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Lisa was trying to balance herself on her way to her room, but the alcohol is much stronger than her. Jennie couldn't take it anymore and hold Lisa's hand and waist to properly guide the tall girl inside her room. "I'm okay Jennie, thank you" Lisa mumbled and tried to remove Jennie's hands on her waist "You can't even walk straight Lisa!" Jennie replied firmly that made Lisa not to argue anymore. After a few minutes of tip-toe they are already in Lisa's room. "Are you gonna be okay now? alone?" Jennie asked Lisa who's now seated on her bed. "Yes, thank you" Lisa said plainly then her phone rang and it was Somi, she was about to answer it when Jennie speak up again "It seems like you're avoiding me, why? is it because of Somi?". "Somi and I are friends Jennie, come on don't accuse me of anything". "Yeah sure, that's what i saw on the elevator, just friends having chat". "So what if i like her? I mean is that any of your business?" this time Lisa tried to carry herself to get to Jennie's direction, and Jennie froze like she was just also waiting for Lisa to reach her, until they are already just few inches apart. "Yep Lisa, none of my business.... and i think i have to go" Jennie mumbled and turned around but Lisa hold her hands. "Look at me in the eye, and tell me that us will never gonna happen". "I can't Lisa" Jennie uttered. "Why can't you? Just say it Jennie! Just say it again because i need to hear it one more time, for me to stop daydreaming" Lisa's hands were now cupping Jennie's face, who's still avoiding her gaze. "I said i can't Lisa! because i love you too! and i don't wanna ruin things up... our career, our friendship, everything, there! i said it, should i go now?" Jennie escaped from Lisa when the tall girl felt a little weak, on what Jennie said. But then Jennie was surprised on what Lisa did next, Lisa grabbed Jennie and stared at her for a second and took a peck on her lips, this time Jennie didn't argue but gently responded according to the rhythm, after a moment they pulled out to grab some air but Lisa speak up while still holding both of Jennie's cheeks "We can keep it a secret, just the two of us. Until you're ready to tell the world. I'll just be by your side". "But, Lisaaaa...".

"Don't think too much, I promise to be cautious of my actions, when the public is in front of us. I knew what I've felt and I don't want to live in regret that we didn't even try to work things out." Lisa said as she caress Jennie's hair revealing more of her mandu cheeks."I've never been this happy and scared at the same time" Jennie whispered. "I feel the same way too, but don't worry. We're all in this together" Lisa said as she kisses her forehead that made mandu blush. It seems like Jennie also really wants to work things out with Lisa and got tired of pretending, because instead of shutting off Lisa again, she hugged and enjoyed the warmth of Lisa's body. After their talk, they cuddled for a bit. But Lisa is really sleepy and that made her fall asleep in Jennie's arms, that's why it took a little bit of time before Jennie could sneak out of the room. When she finally got out, she gently closes Lisa's room to not wake the two dorks, but when she turned around she saw Jisoo smiling like a devil at her and that made her jump in shock.

"Yahhh, Unnie why are you being a creep! It's already 2 am and you're being like this" Jennie exclaimed to Jisoo while still controlling the volume of her voice to also not wake up Rose and Lisa. But Jisoo soflty chuckled like she was teasing Jennie "Me? Jisoo? Being a creep? Said the girl who came out on someone's room? with too much kiss mark on the cheeks" Jennie quickly covered Jisoo's mouth with her tiny hands. "Come on Jennie, you don't have to lie to me, i knew it already. You two are acting different since our last night at Japan. Duh? i'm detective Jisoo". "Unnie, Please don't tell anyone about anything... and please lower your voice before Rose hear us". "YAHH! JENNIE KIM! i'm just here" Rose butt in and laugh at Jennie's worried face. "You guys, got nothing to worry about us. We will not say anything as long as this makes you happy, we are a family and we both love you, right Rose?" Jisoo blabber and looked at Rose who smiled before nodding. "But are you guys really going to do this? For real?" Rose asked in her curiosity. " We've already tried to fight it, but the more we fight it the more we couldn't control it". "I'm rooting for you guys since day one, i knew it! There's something with those stares" Jisoo teases her.

After some quite time BLACKPINK's name continiously made some noise all over the media that made the members more famous . They are already receiving tons of offers from different international clothing lines, they even started to have more out of the country events and they're finally living on their dreams. Alongside with their success, is also the success of Lisa and Jennie's relationship, as they enjoys every moment of being together. But of course people are not blind, and soon will notice that there is really something going on between them. Lots of clips of them being intimate during their concerts leaked but instead of receiving hateful comments, they received lots of love and attention that made them worry less of what people might think. They're now less scared to hold hands in front of the people, go out in public because they know that everyone will just think that they're just being best friends.

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