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Lisa woke up because of an unusual noise that she is hearing, as she slowly opened her eyes she saw that it is coming from Somi who's talking to her phone. "I know I'm sorry, i will just fix myself and go there immediately... I'm sorry" Somi whispered and ended the call. She looked at Lisa who's just staring beside her. Both of them are still naked because of the buffet last night. "Looks like you have to go" Lisa said pretending to be a very sad kid who lost her toy. "My manager kept calling me since earlier, but I didn't left because i was waiting for you to get up" Somi mumbled then kissed the tip of Lisa's nose. Lisa grabbed Somi's wrist commanding her to sit on her lap which the girl did. Somi is now on top of Lisa while Lisa's head is just resting on Somi's boobs. "You are now marked as Lisa's dessert" she uttere when she saw hickeys on Somi's breast,, because of the feast last night. Somi just laugh on what Lisa said and remembered their activity last night "I have to go babe" Somi announced while tapping Lisa's back. The gesture that she will get up. "You know the drill" Lisa said as she finally faced Somi to give her a wink. "Yeah, nothing goes out. What happened in the room, stays in the room" they both uttered.

Somi left my condo early because her manager badly needs her for her photo shoot. I never brought anyone in my home before, because I don't want to have any strangers to roam around my unit. Somi is an exception and of course Irene. Strangers can roam around my body but not in my personal space. If you are gonna ask me, where is all the fun happening? It's on the special rooms inside the bar that only a VIP can enter. It's like a mini hotel inside a bar, luckily it is easy for me to access it because of Irene. She introduced me to the owner, which is her cousin and we both had a good time together. But don't get me wrong he just became a friend of mine. Sometimes when he's at the bar he joins and treat us for a drink. I snapped back into the reality when my phone vibrated a million times, when i looked at it my eyes widened because they were all mentioning me on a TWITTER POST.

"What the fuck is happening". I mumbled in confusion. When i looked at it they were also mentioning Jisoo and Rose, they're telling us to go visit Jennie. If only they know what happened to us, they wouldn't said that. I read the thread of the tweet because I'm curious. Why are we trending? When we're finally disbanded?

"Jennie's mother confirmed that Jennie had a miscarriage, but calm your hearts because JenKai still remains together"

My eyes widened in shock when i saw the headline of the news.... maybe i read it wrong. "Jennie had a miscarriage?" I said in disbelief when a sudden heaviness in my chest occurred that made me drink a glass of water. "She doesn't deserve to lose her child, but she deserves to experience how to be in pain" i mumbled feeling blankly because I don't know what should be my reaction is. As much as I want to give my condolences to her I couldn't bring myself back to Seoul and I won't...not now... and besides she's still wth Kai and i know that he wouldn't let me near Jennie. I will just let Jisoo Unnie to say it for me.

1Lisa's routine didn't change, she will party every night with Irene and taste different girls every night in the bar and at the day,  she will work, because ever since she got from Thailand different managements wants to take her she has a lot of choices and given the fact that she is the most famous member of BLACKPINK because of her signature "Dancing Machine" nickname.  She received lots of offers and a lot of opportunities to showcase her talent like, modeling, coaching and acting on a series and movies.  She accepted all of that, and it made her name to make some noise in the industry again. But this time it's different she has no rules that's why she's enjoying her work right now.Lisa is finally living into her dreams a 21 year old who's finally a multibillionaire because of her hard work. And she is surrounded by people who truly loves her including her family.

-After 2Years-


A press conference was held on one of the most famous mall here in Thailand, for my upcoming movie "i love you since 16", honestly we already had shoot all the scenes before... and all the work that was left is to promote it. This event will be the most memorable one for me... because it is like my coming out of the closet speech, even though some of them already knows about my sexuality, I still didn't said it personally. And finally i will be able to grant them their wish since it will be the last project that i will do because i will finally be leaving the industry and planning to build my own company in the near future. The press conference started and as usual lots of them wants to ask me questions about the movie.

Reporter: how about you Lisa? Have you met your first love? And how was it?

I cleared my throat and got silent for a minute, because his questions made me remember Jennie. "Well i guess I've already met her" i said plainly and dropped the "her word" As expected the reporter will ask me about that, he interrupted me and ask,

"what do you mean by her?" He looked so hesitant to ask but he asked me anyway.

"Her... She is a she if you know what i mean" i said as i gave him a wink.

When i said those words most of the crowd inside the event centere went wild screaming my name

"I love you Lisaaaaa"

"Oppa marry me"

"Lalisa Manoban fuck me please"

They were all so happy for me and i couldn't believe it. I wasn't expecting this kind of welcome. They also really made my heart flutter, that i regret not telling everyone earlier. But maybe this isn't really a surprise to them because it's sometimes obvious in my actions and the way i dress up.

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