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Read at your own risk, plssss don't read this if you are suffering from rape trauma :<

"What took you so long? Come on hop in" Kai said and opened the door on the front seat, Jennie clears her throat before speaking. "None of your business Mister" she responded sarcastically that made both of them chuckle. "So where will you bring me this time?". "Just chill yourself Jennie, we will be there" Kai said shortly. He seems to be acting strange right now, because usually he talks a lot, but Jennie didn't mind it because it's not her business. Plus Jennie and Kai are now friends, in fact they even had a dinner before with Lisa... since then, Kai never mentioned his feelings to Jennie again and just started doing the agreement with their managements. Kai has been driving for a long time now, until they reached a huge house near Busan. "What are we going to do here? are we just gonna drop something? because we can't spend more time here... it's getting late" Jennie murmured. "We will just meet my cousin who's a huge fan of yours" Kai blabber and got out of the car, to open the door for Jennie. Jennie's worried thoughts suddenly turned into excitement, because she really loves to meet blinks in person.

The both of them walked inside the house, but Jennie noticed something... no one is there. "Uhmm. Kai? where is your cousin? because i would love to meet her and promise to have lots of pictures with her" Jennie uttered, but Kai isn't responding and just staring at Jennie. "Did you really believe that?" Kai said and laugh for a second before removing his shirt. "W- what are you doing?" Jennie said and froze on where she is standing because of the fear of what might happen next. "What i will do will satisfy you, i promise that" Kai said and went into Jennie's direction. She hold Jennie's face and kissed her cheeks, Jennie isn't still moving because of the unexpected event right now. "Hmmm. I've been wanting to do this ever since" Kai mumble and sniffs the scent of Jennie's neck. Kai grab Jennie's hands and forcefully placed it into his hard meat. "Can you feel that? you will love it than those fingers" Kai said, but this time Jennie responded as she gather all of her strength, and release her most hard slap ever... it even left a mark on Kai's face. Maybe it's a wrong move for Jennie because Kai forcefully grabbed both of her hands, and slam Jennie's face on the table. Jennie couldn't move because Kai is much stronger than her. "Kai please don't do this" Jennie begged and started to cry, because of how scared she is.

"Just don't do anything stupid Jennie, i promise it will be quick" Kai mumbled  he unbuckled  his belt and tied it into Jennie's hands behind her back, Jennie's face is still pinning on the table that's why she couldn't see Kai. He hurriedly removed Jennie's leggings, after that, he unzipped his hands with his shaky hands. When he finally touches his cock he didn't make much time and decided to thrust it quickly into Jennie's. Jennie is crying and screaming for help but it seems that Kai can only hear his moans, as he is getting satisfied because Jennie is still tight.

I've been really okay in our set up with Kai, because Jennie and i has been talking about it a lot. In fact i also already spent some time with him, and i now i totally get it why he and Jennie became friends... He is funny, talkative to the point that you will never get bored when you are with him. I am not threatened when Jennie is with him, because i love her, and i trust her that she wouldn't do anything that is not included in the agreement. Besides, we only have few more days until we disband, and by that time... we could finally tell the world that we are really together.

Kai took out Jennie earlier to have their last date and a farewell because soon they will have to stop doing it and now it's getting late, both of their phones are turned off. I decided to call Jennie's mom, maybe she is there because she wouldn't spend the night alone with Kai.... but in bad luck she isn't there. After a few times of calling her, she finally answered it...  "Nini? where are you? are you gonna come home tonight?" i murmured. "I'm with mom right now, she said she misses me a lot and wants me to sleep over tonight, i'll come home in the morning" her voice was kinda different but maybe it's because of the cold weather. "You're with your mom" i repeated her words because maybe i misheard her, but she hang up on me... she never does that. Why would she lie to me?

Jennie didn't kept her words with Lisa. She avoided Lisa, and she doesn't want the tall girl to know what happened to her, because of the fear that Lisa won't believe her, and Jennie doesn't want to talk about it with anyone because of the fear of judgement... because even her, she's blaming herself from trusting Kai. Jennie ignored Lisa's messages and calls for almost a week, because she's thinking on what's the best thing to do... she thinks that ending things with Lisa will be the best choice she could do after what happened with her and Kai. She did not said goodbye or talk to Lisa and went to Paris with Kai, because Kai is blackmailing her with their sex tape. She even blocked Lisa on every socials that she have. In her defense she knew that they would just beg each other to stay, but she can't... because she feels that Lisa doesn't deserve to with someone who's a mess like her. After two weeks, she found out that she's already pregnant, Kai impregnated her forcefully. Kai told Jennie to keep the baby of course Jennie is happy  for the blessing, but she isn't happy with Kai, she couldn't even look Kai in the face because of what happened... But she has no choice, she now needs Kai, for the baby. As soon as they confirmed that she's pregnant, they flew back to Korea, to tell this about their parents and their management.

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