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Lisa tried her very best not to think about what happened between her and Jennie for already a week, and yes it was hard for her, but she doesn't have any choice but to accept the fact that her and Jennie would never happen. Good thing Jennie is acting like it also never happened that's why she encouraged herself to do the same thing, besides Lisa don't want to have any awkwardness between them during work. She was about to attend a meeting today, to finally meet the new CEO of their company, they don't know her yet but she hopes that she will do better to support BLACKPINK. Lisa is waiting on the elevator when someone hugged her from behind that made her startled, "Lisaaaayah!" she slowly turned her head to face that cheery voice and saw Somi smiling ear to ear. "Aishh, Don't do that again" Lisa mumbled as she placed her hand to her chest in her surprise, and then went to give Somi a warm hug. "What are you doing in here right now? Are you with the girls?" Somi asked as they slowly went inside the elevator. "An emergency meeting with the new CEO.... and yes they are already on the 16th floor waiting for me, they came first because i went to film something that's why i'm late." Lisa uttered softly as she couldn't remove her smile just by seeing Somi, because they've already been friends for a while. "Yah, we're gonna be on the same meeting! please seat beside me  Scary Mentor Lisa" Somi teased Lisa about being the scary mentor because, Lisa is the new dance mentor in the reality show Youth With You. Lisa responded by a chuckle as she remembers how scary her face was when she is teaching her trainees. They were both laughing and talking about the reality show when the elevator opened, they saw Jisoo and Jennie together. Jisoo flashed a smile when she saw Lisa with Somi, but Jennie's reaction was the opposite that made Somi's smile vanished. Maybe Jisoo saw the turn out of events, "You two are already late come on, they are waiting" Jisoo blabber and grabbed Lisa and Somi. The meeting ended shortly, and it was really a bad news for Rose... They didn't know that the meeting was all gonna be about Rose, they were told that Rose's solo were gonna be postponed again, because the new boy group of the YG Entertainment will debut. The girls really felt the sadness within Rose, but still Rose manages to deny it.

I didn't know that our system could go much even worse! they already promised the blinks and Rose to have her own Solo, and i really don't know why they are doing this to her. No matter how much she told us that it is okay, we can see it in her eyes that she is fighting her tears. "Chaeyoungah! Don't worry it will happen soon okay?" Jisoo mumbled as she hugged Rose "Unnie, i told you already... it's okay and we need to support the new group" Rose blabber, but she can't fool anyone in this room. "Does anyone wanna bond tonight?" Somi interrupted the moment that made everyone looked at her except to Jennie who even gave her an eye roll. "That  is a very great idea, what should we do? should we watch movies? eat something? or do you guys wanna sneak some alcohol?" Rose responded acting excited nto Somi's idea, but i know for the fact that she just wants to change the subject, and divert everyone's attention into Somi's proposal.

Don't get me wrong, i love Somi and i totally support her in her career like an older sister would do, but that all change when i saw her with Lisa. I can feel that there is something that's happening with them, and maybe my hinge is right because i've noticed that she couldn't remove her gaze from Lisa, whenever Lisa smiles? she also smiles and that really irritates me. She even suggested a fucking bonding with the group! that's why here i am, sitting at the corner of her apartment sipping some margarita, while looking at the four of them that seems to be happy without my presence.

Jennie excluded herself from being with Rose, Jisoo and Lisa because Jennie thought that they are enjoying Somi's company but infact they are worried about her. The four were doing some shots of vodka and enjoying themselves, while Jennie was just looking at them... and yes she's also drinking but not as wild as the others. She's sometimes taking a glimpse of Lisa who's more becoming loud and energetic because of the alcohol and laughing even on the lame jokes of Somi. "Lisa, i have one question for you before you take this shot... who would you date if you are a man?" Somi curiously asked Lisa, that made Jennie looked at them. Lisa smiled a bit and the silence filled the room, because Jisoo and Rose is also waiting for Lisa's response, intrigued indeed on who might Lisa wanted to date. "Well.... who else would i date? i'll just date myself" Lisa blurted as the disappointment on everyone's face was visible. "YahhH! LazyLisa! I've waited for a good answer and you'll tell us, you just wanted to date yourself?" Jisoo mumbled in annoyance that made the four of them laugh in tears. After a few hours of hanging out, they decided to finally head back home to their apartment because they already have drink too much. Good thing Jennie isn't that tipsy like her other members, that's why she guided them on their way to the apartment. As soon as the door of their apartment opened, Rose and Jisoo hurriedly placed themselves on the couch, and they don't care if they sleep there because they couldn't walk to their rooms because of the dizziness. While Lisa left with no other choice but to walk to her room because the couch is already occupied by the two.

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