face, she smiled at me for a second  and removed my hands that is cupping her face. "Do you think that you two will still be together if she hadn't cheated" Irene asked me, my heart started pounding because of her question. "If she hadn't.... but she did" i answered with full of honesty. "She didn't... i've talked to her earlier, she begged me not to say this to you... but i couldn't stop myself. I don't want to be selfish Lisa, i know the difference on how the way you looked at her when you are looking at me... You should go see her Lisa, there is so much you need to learn, and it's better if she's the one who'll tell you about it... it's her story to tell." Irene mumbled as she tap my leg... the information right now make my head hurts, Jennie didn't cheat on me? but he was pregnant with Kai's baby... how is that possible? i wanted to instantly go to Jennie but i couldn't leave Irene like this. "Maybe we shouldn't be talking about Jennie right now... what happened between her and i was already finished. I am yours now Irene" i mumbled.  "Lisa! you deserve to know the truth... i'm not dumb... i know that you are mine but your heart is still with Jennie" she uttered still flashing smile, i know her own words is breaking her and this just proves that she is really selfless and still thinks of me.  "but Irene -" she sushh me. "Go and check your girl, she needs you Lisa" Irene mumbled.

Lisa was eagerly wanted the truth right now, she needs to talk to Jennie to finally clear some questions in her head... She went into Jennie's office, but she wasn't there. She asked Jisoo about Jennie's address here in Seoul, still there is no Jennie Kim to be found... until she was only left with one option... to ask Jennie's mom about Jennie's address in Iwangsan, because she mentioned it to me. Her mom quickly told me her address, she told me not to tell Jennie that she is the one who gave me this... it will take maybe hours for me to get there because the road here is a bit rocky and i need to drive careful and slowly so that i won't flat the tire.... and it is not easy to get there, because it is still in the middle of the forest like my house, and if you aren't good in directions, you can easily get lost..... It was a challenge for me driving at this rocky roads because the rain is pouring, but luckily after three hours i am here... i went out of the car, and i don't care if get wet anymore, i hurriedly knock on her door. She wasn't expecting anyone to barge in in her house like this... i saw her looked at the window from the second floor to check who kept on knocking in her door.

She opened the door and let me in, i am wet and freezing in coldness. She went inside the house and told me to just stay here for a moment, i stayed in the door way to dry myself up. My eyes were just scanning her house as i saw some frames that was hunged in the corner of it, it was our pictures together with Jisoo and Chaeng.Seeing those photos made me missed what we had before....

I was startled when she showed up and she handed me a towel, a hoodie and a new sweatpants to make myself warm. "Go get change or you will get sick" she ordered me and I did not complain. And walked inside her house to get to the bathroom. I felt the need to shower in a steamy warm water that's why it took me too lang to come out. When I opened the door and was about to get out i smelled something really good, and i know it is a Ramen with Kimchi. My stomach started to scream in hunger. I took a glimpse of her in the kitchen fixing the dishes. Seeing her making our meal really blossoms my heart and maybe it would be great to see her doing this everyday. If it was a dream I don't want to wake up. She noticed that i was already done changing, "What brings you here?" she uttered. "Irene told me that-" i didn't continue what i was gonna say when she interrupted me. "I told her not to tell you" she whispered..."Well i am already here now Jennie, and i deserves to know the truth... like what happened to your swollen face". She smiled at me, but that was the saddest smile i've ever seen. "Just go back to your girlfriend Lisa... you shouldn't have go here" she mumbled again. "Stop pushing me away Jennie! Don't do the same mistake you did before! because i am not leaving this house until you tell me everything!" i blabber with sharpness in my tone. "Did you? or did you not cheat on me?" I uttered seems like ny mouth is moving from its own again.


Kinda doubting my writing skills lately.

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