Twenty six

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Minutes of driving knowing that Jennie is out in the woods alone, feels like years for me... As i grip tighter on the steering wheel and look blankly on the road. "I'm just angry because, she isn't taking care of herself" i blabber. My mood brighten up when i saw a girl trying to walk in fast pace, but you can easily see that there is something wrong the way she walks. I quickly stopped the car, got out and run to her. She was still sobbing and shaking like a scared baby. Her eyes are already swollen and her nose is becoming more reddish."Dd - on't touch me, i am okay. I just want to go home. I will go home" Jennie said as she burst more into tears i hate seeing her like that, it breaks my heart even more by just seeing her deeply in pain. "Jennie it's about to get dark soon, it will be hard for you to go home when you are just walking. Let me just drive you back at my house" i said as very calm as possible to avoid her being more scared to me."No thank you, i also bought a house here. And i can reach it by walk-" she didn't continue to say the word when her other foot already given up. I did not waste my time and could not bear to see her like that. I have no choice left, she is in the middle of pain yet she is still being stubborn and does not want to listen to me. I carried her forcefully but careful not to add more pain to her body.  "Please Lisa, put me down... or just call Chaeng and Jisoo" then she tries to get down but her body is weak. "Just listen to me first and stop being so stubborn" i said. "Just please call them" she blabber.

I opened the door to the front seat and let her seat there, luckily she stopped from resisting me and just remained silent as she refrain herself from crying more, but i can still hear that she is releasing sobs. I am now kneeling beside of the front seat while the door is still open trying to see what is wrong with her foot. "I am the one who's here yet you're looking for them? Let them have their time." I said jokingly trying myself to comfort her from crying, but i guess that didn't work because she remained silent. "So what's wrong with your foot?" I softly asked. "Cramps" she said firmly and wiped the tears in her eyes that was already gonna fall in any minute. I took her foot and stretch it, i heard her groan in pain... but she didn't complain because she wants her foot to be okay. After treating her i closed the door and walk to the driver's seat and turned on the engine .

"So you bought a house here?" i asked, she responded to me with a nod. Knowing that she also did what we had planned before still made me happy, and sad at the same time... we both planned everything... and now we're fulfilling our plans separately.  "Look, i'm sorry as much as i want to drive you to your house, i can't. It's getting late and i couldn't leave you out there alone, you didn't even bring your car" i blurted, still no response to Jennie. I don't care if she'll get mad, but i am bringing her home with me.

"You did not even asked for my help... yet i am complaining. What a douche" i said as I softly chuckled. But still, she is not responding. I looked at the rear view mirror of my car and saw her just looking outside. I did not know this side of Jennie before, I haven't seen her this sad and empty. Or maybe she just refuses to show me this, because she's always been cheery for me.  "About your baby...." i paused and took a deep breath but she cut me. "You're right, it was my fault. I don't deserve to have my baby. My baby can't have me because i couldn't even make a huge decision for my fucking self" she uttered trying not to break her voice. "I got mad at you when you drowned in the water. I thought you did it on purpose because i saw scars on your wrists... Don't ever think of lying to me, i know those scars Jennie....At first I thought that reminds of how weak you are.... but i was wrong, you are so brave that until now no matter how shitty the situation is? You’ve managed to live and i am proud of you...” i mumbled with full of honesty, she has been through a lot... "I've done stupid decisions Lisa, that sometimes i wish that i could go back in time just to fix it... Maybe things would have turned out to be different right now... i should have never hurt you" she uttered now looking at me. I reached for the break, and decided to pull over for a second, to properly talk to her. "Geeez! Jennie, it's all okay now. Look, i am happy for you and Kai... and i have Irene now. Maybe we didn't end well for a reason, our decisions before, led us to the right person... i think we're just really meant to be friends after all" i blabber that made her smile... I love her, i still do... but continue loving her is painful, she still cheated on me, she still didn't chose me when i begged her to stay with me... Plus, she is now with Kai, the man that Jennie's father wants for her daughter. Besides i have Irene, who really loves me and continuously choosing to stay by my side when i had no one... and soon i will learn how to love Irene more than just a friend.

Now i get it how she acted earlier... she still cares for me despite of what she thinks i did to her...The scars on my wrist happened when i lost my baby, it’s like I already lost the will to live again, but i know ending my life will not do anything good, that's why i remained positive despite of my struggles.

I told Lisa that if i could go back in time, to fix everything... i wouldn't ever hurt her, i was gonna tell her the real reason why i didn't choose her, but she pulled over and told me that she is okay now... and she is happy with Irene. Even though i still love her, telling Lisa about the truth won't make things different. What's the purpose? if she is already happy and in love with Irene.   When she told me that she is happy, a smile appeared in my face...

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