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Let's say that this is the time of the year where the girls are allowed to go wherever they wanna go. And Lisa and Jennie has been waiting for it ever since, as they got together. They even have their own plans. They will go to Thailand secretly to have meals with both of their parents as a sign of formality, because both of their parents has been supportive on their relationship ever since they started dating, except Jennie's father. Her dad wants Jennie to have a family in the future, that's why he is against Lisa and her daughter's relationship.

Jennie and I booked different flight dates so that it won't get suspicious to the media, I went there first and Jennie and her mom will come on the other day. Honestly? i am not sure if what were doing is a good thing right now, given the fact that the CEO already warn us.... but we just wanted to spend the holidays together and promised ourselves to be cautious in our actions. I'll be going on the VIP parking lot of the airport with dad right now to pick up Jennie and her mom. I know it's been only a day since we've seen each other, but i already missed her. She and her mom are both wearing their disguised outfits to avoid controversy. After a few minutes of waiting, i can already see my baby walking with her mom wearing a fancy sunglasses, As soon as me and Jennie's mom locked our eyes, I immediately bowed my head as a sign of my respect."Ohh Lisa it's nice to see you again" her mom said while giving me a kiss on the cheeks. On the other hand, Jennie did hug my dad, they've been close to each other, and my dad treats Jennie like her own daughter... Jennie even mentioned that he likes my dad more than she likes her own dad. Finally, after the formality with my parents, it's time to finally hug my girlfriend, I gave my girl the warmest hug that i could give her as  i sniff off her sweet scent, that i've been missing and whispered "i love you" on her ears before entering the car. "Come on mom is waiting at the hotel" I mumbled to Jennie, as i point the tip of her nose.

We will have a small family dinner tonight on a fancy restaurant, owned by one of Dads' friends... We already talked to them a week before to make the small gathering as private as it could be. Good thing, because they are really doing their jobs because they've limit their guests who can enter their restaurant, that's why we really enjoyed our peaceful dinner. Both of our parents is discussing something, while me and Jennie is busy under the table, don't get me wrong because we're just busy playing with each others hands and not what you guys are thinking. The dinner didn't took that long, and after that dad drive us back to the hotel so that Jennie's mom could take a rest. "You guys okay if i take a rest first? I'm feeling really dizzy right now" Jennie's mom mumbled, while we're on the elevator. I don't know why but as soon as i heard her mom speak Jennie and I looked at each other while smiling like crazy person, "I really don't mind mom. Take a rest and enjoy your suite" Jennie uttered still locking her eyes into mine. Her voice saying those words turned out to be fucking sexy and i just couldn't handle it, and that made me cleared my throat.

Jennie and I will be staying in one room, and this time we're really alone. Yes we do sleep in one bed in our apartment but we didn't dared to do some extra curricular activities because we're afraid that the Detective and her assistant might her us (sorry chaesoo) it was a real luxurious room, and it has its own private pool, well i picked this one because i wanted to have a swim, but i know i will be lazy to go to the hotel's pool, so why not bring the pool in my room right?. When Jennie opened the door to our hotel room, I started to breathe heavier and faster as wild thoughts with my girlfriend started to visit in my mind, i know i shouldn't be thinking of this, because we really haven't talked about it yet. I tried to regulate my breathing and control myself as i put down our bags. "Babe i will just take a swim, you better take a rest before your motion sickness triggers again" i said and kiss Jennie on her forehead. Jennie just nodded and remained silent, i know she suddenly isn't in the mood, but i didn't bother to ask her why because maybe she's just tired. I quickly hopped in to the pool just wearing my boxers and sports bra revealing my abs.

I am playing with the water as thoughts of Jennie visits my mind again "Yahh lisa don't you ever think that to your girlfriend!!! You malicious pervert" i argued with myself as i splash some water in the pool looking like a crazy person. I stopped when i saw Jennie approaching me wearing her two piece swim wear with her furrowed brows. "Fuck? is this really my girlfriend?" i whispered so she wouldn't hear me, it felt like my jaw dropped seeing her like this, her curves is perfect.... and everything about her is. I can feel it in myself that, i am getting warm again because of the sexiness of Jennie. "You didn't even asked me if i wanted to join you? instead you ordered me to sleep!? How dare you" Jennie said with her sharp cat eye like eyes. It's like everything that Jennie does right now is turning to be effortlessly sexy, or is it just my dirty mind? she's slowly getting inside the pool with me, still not removing her gaze into mine. It feels like i am drowning, even though i am not. I tried to distract myself as i continue to wet my face, but it isn't helping... I am already burning hot.

It seems like Lisa saw a ghost when i joined her, her face were really turning red. I love to see her like this, because this just proves that i had this huge effect on her. As i am walking slowly in the pool,  to get to the corner where she is... i didn't removed my stare at her, i am fighting my laughter because Lisa couldn't handle it. I love her, and she loves me.. I know that because i can feel it, we've already known each other for a long time and i guess i am ready to do this with her. After a few seconds of teasing her, i finally reached her but left a feet apart but still, i can hear her heavy breathing. "Is this sexy enough?" i uttered to tease her again, but instead of responding she hurriedly went for my lips, but i was faster than her. I stopped her from kissing me by placing a finger in her lips. "Not so fast Lalisa" I whispered. This time i walked a few steps backward, i can see the confusion in her face. After a few steps i stopped and reached the tie of my bra and then untied it using only my one hand, i slowly removed it and threw it on Lisa's direction. "Oooops, my mistake." i blabber and got out of the pool half naked. "Yah! Kim Jennie. Stop provoking me, because if something happens---". "if something happens what?" i interrupted her while biting my lower lip. "If something happens, i can't be gentle" Lisa said and hurriedly followed me as i run inside the room.

She caught me and finally Lisa's hands are now on my waist, while mine is on her nape. "I told  you to stop provoking me" she mumbled and aggressively grabbed my thigh, while harshly pinning me on the wall. She's right, she can't be gentle. She hungrily lick my neck, trace down my pulse while her other hand is playing with my chest. I am starting to moan but then stopped when she carried me to the bed, maybe she also couldn't take it anymore as she removed all of her clothes, and came back on top of me. She hungrily kissed my lips while softly biting my lips, i felt that her hands is exploring playing with my tummy.... and down... down to my soaking wet centre, she didn't waited for too long and inserted her two long fingers inside of me,  i whimper in pain and in pleasure as she continuously thrusting it inside of me... it's good that i am wet so that i won't be in real pain. "Wanna add more?" she said as she uses her other hand to remove some hair in my face. I was gonna response to her but i'm already too late, she inserted three fingers inside of me. that all i could do is to bite my lips to avoid making more noises.


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